#I bet they'll look really pretty when they're fully grown
dyk3-on-a-byk3 · 2 years
my apologies for not sending a ask in a while. i look at your ask box but realize that i dont have to time to write one of my asks and when I do have the time, I forget to :/
I did get to plant my tulips yesterday! :D they're gonna hopefully grown into pretty white and red striped/red flowers in spring, it's a touch early for me to plant them bc as of right now it's September 23 and the recommended time to plant the bulbs is October and December.
Planting them also reminded me to properly bag the dirt and clean the pots from the summer plants that unfortunately died due to less sunlight over August and overwatering so I'll try to be careful to not do it.
I would try again some time but not now as I've learned my lesson in caring for 15 sprouts. There wasn't enough space on the window to fit them all and have them get sun
I did try to write the creature that I mentioned but it got too big for my scope and so it's not finished and I'm aware that I won't return to it for a time between tomorrow and never but I also wanted to share it with you
<><><> are cut offs that I didn't seamlessly translation to, they're stitches to each paragraph (also seams and stitches, like sewing and knitting. i call my writing style as scenes stitches together into one story)
As much as it doesn’t like the things that wander into its home. it also doesn’t want the young to simply die. it would be cruel, their death would have been a mistake. it doesn’t want something so young to die because of a simple mistake.
it presses on the small thing’s chest, like how it had seen it be done before, applying a light pressure with its knuckles.
Water began to spill out of their mouth, with some of it landing on it, that was good. Even if it had to deal with gross water until it can clean itself later, it means that the liquid is getting out so it presses against, just a tad bit harder.
the little thing began to jerk and struggle against its hold, coughing up more water. it chirped and clicked soothingly in a attempt to calm them down.
After several long and painful minutes where it clicked worryingly as the thing got rid of the water in their lungs. the little thing heaved up on last dribble of water then stopped. Stopped moving and went limped in its hold.
it shook at them, panicked and hoping that they haven’t died. The thing makes a whining noise and grabs at it’s fur and buries their face into it, this new position made it able to feel their breathing.
Good, that was good. it means that they’re still alive. it pretends that it doesn’t trill at the feeling.
What does it to do now? It didn't plan too far other than "save the child." Now it's stuck with a child that's already dozing off to sleep, not knowing where or how to find their parents, and if it did; There'd be a high chance it'll get attacked. Another thing to add on top of their problems was that it smelled.
It could obviously keep the kid, raise them as their own, but it knows it wouldn't be a good idea.
For one, it had no clue how to raise a child. The only experience it had was a small four legged animal, and all it did was toss some meat in their direction while hoping they'll leave. It doesn't even know what to feed them! Never mind that it didn't really want to, it entertained the thought but realized it wasn't for them.
So that means it'll have to think of another thing as it begins to walk away from the river with the child.
along the way, the youngling makes a bigger attempt at commutation as they walk. tiny chirps and sounds too familiar to the ones they heard before, but they don't seem to be malicious.
it indulges into the things fantasy, making clicks and chirps itself. snickering when they try to make the small complicated clicks and failing.
A loud noise erupts out of nowhere and it’s on high alert, an ear twitching to follow the sound. Rough, it recognizes the sound as being the ones from the things that try to kill it. That meant there was danger.
The sound came from the path ahead and was rapidly approaching, sounding like a distress call. It doesn’t take chances and possibly gamble with both of their lives so it scoops up the child, ignoring the yelp coming from the child and dashes up the branches.
it climbs not too high up, it couldn’t really. there was only so far it can move up with one of its limbs preoccupied. Still, it was just out of direct sight.
With a claw over the thing’s mouth to silence them. It waits, listening and watching the ground. Waiting to see what comes out.
The sounds of the wind, the stream, and small fast creatures running invades its hearing along with the sound footsteps coming closer. it growls at the extra information it doesn’t need, shakes its head to regain focus and zeros into the footsteps.
A rock is pelted straight to its head, causing their grip on the branch to loosen as they hiss.
The parent fretted over their child and
it tilted its head to the side when the man turned to itself, speaking in a soft yet gruff tone, genuine unlike the many others who tried to fight against it. Strange but stranger still was when the youngling wiggled their way out of their father’s grasp and approached it with the same yellow flower.
they held up the small plant, clearly as an offering. even as the parent grabs onto the shoulder and tries to pull them back, the child is stubborn.
it continues to see the child through the suns, always playing in the same spot. it doesn’t approach and keeps itself hidden from their view, it thinks that the kid could still them through the beaches they climb. a hunch based on the numbers of times the child looked in the same area they were hidden.
It truly a shame as I did want the father character to give the creature a cape of some sort as a gift for protecting his kid. I'd imagine that the creature wasn't 'born' persay but I'm too quite sure how it came to be (a curse would be fun but atlas it'll make way for even more world building and characters)
The creature by the end of the story is reviered as storytale creature. Something that little kids would believe in and that teens would scoff at and the adults would be split in the actuality.
After all, marks on trees can't couldn’t have come from a wolf or wild cat, it would be too high for the wolf and the marks deeper than what a wild cat can make. The clicks has to come from somewhere and no fabric is dyed that shade of orange. But they have to come from somewhere.
A throughout time sequence would be cool as well.
The creature, who is able to dodge the hunters and pass on as a old wives tale, still living even after the people upgraded to photography and guns and not just swords. The things they collect from people who had dropped them accidentally. The observations of how cameras work and to disable them as pictures and drawings were what drew to people to start hunting it.
It wouldn't be able to learn to understand language but it can be taught to do certain things. It's smart enough to learn things easily after witnessing a couple time.
Did it learn humanity? Well kinda, it learned from what it seen and how it preiceves things.
Small children who don't know better, chirps and short light sounds convey friendliness, images of itself means its known and has to hide.
Sometimes it doesn't care to learn certain things like fire, it could be useful to it but it only sees the desolation it leaves behind after a forest fire, the sticks that people use to try to locate it, cooked food seemed like a chore and not worth the effort.
Digging through something that is able to understand things in its own way with completely different biology, priorities, and experiences is cool I think.
And I haven't really thought about how it looks like...... whelp, the imagination of the audience can fill in the rest
-reblog mutal anon
holy shit that's a really amazing story...wow dude im at a loss for words oh my god
i can barely write this that's awesome as hell woah
I'm really sorry for the short response I just- don't really know what to say this is fucking amazing
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