#I came here to get info on a PC build and learn some unity
catdemontraphouse · 2 years
So lately I’m like shit I need to build a new pc but idk anyone local who can help me put the thing together! So a friend/colleague of my mom’s former coworker happens to teach game dev and is “building a pc” for said coworker’s nephew? so I was like hey could I talk to him? And she’s like yah I’ll set up a time and u can even sit in on his game dev class. So I’m like ok that’s cool maybe I’ll learn something even tho it’s younger kids like, I’m pretty low lvl so 🤷‍♀️
I get there and she drags me around to introduce me to the whole school, which ok fine. She keeps pestering me “ohhh we need subs u should sub!”Im like” no no Im not good with kids I don’t wanna teach etc. let’s just go hang with ur comp sci buddy so I can pick his brain abt pc stuff like we talked about.” But every now and then she still bugged me about it tf
But then we get further into this “adventure” and I was forced to listen to Dr Phil’s clone in the mechanics dept rant abt his life for like an hour of agony in a windowless workshop, then I meet the computer guy and he fucking says “oh im not very good at building pcs either”
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so im like oh god then why tf am I here?? but then he tells me he’s certified teaching unity game engine and shit im like ok cool I can get some tips abt that and while the kids work we can talk or I can listen to what he’s teaching them, this is still good!
WE PLAYeD “SUPER UNO” the whole time…yes the card game, with paper cards we didn’t touch a PC at all. I says to the woman who lined this meeting up “when we doing game dev?? Wats going on?”
“Oh we’re not.” Bitch what???? “Maybe at lunch” well this was at 10:00 and I got there at 7 so I was like helll nah I ain’t sticking around here no more
She also hated the kids even tho they were rly good kids and very nice and she kept antagonizing them to the point one kid farted on her lmao. She was triggered the girl was on her phone and so decided to be a total arsehole about it and then pick on her?? I tried to like tell her hey cmon, I feel bad for them poor kids she goes “oh I don’t” fuck off Karen! Poor kids wanna play games too and we’re fuckin stuck with this Uno bullshit?? In the “game dev” camp class? Wtf!! So I fucking left as soon as I found out there would be no computer stuff… in the game dev class…. but I’d been playing super uno for an hour already waiting to get to the computer stuff so I could chat this professor up ykno??
What a day. I woke up early in the morning for that… yEAH. Those poor children. That one kid should fart on her again lmao
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