#I can’t stop thinking abt this gifset btw
nouies · 5 months
hi, lou! 💙
thank you for your great wishes. i really feel better now, don't worry! 🫂
i think i have watched two or three documentaries. can you recommend me your top 3 favorite? 😄
oh, i understand how you feel. i have been in a writing rut for few days. i think was a bit too harsh on myself, because i just want it to be perfect, you know? and i'm not really satisfied with what i have written til now. as you know, this is my first time participating in this kind of fests, so i was wondering... what does a "check-in" mean for the event? my work should be ready til the date of the check-in or...? 😞
it's so good to see louis again. i missed his pretty face so much. he looked so happy and smiley. can't wait to see more from him this year. 🐳
scotland and brazil sound amazing! one of my friends went to study in scotland and after she graduated from college, she decided to stay and work there instead of coming back to my hometown. i have always dreamed about traveling all over the world. the most recent destination i put on my wish list is madeira island. 🦋
my questions for the day: what inspired you to make gifs and gifsets? how did you learn to make them? 😇
take care,
- your secret valentine 🥹
hi, my love! 💖
i’m glad you’re better but just in case, pls know that you always come first.
mind you, i haven’t watched a lot, i have just started so i don’t have favourites yet. but i’ll mention the last ones i watched and maybe they seem of interest to you: “american nightmare”, “keep sweet”, and “escaping twin flames”. check out the warnings though, they deal with heavy topics.
i completely understand you bc it’s how i always feel when writing a fic, i want everything to be perfect, but we’re humans and we’re not perfect. the best thing we can do is just enjoy the process. i know you can’t tell me too much 🤭 but ask yourself what are you most excited to write abt and then write it (a first kiss? a conflict? the end?). it may help you to see with clarity where your story is going. like, i stopped working on my wip for several days bc i can’t seem to write any descriptions but yesterday i was like “what if i just write the dialogues and leave the rest for later?” and that’s what i did, so now i’m excited to keep working on the dialogues and i can add the descriptions later, or change them as the story goes idk. and maybe i’m just biased but to me you’re amazing, and i’m sure your story will be too bc you’re the one writing it. <3
as for the “check-in”, i think they just want to make sure that the person is working on the gift bc if i remember correctly, the creation period marks until february 13th which means you have until pretty much the very last minute to finish everything. i’m so nervous abt it bc it seems so close now but i’m sure we both can do it! 😁
seeing louis was everything i needed and more tbh! i feel that’s why i was extra motivated yesterday. just seeing him makes me extremely happy 🤧
madeira island sounds amazing! i just googled it and it looks like a great place to visit. i hope you get the chance to do it!
ooooof, i hope i don’t bore you with this lol. when i first joined the fandom, i met a person (i won’t name them out of respect bc it’s a unique name and maybe they don’t want ppl to know, they’re not in the fandom anymore) who knew how to make gifs and graphics. i felt like i wasn’t contributing to fandom anything bc the only thing i did was reblogging (which btw that’s already doing so much in this era where no one wants to reblog anything), so i asked this person if they could teach me how to make them. i started with graphics bc it was easier for me to work with pictures and stuff, and once i get the hang of it, i started with gifs. the first ones i made were of louis saying “soccer” for the usaians benefit 🤧 but anyway, even before starting making gifs, i was in a gc with a lot of gifmakers and they were very welcoming but i felt alien being the only one who didn’t know what they were talking abt when they were complaining abt frames, and quality, and colouring 🫠 i have to thank A LOT of ppl in the fandom who used to make tutorials, share their colouring tips, and just in general were very supportive. none of them is in the fandom anymore but you can still see their gifs around heheh. i know i’m not the fastest one making them, but i still feel proud of the quality and the colouring in my gifs <3
i have a question for you! if louis was an actor, what kind of movie would you like him to be in? 🤩
take care, my sweet!
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taeraenomuyeppeo · 4 years
🐻: lmfaooooo not the dick joke 😭 but that was really funny of him 😌 id honestly loveeeeee 2 talk abt ten he’s so cool so your askbox is perfect tbh! wjxjrjs that pokemon metaphor PLEASE i took a bite of that fairyland food and now i’m stuck here 😭 i feel like i’ll tell on myself if i talk too much abt my biases but i’ll say that 2 of my faves are jaehyun and joy! and i’d love to hear about your favorite eras for ten, as well as some of your favorite songs (kpop or not!) :000
lol i’m sorry but i do love a brave dumb man who is not afraid to open his mouth and Say Things. i hate to admit it but it’d probably make my top 10 ten moments. i love replaying it in my head and just remembering everyone’s faces. and i’m laughing very hard right now bc you called him “so cool” and i’m just “but HE’S SO EMBARRASSING!!” haha xD 
and speaking of brave dumb men: jaehyun is also one bc you gotta be a brave dumbass if you follow a goose with a camera. they are savage beasts and it’s a miracle jung yoonoh is still among the living (T人T) this is my ways of saying “a+ bias choice” btw. i love him. he’s so weird and ugh THAT FACE OF HIS HOW DARE HE ( ≧Д≦) (his beauty makes me angry, i’m sorry ( ⁍᷄⌢̻⁍᷅ ))
lol but you called ten “cool” haha... i’m enjoying this too much (′ʘ⌄ʘ‵) 
AND JOY ☆゚・*:。.:(゚∀゚)゚・*:..:☆ i love anyone who loves joy! i’m leaning more towards irene and seulgi with my rv biases but miss joy i love A LOT, too (*ꈍ꒳ꈍ*) so you have GREAT taste in humans, tiny bear! ♥
hmmm but my favourite eras... all of them? if it’s ten, then i love it. i’m a simple woman. but if i had to pick just one i’d say baby don’t stop... which conveniently started playing on spotify right now... i mean, it is a nct/wayv only playlist but still... do i have powers? Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) okay, but back to ten! i’m absolute trash for nct u and for empathy era and hate sm for not giving us any new content in centuries ugh. i’d kill for another proper taeten duet (maybe for something superm relate pls? pls, sm? i’ll take anything t.t) because i love ty SFM too and i think they worked perfect together both as performers (THE TALENT) and as people. i mean, their personalities are so different and their interactions are so interesting because of it? and bds era definitely proved that ty is a rl angel because ten was A LOT (read: his usual self ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ).
but for wayv eras i’d say... the current one? idk how it’s possible but he’s even more RADIANT? he literally glows and it makes my heart... 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。 plus, him embracing his eboy look is just pure gold. 
hmm... my favourite songs... hmmm... i laughed a bit because i spent yesterday night being emo to tove lo’s romantics, lorde’s tennis court and partick wolf’s augustine. that was my entire playlist and i was very emo but the second i woke up my yestoday obsession came back bc i’m currently going through a yestoday phase (IT’S AN UNDERRATED MASTERPIECE). lol okay it’s an even harder question than the one about eras... hmmm but my current faves - aside from an underrated masterpiece yestoday - are pporappippam, domino, feel good (i want seulrene to perform it!!!), nature’s girls, apple and golcha’s omg. but i’ve been mostly jamming to 127′s bsides because i made a playlist when i was making a top 10 gifset (it was supposed to help me narrow it down to 10 lol) and now i can’t stop :((((( 
and what have you been listening to lately, tiny bear? ^^ oh, and what did you answer on the last question on the nvyctmail form? the one about fave nct title song and wayv bside? :D 
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