#I can't believe I didn't get S.Yuel tho
thatweirdnoiseat3am · 5 years
Granblue Spark Report
So I figured since I got 160 sparks off the roulette I might as well finish it off.
Target: Shiva (or Zoi?)
The remaining 140 draws started out really, really bad, with a dupe of W.Lancelot (whom I’d suptixed last year)
But then things started looking up
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Sure, she might’ve gotten powercrept, but she’s still v good
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I’m not sure where I’m gonna put her, since I run a kengonito team, but I love her design
and finally...
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Well, now I can’t say I never got my spark target from draws. But now I’m seriously torn - S.Zoi or Alexiel?
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Pros: enmity enabler, allows for insane burst in dark and some other elements, CUTE, cons: apparently enmity is being phased out? also not as useful in long fights
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Pros: like, the best character in earth rn, absolutely busted, part of endgame earth comps, brings a ton of utility to HL raids, cons: ehhh, tbh I don’t really care as much about her as a character, and probably won’t get use of her straight away because my earth grid sux
0 notes