#I can't post my fave image for every fandom because that's too many fandoms and tumblr can't upload that many images in one post
coockie8 · 1 year
what is your fav art piece your done?
Oh, that's a hard question haha I don't think I have specific favourite piece in general, but I do have favourite pieces for every fandom and OC artwork.
This is one (There's Something About Mr. Masters) is probably my favourite Danny Phantom artwork. It's the lockscreen image on my PC and everything lol
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This one (Drakaerys; Cosmic Entity of Power, nevermind tumblr killed the quality a little bit haha) is probably my favourite OC piece (though it will likely be replaced by Pidge: Cosmic Entity of Thought once I actually get It done because Pidge is just my favourite Cosmic Entity lol)
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And this one (Introducing Millie, which has never actually been posted because there's a fic that goes with it) is my current favourite for The Walking Dead, though I'm working on some other pieces currently that may dethrone it lol
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Aight, my turn to give you numbers for this Daydream ask game thing
2, 7, 17, 18, 19, 26, 28 (I hope this isn't too much)
i haven't gotten many asks so this many numbers is perfect!! :D extremely long post ahead be warned
2, 7 — the super happy life of akemi ōtani (samurai warriors fictparacosm)
17 — most/all of them
18 — queerer things still
19 — yttd paracosm 2 (yttd fictparacosm)
26 — most/all of them
28 — loust (lost fictparacosm)
2. if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
since it's a blanket paracosm it encompasses every daydream i have about the koei warriors games ever, but here are some highlights (mostly lowlights) of this hypothetical fandom:
only focusing on the few romantic ships despite it being primarily a platonic/familial relationship-focused paracosm
chikurin-in being assigned as lesbian because she's mean even though she's canonly pan and ace (which would also ensue some Discourse)
people will find akemi annoying and ditzy unfortunately :(
kanbei's disabilities (his blindness in one eye + his bad leg) after being freed from imprisonment will be ignored entirely
modern au tattoo shop/flower shop with kanbei and hanbei (this is a positive. i think this would be cute. sw5 definitely, sw3 and 4 maybe but it's hard for me to imagine that kanbei having tattoos when he looks inches away from death. a needle on his body would simply make him pass away)
7. imagine your paras have at least a basic knowledge of driving (or even just like, cars). can they parallel park?
assume this is a modern au 👍 i'm only gonna do the four main paras that this paracosm takes its name from, because otherwise i'd have... a lot of characters to do...
AKEMI: confidently believes she can parallel park, results vary but skew towards being dogshit. she will absolutely hit the car in front of or behind her at least once, and will even use it as a way to adjust. she has gotten several notes left on her windshield because of this. she continues to try despite the haters. go girl!!
CHIKURIN-IN: parallel parking was the first thing she wanted to master specifically because she knew akemi would never ever be able to do it and then she would have to. is very good at it, but is also a bit aggressive about pushing her car into the tiniest spaces possible just to prove she can. she also insists on complete silence while parking and if you even breathe too loud she has to halt the process to yell at you for breaking her concentration.
YOSHITSUGU: he puts on so little airs about it and is so chill that people assume that he can parallel park. he can't. he avoids it at all costs and will park blocks away from where he needs to be just to avoid doing it. he is at peace with this, and it drives everyone who knows him well crazy.
TAKATORA: can parallel park just fine, but angrily curses like a fiend while doing it such that you would think he's trying to adjust over a minefield. being in the car with him is like doing math homework while your dad yells, "WHAT'S 6 TIMES 7?!?!?!" at you as you sob onto your worksheet. the back of the passenger seat has permanent indentations from how tightly he grips into it when he turns to stare out the back. oddly enough, he is not prone to road rage?
17. make one of those "[blank] spoilers without context" memes for your paracosms. then explain it (or don't :))
i made this a while ago (which inspired this question) so here you go (plus a gif i was gonna add into the original image, but it downgraded the quality by a ton)
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18. who is your second favorite para, and why aren't they your favorite?
hm this is hard! i think maybe rory is my second favorite only because he has the least opportunity for angst? however he's very comforting so he's high up on the list. enya is probably my fave because they are rife with drama and angst (and bonus: the two of them interact a lot because he's a very chill and nice friend to them)
19. what would your paras' typing styles be like? do they use lots of emojis? sign off each text like a letter? type with lots of weird spaces and ellipses?
again using the four main paras for this and not the whole cast
MONA: definitely uses texting emoticons as a little garnish. something like: "hi mom ^_^ what's for dinner? :0 love you <3"
RANMARU: uses emojis sparingly because he doesn't really get what they mean. the end of his text will always be something like "what does 💀 mean mona am i gonna die. why did you send me 😭 are you okay"
EMIRI: she loves emojis and they punctuate nearly every text. lots of these -> 🥰☺️💛👏🥺😂
SHUNSUKE: He texts all properly like this, and it's very weird. Corporate businessman core. Occasional red heart emoji. ❤️
26. FREEBIE! drop some long-winded lore or some memes or whatever you want ^▽^
i edited this tweet for mona a while ago because it fits her so well LMAO
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28. for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
absolutely lmao. i have paracosms for tv shows (namely 1) the arrowverse combined agents of shield and 2) lost) and i have a paraself in both of those, so whenever i watch them internally i'm like "where am i and why does no one care about me in canon >:("
and poor sawyer got hit with the OC-ification beam the hardest (new boyfriend and adopted child) so whenever in canon he's like "i'm doing what i need to do to survive... i can't connect with anyone emotionally... ghhhhh" i'm like don't worry baby go cry jags about it into your bf's shoulder and stop your kid from biting people <3
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jikookssii · 6 years
5 ways in which Jeon Jungkook is unable to resist Park Jimin🔥
Appreciating that gorgeous Jibooty. His fascination with Jimin's ass is no secret. He is either lusting over it from a distance or outright spanking him. Either way, I love this song.
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Manhandling Jimin however he pleased and Jimin lets him do whatever he likes without much resistance. It's cute how he shifts from being a flustered baby because of Jimin's advances to going full kinky dom mode on him when Jimin teases him too much.
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Their gazes is what made me stan them. Yet the way Jungkook looks at Jimin is something else entirely. He stare at him intensely and when Jimin stares back he averts his eyes. But there are some rare moments when he doesn't ie the moments when whole Jikook fandom goes nuts.
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He really can't help touching Jimin even when there is absolutely no reason to. There are so many such moments. And those are my absolute faves. Clingy Jungkook is what i live for.
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Let's be honest, Jimin's waist is a piece of art. His fixation to Jimin's slender waist is so strong that he always finds his way back to holding Jimin by his waist. This simple gesture is so fuckin boyfriend.
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Jungkook really loves Jimin like this. There are days when he is a little reserved and there are days when he just can't keep his hands to himself. He flirts, teases and is all over Jimin. Jimin is always pliant and gives him his full attention. Whether they dork around together or hang off of each other, the tension between them is truly undeniable. I believe they talk more with their eyes than with skinship. But there moments of skinship are also something we can't skip. For me, their skinship is different from every other ship's.
I had more moments for each point but tumblr only lets me add 10 images at a time. Anyway, leave your thoughts on this below and let me know what you think or if there is any point I missed.
Also, I made a Jimin's compilation too. I'll post it sooooon ~
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