#I desperately need more sir pentious content so I'm just. picking apart random ass details in an attempt to get s o m e t h i n g out there
I've seen a couple of theories on what Sir Pentious could've been before he went to Hell, and while I personally don't have any theories of my own, I would like to point out a detail that, despite actually supporting most of the theories I've seen, is often neglected; his hat.
We know that a sinners demon form is meant to reflect/poke fun at the kinds of people they were when they were alive, the most popular example being Angel's families web of crime making them all spiders. There's also how Husk appearently(?) wanted to be a magician when he was younger but gave up on that dream as he grew up, only to end up with a demon form that makes him look like he's a magician anyway. I think Sir Pentious' hat is probably something similar. His hat doesn't seem like a physical part of him, but it DOES reflect how he's feeling at any given moment, even if he's trying to hide said feelings. Basically even if Sir Pentious had the best poker face known to man, you'd still be able to tell he's nervous because his hat would be a dead give away. We also see in the trailer + on the General Pentious card that his general hat *also* has an eye on it, meaning either his normal top hat can shapeshift, any hat he wears(that has room for it I guess) will gain the same eye as his top hat, or he just has multiple hats with eyes on them. This could mean that whatever he did when he was alive required him to lie a lot, or he just lied to people for fun or some shit who knows, and now that he's in Hell lying is a lot more difficult because he literally CAN'T keep a game face without his hat giving him away instantly. Plus, the fact that his demon form is a snake also lends itself to him being a pathological liar, as many people who theorize about him have pointed out, since cunning, manipulative people are often called snakes.
Like I've said multiple times, the most compelling theories about Sir Pentious' life and why his demon form is the way it is usually suggest him being dishonest in some way, and I guess this theory(?) is just kind of an extension of those lol. Idk I just haven't seen many people addressing his hat face and I wanted to throw my two cents in :)
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