#I didn't even make 50 posts about the Cass portrayal like I wanted to
renaroo · 2 years
yeah what YJ did to Chris Kent was... different. the last episode does show that his mom is still pregnant with him even after the "main" Lor-Zod dies. so maybe in future season (if there ever are any) this baby could grow up and have a similar plot to what he actually had in the comics and eventually turn on his parents and get adopted by Clark and Lois and raised as their son. maybe.
that's what I would like to happen anyway. not sure if that's what Greg was planning from the start or not though
I know there's a time travel element to it but it's not really helping with the fact that the comics post-DC Rebirth and this adaptation seem interested in Chris and his story only as a way of making him an "Evil Superboy Foil" to whatever "biologically good" Superboy they're fronting at the moment, be it Jon or Conner.
And even then it's still going to be a lot of people's first introductions to Chris and maybe their only introductions to Chris is what they got from the evil Lor-Zod.
idk I just have little faith in that ship being righted. Especially considering YJ's handling of Cassandra Cain or Halo or ... well, any of my personal favs honestly. They make so many confusing unforced errors for no reason and don't seem to even understand what is messed up about the changes and choices they choose to make. Why would they change now?
I'm also going to point this out, since my friends @secretlystephaniebrownpointed it out and it's been on my mind ever since -- there was a specific choice made by the creative team to make the evil version of Chris POC and I don't... know what to do with that other than to point it out.
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