#I didn't even mind the whole mona thing but it would have been nice to see Haru outright stand up to her father
rose-void-789 · 1 year
So I'm currently starting the third semester in Persona 5 Royal, and one thing that got me thinking is that the whole depth of mementos was like Mona's whole story and arc. Cool every phantom thieves has a palace that develops their character.
So can someone please explain to me what the writers at Atlus were drinking when they decided to give that much importance to Morgana in the Okumara arc? I love that scene where Mona is standing up to Yalabalth while everyone's down but it sort of pisses me off how he also had that moment in Okumara's fight when that should have been Haru's moment.
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taldigi · 5 months
I don't know if I completely agree with Futaba not fitting the theme. I mean, most heist films have a Hacker character that is an absolute genius and can do some utterly unrealistic but cool stuff. So I felt like she fit in just fine. Especially because, as of late, Hacker characters have become younger to play into the joke of young people being better at tech than old people with the older people needing to rely on kids for their elite Hacker skills. So I never got the impression that she was off theme. I can agree that Futaba gets a bit too much focus, but I wouldn't really consider that a fault of her character. Rather, a fault of the game as a whole as it struggles to handle the larger cast in the later half (with Makoto and Futaba overshadowing Ann, Yusuke, and Ryuji + the Mona/Ryuji arc being rushed alongside Haru's intro). The romance is bad, yes, but I don't think it's prevalent enough for me to be annoyed with it (a few lines that can be easily ignored). And I wouldn't say Futaba is mean to Mona, so much as her existence manages to make Mona feel insecure, so I never held that against the character nor did I feel Ryuji would be better suited for that role (as Mona never really viewed Ryuji as someone who could be a threat). As for the boundary pushing behavior... I don't know. Maybe it's because of the way they presented it (comedic + no on seeming to actually mind) that it didn't bother me.
While I disagree, I totally get where you're coming from!
It's just odd cause... the majority of Persona feels magical instead of scifi. Even the Metaverse Navigator app feels more magical than techy- which causes Futaba stand out so severely.
Did we need a hacker to fill in the thief archetypes? Maybe. But she should have been more of a looser and the narrative (which has been shockingly mature with all of it's characters) should have addressed it more.
Persona is anime coded and all of the characters are "beautiful" but i have... met real hackers and tech geeks and trust me she.. is not it.
Heck, she eats nothing but dad's curry and instant noodles. Her room was an actual dump. She might have actual muscle problems from not moving or leaving her room or getting sunlight. Instead, it adds to her initialization by making her pale, lanky, and fragile. She's meant to be the sexy shithead little sister that anime nerds love and it shows- and.. it works. People love her. So task successed failurely.
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And, while I admit- All the other characters are complicit. Futaba really stands out as someone who fucked up and was insanely unapologetic about it... which, again.. would work but this is.. supposed to be after her change of heart, right?
Being mean isn't always an active choice. Even hard-coded kind characters like Ann are guilty of being mean to Morgana! (Morgana himself is mean!) and she absolutely did not intend it. While the narrative needed them to butt heads over the next palace, Leader Boy Joker should have been given a better option to step in or AT LEAST for Makoto to say something.
The Mona disappearance arc should have- NEEDED to be better handled. If they needed more days, story should have been gleaned or compounded. The beach episode could have been smushed together more, the hawaii thing could have been better (also yeah the hawaii thing was a SUCH wasted opportunity! You should have been able to buy rare items or visit tourist attractions for stats! Wasted for a dumb "wow phantom thieves are popular!" thing. It could have been both. IT COULD HAVE BEEN BOTH-)
As for the boundry thing.. well, im just hyperaware of the insidious nature of anime tropes. Even tho I hate it (if you touched me the way ppl touch ren I would probably reflexively hit you)- much akin death and taxes, sexy girls hanging off of everyman anime protags is indefinate and immortal- and the opinions of some nobody blogger who doesn't even really like "anime" isn't going to mean much.
Thanks for the reply, tho! It's nice to discuss things!
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dr-mizmix · 5 years
In your wings
There was a lot to unpack. Many things had happened over the course of the last few days but neither of them seemed to have enough courage to articulate their thoughts. Both of them discreetly glared at each other waiting for the perfect moment or maybe just waiting for the other one to start. Either way, the bus arrived before anything could be said, leaving them to march into the empty bus and sit down together.
Crowley rested his head on the window sighing exhausted as the bus began its journey to what should have been Oxford but ended up being London. Aziraphale discreetly glanced at him examining his state. He was covered by sweat and ashes from head to toes, with two seemingly recognizable sources of each substance: heat and anxiety sweat and bookstore and Bentley ashes. He could also smell the remainings of an almost completely evaporated alcohol trail; he knew where that came from. “You appear to be extenuated, my dear,” he gasped preoccupied.
Crowley turned giving Aziraphale a tired smile, “Well, saving the world ended up being way more exhausting than I anticipated.”
“Ah, will you embrace another 100 year nap to deal with it?” He tried to sound carefree but he couldn't hide his disappointment.
“No.” Crowley replied almost instantly. Afterwards he paused slightly embarrassed because of his timing. “I've become quite fond of this time period.”
“Oh, then we'll be able to see each other more often don't you think, dear boy?” His curious and friendly manner made Crowley's face blush.
“Yes, I s'ppose so.” Aziraphale tapped his shoulder as if to ask him permission for something and even though he didn't quite understand what he was being asked, he found himself complacently nodding.
Seconds later he had an smiling angel using his shoulder as a pillow and playing with his hair. He took some air gathering the courage needed for his next move and then proceeded to slowly place his arm behind the angel who replied by making some complicity noises and snuggling.
It took hours for the bus to arrive to London. They may have averted the apocalypse but the M25 is still the M25 and no amount of Anti-Christ magic could change that. But as the ride wasn't all that bad, they found no reason to complain and instead they silently enjoyed the silence, the peace and the company.
“We arrived”
“After you”
They took the elevator to the attic. Aziraphale thought it was ironic, a demon living so close to the sky. Crowley opened the door allowing him to see his apartment for the first time in maybe decades. The walls were gray and the apparent didn't have many furniture or decorative objects, but it was done on purpose. The way everything was spaced out and decorated resembled Aziraphale what Heaven would look like if they knew how to decorate a place. Not that Crowley's place reminded him of Heaven, Hell no! But Crowley captured the open concept monochromatic style in a way that somehow transmitted love instead of emptiness.
“Your home is pretty minimalist” he finally concluded.
“Yeah, that's what I was goin' for” Crowley studied Aziraphale's expression looking for his opinion.
Aziraphale directed his sight to his houseplants gently grabbing one of its leaves “I heard you have the most wonderful plants in all London” He redirected his sight to Crowley who seemed tense and smiled candidly “But I would say they are the best in the world. You're really talented.”
“Thanksss” he covered his mouth after hissing.
“Don't worry about it my dear.” A painting on Crowley's wall caught his eye “Wait a minute, is that the…”
“Mona Lisa. You are correct. Da Vinci lend it to me in his will.” he answered proudly
“So you are the famous Salai.”
“The man didn't know how to keep a secret”
“So all those paintings…”
“Oh no, no, no. Was I Salai? Yes. Did I pose naked before one of the most famous artists to ever exist so they see me naked for generations? No.”
Aziraphale couldn't stop himself from grinning “Understandable. Any other artists you befriended that I don't know about?”
“Eh” He looked at his 'evil triumphing against good' statue and discreetly miracled it out of sight “No.”
“I know it's not your thing but if you want to sleep” he pointed at his bedroom “The bed is yours, I'll crash in the sofa.”
Aziraphale yawned stretching his arms, thinking “You know what? Sleeping does sound well. But given that your bed big enough for two, there's no need for you to sleep anywhere else.”
Crowley devilishly grinned “Just know I have a tendency to hug the nearest thing near me while I sleep.”
“You say that as if it was a problem, dear” that came out way flirtier than what he expected. Not that he regrets it.
Crowley miracled himself into a black silk pajama when he sat down on his bed spreading his wings to examine them. “Tch, my wings are a mess!”
“I can fix them for you…” Aziraphale proposed slightly blushed
“Would you really do that for me?” He asked almost incredulous.
“Well of course, my dear.” He sat down next to him while blushing in the most undeniable way “After all, my wings are messy too” giving a playful smirk.
Crowley scanned Aziraphale trying to read the room as he became more conscious of each word he said “Are you suggesting me to groom your wings in exchange of being groomed?”
“Maybe” He placed his jacket aside the bed “It's common knowledge that demons have better groomed wings and maybe I am jealous of certain demon I know because he has the prettiest wings in the universe.”
Crowley smiled and pulled his tongue out “Then ask him to do it”
“Don't be like that!” he laughed.
“Sorry” he tapped Aziraphale's back ordering him to spread his wings “Come on, I will try to undo years of neglect to your wings.”
They took off the clothes that covered their torsos. Crowley handed Aziraphale a bottle which he examined intrigued.
“You use cinnamon oil to groom your wings?” That explains how he manages to smell so nice.
“Obviously angel, I'm a demon not an animal. What do you use anyway?” He opened the top drawer of his nightstand, searching around its contents.
“I didn't… Angels don't…” Aziraphale was extremely ashamed. Apparently he's been doing it wrong for more than 6000 years. It takes dedication to do something wrong for 6000 years.
“You've been grooming your wings just with your hands this whole time?” He took the dramatic color change in Aziraphale face resembling the one of traffic light as an answer. “No wonder why angels have such nasty wings” Crowley smiled endearingly.
He showed him a luxurious unopened bottle of vanilla scented oil. It looked like if no one had touched it since the day it entered his drawer. “I have a feeling that you might like this one.”
“Thought you'd like it.” Crowley seemed confident on his answer but he still waited doubtful.
“It's actually my favorite.” Aziraphale smiled and Crowley smiled back with an expression which could only be translated as 'I knew it'
They stood on Crowley's bed with Aziraphale sitting on top of Crowley's legs, chests almost touching so they could reach all the way to their backs and wings completely spread. Aziraphale opened the bottle of cinnamon oil and unfurled some of Crowley's smaller feathers as he did the same. Crowley then took the liberty to move on to his primaries, going through them up and down one by one almost as if he was giving him a massage (he was).
“Your wings are really soft.” Aziraphale giggled as he spread oil on them.
“That's what happens when you treat them correctly.” He stopped for a second in order to focus on the feathers of the end of Aziraphale's wing (scapulars) “After being in my hands yours will be as well.”
They kept silent until Aziraphale slowly wrapped his legs around Crowley embracing in some sort of hug
“That's not my wing.”
“I know. Do you mind?”
“I s'ppose not.” he stopped his massage and smirked “But remember that two can play this game.” Crowley grabbed Aziraphale by his wrists and carefully pinned him against the bed.
While Aziraphale hovered his hands over Crowley's back, he tenderly drew shapes with his palm on Aziraphale's trunk.
“May I?” The angel pointed at the demon's glasses with the intent of getting rid of the awful barrier. Crowley nodded and shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal while he took them off. Aziraphale beamed.
“They are really beautiful.” the angel admired the demon's eyes, hypnotized.
“You…” he sighed
“What is it my dear?” Crowley's head slowly approached Aziraphale's “May I?” Aziraphale nodded while Crowley gently placed his hands under his tilting head in anticipation of what was to come.
Their lips matched as they closed their eyes. Crowley stopped breathing as he focused on feeling his Angel's hair. Aziraphale's senses augmented as he heard a muffled 'I love you' and instinctively gripped the demon's hair to pull him even closer. It was a slow tender kiss that gave so many answers yet created so many questions. Unsurprisingly, they repeated it again, and again, with muffled 'I love you's coming from both parties.
“You are beautiful” He kissed him again, “You are the definition of beautiful” And again, this time more passionately “You are the most beautiful thing in the world.” His eyes shined golden amber as they filled with tears and emotion “If I had the chance, I would name the entire firmament after you, I would wait a million years just for the chance seeing you one more time.” Aziraphale's wings spread fully making Crowley smile
“Oh my dear boy, you're going to make me cry” Crowley's fingers were now tracing an infinite between Aziraphale's wings which made him involuntarily arch his spine.
“But you shouldn't angel. It should be blasphemy, sacrilege to make someone as beautiful and as good as you cry. You are the most precious being in the entire universe and I can't believe you're in my arms” His fingertips practically flew above the angel's skin, making minimum contact but activating most of his nerve receptors.
“Crowley” Aziraphale placed his hands tightly around Crowley's face as Crowley flapped his wings to spread them.
Crowley got closer to his neck to whisper so him and only him could listen to his words “I love you angel. I love you. I love you.”
A few seconds later Aziraphale managed to reply between his heavy breathing “I love you too.”
As soon as he heard it, Crowley dropped embracing in a hug using arms and wings which didn't took long to be reciprocated and kissed Aziraphale sweetly as many times as their bodies allowed them. “I love you” “I love you” “I love you” at this point they couldn't tell who was the one saying it, but did it matter?
In the end, they didn't end up sleeping but who cares? They have the rest of eternity to sleep or not, they can do whatever they want now that they know they own each other's heart.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Body say (9/?)
Ellie and Luca spend the day with Colt and friends. Will they be able to get along with the pending divorce? Catch up HERE
Raiting: Mature. This chapter contains NSFW content.
Pairngs: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
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Song inspiration:
Ellie darted across the Dormitory parking lot. he feet sloshing through the large puddles, body frozen from the cold East coast rain. She mentally reprimanded herself for committing to a school where it gets so cold. She pulled her rain soaked clothes off,immediately upon entering the warmth of her Dorm. She put on her trusty Langston sweat shirt on and a pair of leggings as she sat indian style on her bed.  She pulled the cardboard box from the bag and ripped it open, tearing the foil wrapper as the plastic stick landed in her open palm. How did she end up here? In this mess?
She had been in school a few months, constantly tired, nauseous, she chalked it up to stress and nerves. It wasn't until her jeans wouldn't button, and the increased appetite did she realize she was late, very late. She took a deep breath, walking into the bathroom. A few minutes later she sat the test on the sink, forcing herself to look at anything but the slim piece of plastic.
Ellie paced the floor, it was the longest five minutes of her life. She was a smart girl, straight As, Valedictorian. Her common sense went out with window when it came to not one, but 2 bad boys. The phones timer went off, with shaking hands she reached for the test, flipping it over.
Two pink lines.
“Ellie? Earth to Ellie!”
“Hmm, what?” She perked up. “I was saying,  I have Darnell’s number, you'll need to call his office and set up and appointment. Jesus,  where were you?” Riya stared at her best friend. “I'm sorry Ri. My mind was elsewhere.” she sat up, trying to give her full attention.  “Yeah, no shit. Whats on your mind El? You've been lost in thought a lot lately.”
“I was just thinking about the past, about the what if’s.” Riya rubbed her temples, this was the same song and dance she had been going over with Ellie for the past 5 years. Ever since Luca was born, she started with the what ifs.
“What have I told you about the past?”
“That its the past and there is nothing I can do to change it.” Ellie sighed. “Very good. But what you can do is focus on the future.  Soon you'll know who Lucas father is, and you'll have that closure.” She squeezed her hand. “speaking of closure. Have you told Colt you filed?”
“Yeah. I um called him the other day and told him.” she filled Riya in in the conversation she had with colt, how he wasn't happy about her filing and asked her to reconsider. She and Luca were headed to Colts house the next day for a bbq and she hoped it wouldn't be awkward.
The next morning she woke up to Luca in her face, overly excited for their trip to Colts. Ellie got up and went through the motions of getting ready and also packed up. Colt gave her instructions to bring a bathing suit for them both, and a change of clothes as well as Pajamas incase they decided to stay over if Luca got tired. She chuckled to herself at the memory of their conversation.  She had been doing this far longer, yet here he was telling her what to pack.
Ellie loaded Luca into the car and put the address into the GPS. She had recently bought a new car, Toby cried when he seen it. He was upset she did not take him with her and called it a grandma car. Her mind wandered, wondering what Colts home would look like. She had been to Logas house, it was beautiful,  big, not something she would have picked herself, but it suited Logan well. When she thought of where colt would live, she could only picture the old garage. The small, Dimly lit living quarters off to the side with 2 small bedrooms.
She turned off the road, to where the GPS told her to.  Her eyes widening at the sight in front of her. It was a modest blue,beach front cottage with a large wrap around porch. This was definitely not the garage. She got out of the car, unhooking Luca from her car seat when she looked up to see colt standing shirtless at the top of the stairs. “Cooooolt.” luca went running into his arms. “Hey squirt,  you ready to have some fun?” Luca shook her head enthusiastically “Ahhh heck yeah I am.”
“Luca! Watch the language.” Colt chuckled shaking her head. “Go on in and see uncle Toby. He's been driving me crazy for you to get here.” Colt walked down to the car helping Ellie with the bags she had.
“You didn't tell me you lived at the beach.” She eyed him. “Yeah part time. You like?”
“Well the outside is beautiful, I haven't seen the inside yet.” He gave her a smirk motioning inside.  The inside was just as nice, the walls were painted in earth tones, a nice nautical theme decorating the walls and tables. She didn't see it being the work of colt, clearly a female decorated, maybe an ex girlfriend?
He showed her around, three bedrooms, 2 bath. a nice kitchen, living room and dining area. She felt a bit jealous, she always wanted to live at the beach, or even just have a beach house to disappear to every so often. “Gangs all here. Toby, X, Mona. Want a drink?” He asked. She nodded “I'll have a glass of moscato if you have it.” Colt walked into the kitchen returning a minute later, glass in hand. “I asked Ximena to find out your favorite.” The gesture making her smile.
They walked out onto the back deck, Ellie hugging everyone her eyes settled on a woman, with long brown hair she had never seen before. Colt placed his hand on the small of her back, walking her over to the mystery woman. “Ellie, I would like you to meet my mom Darcy,” He looked at his mother “Mom, this is Ellie.” Suddenly Ellie felt very awkward, she tried her best to steal her nerves and extended her hand. “Hello, it's nice to meet you.”
“Oh honey no, I don't shake hands.” She stood up pulling Ellie into a hug. “It's nice to finally meet the elusive Ellie. If it wasn't for the few pictures he would stare at for hours, I would have thought you were fake.” “Mom.” Comt gave her a pleading look. “Pictures?” Ellie arched her brow at him, she made a mental note to visit the subject again later. “Ooook, I think Mona is looking for you.” Colt interrupted.
The afternoon went by, they ate and reminisced about the days of the MPC, Darcy sharing some stories of her time there, at least the ones she didn't mind Colt hearing. She had moved past that life long ago, but something in her eyes told Ellie something was unsettled there.
Colt and toby took Luca down to the shore line, letting her play. Ellie sat at the table watching them. The way Colt took to Luca warmed her heart. “Mind if I join you?” She looked up seeing cindy “Sure.” She answered, quickly bringing her focus back to the sight in front of her.  “Luca is a gem, such a beautiful little girl and a lot of sass. She reminds me of Colt when he was a kid.” Ellie turned to face her “Oh yeah?”
“Mmhmm, he was a smart ass from the time he learned to talk. Sharp as a tack too.” She chuckled. Ellie looked back towards the ocean, Colt shooting her a wink that made her momentarily.
“I can see what my son sees in you. Your sweet, kind hearted, intelligent, not to mention cute as a button.” Ellie blushed again “Ah thanks.” “You remind me A Lot of myself when I was younger.” Ellie turned her body towards Darcy, sensing she had more she wanted to say.  “You were smart to get out of that life, make something of yourself. You were smart to file for divorce.” Ellie's eyes widened “Really? You're happy about the divorce?”
She took a long swig of wine, sitting the glass down on the table.  “I love my son. He's always been drawn to the life of the crew, he's got a lot of Teppei in him. Sure he's on the straight and narrow now, but that can all change in an instant.  For the Kaneko's, that life runs deep.”
Ellie couldn't answer, she had no words. Darcy reached out grabbing her hand “I can tell you still Love him, its written all over your face. End it while you can.”
“Well, it's time for me to hit the road. Think about what I said.” Ellie nodded her head as she watched Darcy make her way down to the beach to say goodbye to Colt. She sat there dumbfounded, but Darcy's words replaying in her head End it while you can. One thing she was sure of was the fact she needed A Lot more wine.
They enjoyed the rest of the afternoon hanging out and talking. Ellie sat at the outside table on colts deck. Talking with Ximena, Toby and Mona. They had gotten on the subject of parenting, and how her life has changed since becoming a mother.
“I have never been away from her for a whole night before. I've come home late, and she's been in bed. But she has always been there.”
“Oh sweetie. You need a night for you. Where you don't have to be Mom, and can just be Ellie.” ximena said.  Colt stood against the railing watching Luca play in the sand, but listening to the conversation going on around him.
“I haven't had that in almost 6 years. I wouldn't know how to even act.” Ellie shook her head with a smile.
“Hey why don't Toby and I take her for the night.” Ximena grinned. Ellie hesitated “oh! I don't know.”
“Oh come on Ellie belly. It'll be great. Oh we can make a pillow fort, and watch minions, and make popcorn.” Toby squealed with excitement.
“Its Toby and X, El. You know damn well they would never let anything happen to Luca.” She looked between them, of course colt was right, toby and ximena were protective of her, and took to Luca as if they were her aunt and uncle. “Ok. Fine.”  she sighed.
“yes!” Toby jumped up running to the top of the steps. “you hear that Lulu, you're having a sleepover at Aunt X and uncle tobys house tonight!”  Luca came screaming, “Really? Alright! Yes! Thank you mommy!”
“Don't thank me, thank your Da-. Colt. Thank colt.” she silently prayed he didn't hear it, She didn't mean to say that, she had no idea if he was or not. But all of Colts certainty was affecting her thought process.  Luca ran over throwing her arms around him. “Thank you Colt, thank you so much.” He softened right away, wrapping his arms around her, she could make out a faint glistening in his eyes.
Ellie could feel the stinging in her eyes, it had been the first real bit of raw emotion she had witnessed between either him or Logan with Luca. She didn't expect it to effect her that  much. “Excuse me. I have to go, check something.” she tried to even her voice, but she knew he would pick up on it. She walked into the house, making her way towards the bathroom. “Hey, El. What's the matter.” the tears were already spilling from her eyes now. “No. Nothing. Im fine. Really.”
He touched her shoulder, turning her around. “Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” she half laughed “You did everything right. It just got me a little emotional that's all.” Colt knew what she was talking about,  it hit him in the feels as well.
“She. She really hugged me. Like a real hug Ellie. I don't, I don't know how to explain it.” He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. It was in that moment he knew, no matter what those test results said, he would protect that little girl with his life. Luca was the brightest star in his sky. and ellie was his Sun and his moon.
A short time later Ellie and Colt stood at the front door waving goodbye to Luca. Colt going back Inside to start cleaning up once the car was out of view, Ellie following a moment later. She jumped in the kitchen starting to wash dishes. “You don't have to do that, I can get those.” Colt insisted but Ellie waved him off.
He put the food away, and started cleaning other areas of the kitchen.  “So what are you going to do on your night off?” he questioned as he wiped down the countertops. “I don't know honestly, maybe take a bubble bath, watch some tv.” she shrugged as she finished up the dishes. Her phone pinged from across the room “on second thought,  maybe not.” She frowned. “What's wrong?”
“That was my dad, Sally is staying over. Maybe I'll just get a room for the night.”
Colt walked over handing her a glass of wine “You can stay here, don't argue. I have a guest room. Now take your ass out on the deck and relax.” He nudged her outside as he finished cleaning up.
Ellie stood against the railing, feeling the warm sea breeze against her skin. She closed her eyes letting the sound of the waves breaking against the earth calm her. She wasn't sure if it was her moments nirvana or the wine but she felt more relaxed then she had in a long time. Colt stood against the doorframe taking her in, this was something he could get used to, something he wanted more then anything he just had to change her mind, show her that they belonged together.  
Ellie noticed Colt standing there out of the corner of her eye. “It's a beautiful view.” she spoke, back turned to him.  “Yeah, it is.” He spoke never taking his eyes off of her. He walked over joining her against the railing. “I text X to check on Luca. She's watching a movie with toby in their pillow fort.” He chuckled. “I'm glad she's having fun. Thanks for checking on her Colt, you really have no idea how much I appreciate how accepting you guys have been of her.”
“Hey, you don't have to thank me El. I love that little girl no matter what.”
Ellie leaned up, placing a soft kiss on his lips taking them both by surprise. She pulled back their eyes locked, each searching the other for any sign. Colt made the next move, his lips back on hers this time with more force, he kissed her like his life depended on it, a hunger rising within him that he suppressed for to long.  Ellies fingers tangled in his black locks, deepening the kiss a soft moan escaping her.
Colt reached down grabbing her by the back of her thighs and lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around him as he walked her into the house. He pushed her up against the wall his lips fixed on her neck. Her head was spinning, she hadn't been with anyone in a long time and the way his lips felt against her ignited a flame within her. With her legs still wrapped around him he pulled her sundress over her head, tossing it on the floor as he carried her to his room and laying her down on the bed. his hand reaching around unhooking her bra, tossing it across the room, lips crashing against hers as his hand gently kneaded her breast.
She knew in the back of her mind this wasn't a good idea, but the need to be touched, to feel the pleasure was overpowering. She reached up yanking his shirt off, her fingers caressing the ripples of his muscular chest. His breath hitching in his throat as she reached down palming his stiff length.  His lips trailed down her neck, his lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. His tongue swirled each of her pink buds, giving each attention before making his way down her stomach to her hips. Ellies breathing picked up in anticipation as to what she so badly wanted, needed to happen next. His dark eyes met her lust blown ones as telling him all he needed to know, he hooked his fingers in her lace panties and slowly slid them down her legs.
He settled between her legs, slowly slid his fingers between her slick folds, moaning in Appreciation at just how soaked she was for him. The rumble of his voice and the feeling of his breath against her skin making the anticipation un bearable. Her mind told her no, to stop before it went any further, but her body said differently. She needed it, she wanted to feel his mouth on her, to feel his calloused hands all over her. “c colt, please.” She whimpered, trying to push herself closer to him, begging for him to end her misery. A smirk spread across his lips as he placed open mouth kisses against her sensitive skin.
He jutted his tongue swirling against her bundle of nerves. She let out a loud moan at the sensation, as he skillfully worked his  against her clit, watching her chest rise and fall with hooded eyes as she neared her climax. He slowly slid two fingers into her, pumping them in and out, watching her come apart under his touch.  She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer, her legs began to shake as she cried out his name,he quickly pulled out his fingers, replacing them with his tongue as she came, him taking everything she gave.
Ellie laid there trying to catch her breath. It was everything she needed yet not enough,  she needed more, she needed him. “Colt. Please.” she panted. He stood wiping his mouth, he knew what she wanted, he wanted it to, but he wanted to hear her say it, no he needed her to say it.  “What do you want Eliana. Tell me what you need.” His voice deep and sexy, it made her body ache, and hearing him say her name turned her on even more. “I want you Colt. I need to feel you inside of me.”
I0n one fluid motion he stripped his shorts and underwear down, joining her on the bed. His mouth claiming hers as he settled on top of her. He reached between her thighs pumping his thick long length, teasing her with the tip. “Colt. Please.” she begged. He sunk into her slowly with a low groan resting his head in her forehead. She felt amazing, maybe even better then he remembered.  Ellie sucked in a sharp breath as he stretched her in ways she dreamed about for 6 years.
He began to rock into her starting off slow, allowing her body to relax. His lips softly sucking on the spot of her neck that he knew drove her crazy. He began to pick up the pace, the need to hear her scream his name, to make her come undone becoming to great. He settled on his knees pulling her legs up lifting  her slightly off the bed as she wrapped them around him allowing deeper access. “F. F fuck colt, yes.” she moaned as he bucked wildly against her, he lifted her up their bodies pressed against each other as she matched his thrust. He could feel her walls flutter around him, she was close and he wanted to blow her mind.
His fingers slipped down between her legs as he rubbed tight circles against her still sensitive clit. She buried her head into his shoulder, her arms wrapped tightly around him nails digging crescents into his back as her body began to shake. “Let me hear you Ellie. Let go, I got you.” He moaned into her ear “Oh Colt, yes. Don't stop. Don't stop.”
His name flew off her lips like a matera as the coil snapped, her body shook as she gave into an intense orgasm, her juices flooding his cock. The sensation to much to bare, he pumped hard twice before giving into his own release with a loud grunt. They collapsed into a sweaty heap onto the bed.  
They laid their entwined with each other, neither wanting to move, both in fear that if they did they would lose the moment forever. Ellie knew she shouldn't have given into temptation, but at least this way they got a proper goodbye. “Colt.” she broke the silence, “this doesn't change anything. We can't-”
“Just let us have tonight Ellie.” He cut her off, knowing this wasn't going to change her mind. “Tonight.” She whispered as her lips found his again.
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