#I didn't write it all in the moleman language but they're speaking in it for the mini comic!
children-of-subcon · 3 years
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SOMEONE in this AU had to semi-consistently have a braincell.
Sorry about how inconsistently he’s drawn here :”) Out of all the characters so far, he’s the one I’ve drawn the least. Hopefully as I draw him more it’ll get more consistent!
I’m admittedly not super happy with his colors, but I’ve spent way too long trying to adjust them. Can’t win ‘em all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you’re confused what Prince means by “apocalypse”, he’s talking about Time’s End. The transmission’s happening like right before he goes down to face Princess :)
(His pockets are crescent moons :O)
As always, more info under the cut!
Meet Duke, the co-op partner/alternate protagonist! He’s also sometimes called Mon or Moon, mostly by Prince. In the main timeline, he arrives on Earth sometime around USAU’s version of Seal the Deal.
As the most promising student of Time Keeper’s Academy, Prince was subjected to several experiments, many of them painful, in an effort to study and replicate such qualities. One of these experiments used him to test newly developed cloning technology-- after all, creating a clone would be the easiest way to achieve their goal, right?
As it turned out, they were able to create a clone, but not quite as intended. The experiment sort of “split” Prince. His health and strength were halved, becoming just above that of the average child of their species. The experiments were shut down indefinitely.
Despite everything, Prince and Duke became great friends, and consider themselves brothers. They usually speak to each other in their native language, even on Earth.
While Prince has already graduated, Duke is still in school since he’s technically younger. He wasn’t allowed to study law, so he went into the next best thing-- star mapping! It was a combination of two of his favorite things, space and painting. Since it’s actually part of his job, Duke is a much better pilot than Prince, and can travel to Earth under the guise of “studying”.
Although he loves his brother, he really dislikes when people treat him like he IS Prince, as most of his peers and superiors do, although it’s at least better than the ones who don’t even consider him “human”. So, he does his best to make himself look as different as possible, going as far as dying his hair and changing his eye color. It helps... a little bit.
He’s not super confident, nor very good at socializing, but he’s usually very focused and the only one here with a healthy amount of self esteem. He’s not afraid to ask for help if he needs it, and often helps others realize when they need it too. With the exception of his brother, who is equally as stubborn as him and may need a little extra help with asking for... help. Oh no.
All of his crowns are the same as Prince’s, excluding his default monocle. The glasses are a flair for the monocle :)
Thanks for reading! I might make Duke a small comic at some point, but I’m still working on Bow’s so. We’ll see!
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