#I do have prior experience with stalking/creepiness from blogs so sometimes i might be wary on seeing one what i'm getting into
townofcadence · 5 months
Have you ever not read the rules on somebody’s blog?
Do you find yourself practicing favouritism with certain blogs/muns/threads?
Guilty as Charged (Mun) Have you ever not read the rules on somebody’s blog?
Hmmmm-- honestly no! I think nine times out of ten, I check the rules first if possible and read them. Sometimes when I'm on mobile and the rules aren't accessible because of how tumblr pages work, I'll follow first, and next time I'm on desktop I'll read them, because I don't like mobile web browser version of tumblr much. But I mean-- the person who wrote them did so for a reason so I always try to read them!
Honestly my bigger issue is I've read so many and part of my health issues affects my memory, so I'm more anxious about forgetting something important and doing something wrong. ^^
Do you find yourself practicing favouritism with certain blogs/muns/threads?
I would say kinda? Like. I'm more comfy writing with people I know and trust a bit more. And sometimes a thread just grabs you and you are invested. Sometimes I'll have more than one thread with someone and be super excited about one while the other is in a slow period, so my focus might be more fixated on the one that's currently giving me the most interesting concept to work with!
I don't think I favor blogs that much though. I honestly just wanna build friendships with muns and have fun writing stories together! The only way i might show favoritism is like-- if you talk to me and interact with me, i'll probably be even more invested in what we make because of that more personal connection, or if i get to have fun building ideas for future directions for our threads/stories! But either way, I will probably keep threads going until we hit a good enough end or until my partner drops them ^^
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