#I don't care if you write about your favourite scrimblos do it all you want I just don't want to read it
eluminium · 2 years
i swear to all that is wicked and sullied in the world if i read another fic thats labeled “Boatem Centric” but the fic is basically just Grian, Scar and Mumbo I am going to start spite writing “Boatem Centric” fics that are JUST about Pearl and Impulse because they deserve better then this-
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nnatsume · 3 years
halloooo (୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤) may i rq some natsume fluff? i was thinking about uhh maybe having a date with him? or spending some time with him at his secret room! anything is okay though,, i just want to kith him and hug him so much he's our little meow meow uno! and ty in advantage <3
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a / n: yes you get it guys keep sending me natsume requests!!! we need more switch requests on here go go!! i'm always happy to write about them, they're my favourites <3 hopefully you don't mind it getting a little lengthy.. natsume is our tinepsy skrunkly munkly meowmeow scrimblo he deserves it <3 i also went off again and added s'more stuff..
also, something nice to listen to might be hidden in the sand—short but sweet, i looped it while writing this and the vibes are immaculate!
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♡ — natsume fluff !
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natsume likes to keep the time you spend together only for his and your eyes. it makes them more precious to him because it's something only you can have, and nobody else. it's unique, therefore more valorous.
with him, you have your little magical world. it's your little, secret bubble that only you two can visit and get away from all your struggles for a moment.
naturally, he is more on the reserved side when it comes to your relationship, but that doesn't make it any less exciting or romantic as other relationships. not one for public affections, but when you're hidden away in one of your secret spots, you can't get him off of you.
little notes in your pockets, a book that you've wanted to read in your locker, a little pendant on your table, all signed by him let you know that you're dear to him every day, even if he doesn't get to hold you. give him something back and he'll hold onto it forever, even if it seems so tiny and insignificant. it has meaning to him, it's from you.
natsume's the guy that remembers every single thing. your favorite flavors in candy, the types of jewelry you like. but the thing he can remember best is the way you smile. it's like a stab to his heart every time—how dare you make him feel so fuzzy, you criminal?!
he'll poke fun at you a bit. your face is just so endearing when you're embarrassed, it makes his heart leap too, you know? tease him back, and you'll get a firm flick to your forehead. you're confident, aren't you? pah!, he'll say. his ears are turning red.
he likes to play. play-fighting. it's like you have your own, oversized cat. all that's missing is a fluffy tail and a pair of ears.
"argh! you—", natsume huffed as you managed to roll him over into the grass again. you raised your arms with a laugh of triumph when he stopped resisting, shouting victory. your picnic was long left behind, in favor of your brawl.
suddenly, you felt yourself tip over, right back onto the ground. you found yourself staring back into molten gold. victorious molten gold. "thought i'd give up? you wound me, you know? you underestimated me.", he rubbed it in, keeping your arms pinned down next to your head. "where's my reward, hm?"
your dates would be pretty simple and reserved, but they still feel out of this world. picnics hidden away in a clearing of a forest park, meetings behind the school during breaks, and if his or your parents aren't home, at either one of your houses. careful, don't be too loud, they might find your secret spots! it breaks the magic.
you're not hiding from anyone, but it feels so much more personal when it's only for your eyes. if you would forget, there would be no more trace of it. others may just think you're close friends, but when you look at each other, it's so much more.
he'll take you to his secret room. hey, do you want to learn a trick?, natsume asks. and next thing you know, you've learned how to create little, glittery sparks from your fingertips. yours are a different color, but the color suits natsume's bright green sparks like you were made for each other.
when he's working away on a new project in his secret room, he likes to have you with him. explaining things to you makes him remember the recipes faster! and you get something from it too, don't you?
how about a love potion? you two have a thing where you pour cheap, too-sweet cherry juice into fancy wine glasses and call it love potion. well, if you believe in something hard enough, it'll be true! it can be anything you imagine it to be. that's how some magic works, isn't it?
during classes you don't need, you just go over to have a nap together. curled up against the shelf, some cushions you stole borrowed propped up for your backs, as he has you gathered in his arms. it's alright to miss some, you can always rely on natsume to teach you if you don't understand something. it's a bit strange when you both pop back in, always as a pair. unapologetically. shamelessly.
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yelenaisace · 2 years
MCU/Marvel Characters Tag Game
thankyou for the tag <33 @meidui
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Tony duhhh. I'm not even kidding when I say i can legitimately write an essay on how much I love him <3 + he's the one that got me into MCU/Marvel in general. He's such a complex character and the things that really made me admire him the most are when he conquers his personal demons. One of the things that I love about him the most is that he just tries to be good, and there's just something so inherently human about it that you don't really see in other popular superheroes. And while his actions/decisions may sometimes be vilified by people, I've always empathised with what he does because I (and Steve LOL, see that Captain America/Iron Man Annual (2021) Issue #2) feel that his heart has always been in the right place. I can go on and on about him, but I once saw someone say this about Tony (especially 616!Tony i.e.) is that while all superheroes are willing to risk their lives for a noble purpose, Tony's willing to sell his soul.
(I don't want to flood people's dashboard so)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Yelena <33 honestly I started liking her before Black Widow came out just on the basis that she's canonically asexual in 616 + I saw that Florence Pugh was gonna play her in MCU. And hello??? A badass Russian assassin who can kill people with her bare hands and has the same sexuality as me?? Listen, there's not a lot of asexual characters out there okay, and when they are, they're not exactly in a media that I would want to watch (I literally cannot force myself to watch something just on that basis alone so). While watching Black Widow, I was just so smitten by her!! Look at her, she's so cute!! A squishy lil baby that i wanna cuddle with and give kisses all over her face <33
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Kate!! Idk, is she underrated? I don't venture out much bc I like being in this stevetony fandom bubble so idk if she is or not <3 but cmon, look at her and how can you not ADORE her?? she has a good sense of humour, she just wants to do her best in helping the people around her and she's so relatable LOLOLOL bc if I were to ever meet Tony (yes ik he's not real, im not actl insane guys even though I've said I am 100000 times), I would NOT be cool also and would just follow him around the same way she did with Clint
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) :
DUM-E LOLOLOLOL!! BRUH I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SCREAMED WHEN I SAW HIM IN SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME OKAY?? You guys can all judge me if you want but I do not care! I have never, ever been happier!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Wanda. She IS controversial (in MCU) and I get it because of reasons that I wouldn't be able to explain as clearly as someone else (im incoherent 99% of the time). I'd love to be able to say that I have a strong moral compass that points North all the time to be able to not like her, but I can't help but do. I didn't like her before WandaVision, however, I do blame the writers for that and wished they didn't write her MCU origins the way they did!!! UGH!!! But yeah, the part that made me start liking her in Wandavision was that last episode where the townspeople were confronting her for her actions and she was just crying because she finally realised that her actions are hurting people. And I guess im just excited to see where her character arc is going to go, and I'm fine if MCU wants to make it a redemption arc or a corruption arc because (to me) she's complex and interesting enough for it.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Tony, of course, horse plinko should always be your blorbo <333 i just love seeing my favourite characters (in whatever fandom) be tormented <333 you think Marvel has tortured him enough? Yeah, well I like to see fic writers hurt him 10x worse bc he suffers beautifully okay? Have u seen those panels of 616!Tony just full-on crying/bleeding/bruised (with a full-on existential crisis to boot) and mcu!tony with the bruises on his face and tears in his eyes??
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Howard Stark (616!Howard Stark especially), must i elaborate?? lol.
tagging: @thahiree @avengersprotectionsquad @alwaysash13 @dodqerevans and anyone who wants to do it (you can choose the fandom u want to talk about, it doesn't have to be mcu/marvel!)
It's fun reading people's thoughts on characters LOLOL
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