#I don't decide when this king has a need™ 😔
reginrokkr · 5 months
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I would profusely apologize for spicing the dash up in front of you peeps' cereal in the last day of 2023 and that I won't do it again, but another one is coming.
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poetofthedyingstars · 3 years
anderberry last day 😔
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not proofread and not very great tbh... bUT what da heck it's been fun so. enjoy !!
taglist: @aedan-mills @crispin-kreme @theluminoussunflower
the six swans au,,,,  bruvas mwahhaha u all know that one story? okay quick recap. basically about this; when that one king married secretly a girl who had seven children; six sons and one daughter. the stepmom/queen (?) found out about the kids and cursed the six sons to be a swan. they can only be human for a certain time and tell their sister that they have a way to break the spell— knit six magical nettles and don't speak for SIX YEARS OR ELSE. so this sister keeps on working for it until some random dude king marries her bc she's pretty- then her mother in law doesn't like her bc she thinks the sister is sus ™, accusing her of being a witch. since she can't speak she can't get a lawyer for herself and is thrown to be burned at the stake- that's when the six years expire. before she could get burned, her bros came back bc she gave em the magical nettles and she was finally able to speak and stood up for herself. they lived whatever happened next. SO ANYWAYS HERE'S MY DERIVATIVE VERSION OF THIS *evil laughs* (does not contain angst….? ah whatever just remember it's not that angsty !!! )
Todd was just a young kid when it happened. Barely ten years old. When their Mother married that filthy King. When a good-for-nothing KIng decided to marry their Mother and marry another woman after her; The Queen— more like the Witch— because apparently, their Mother is not worthy to fit in the throne. And she should be a secret. A secret?! What a ridiculous situation! Their whole family?! Hidden?! From WHAT? 
Todd knew that his Mother and their family deserved a lot better. His Mother was everything. His brothers have a lot more to give to people. They deserve spotlights too, you know? They shouldn't live in the Hidden Woods, enduring and tolerating every struggle for being hidden and away from civilization, just because a greedy and selfish King couldn't keep it in him. 
He was angry. A lot. Especially that day when the Witchy Queen came into their house. Pretended to be nice. Pretend to care for them. But that's the bitter truth, huh? Unexpected surprises that come with a smile are still surprises that leave you terrified.
He was barely ten back then when the Witchy Queen cursed his family; six of his older brothers. His Mother, missing. If not for being stubborn, he would’ve been a swan too. He hates that day with so much passion his inside could feel. 
Why is he the one who doesn't get to be a swan? Why can't it be his eldest brother Jeff? His brother is smarter, anyway. His brother, Cameron? Who can be more orderly than him. Charlie, who is more clever than him. Knox, calmer and has a lot of patience. Meeks and Pitts, who are basically the best and best combining all of them. Why does it have to be him who has to solve what is left and endure a life as a human? Why is it when the spotlights close all you can see is shadows? All that is left is the darkness that is full of hate and fear. That nobody ever wants to see. And all that is left is him. Him and a thirty minute spotlight of his brothers. 
He was finally ten then, alone. The sun was starting to dim but not enough to fall asleep yet. Todd’s brothers are yet to come at dusk which means his birthday is over. But, they did come the day before right? It’s fine. He sighed. Sometimes, he thinks that hate and anger is the only thing that keeps him alive. No purpose, no reasons; just an embodiment of pure anger. 
So, why, then again, when this weird kid suddenly got lost in the Hidden Woods, he forgot all about that anger and hate? 
“Hello! Is somebody here? I need help!” shouted he. Todd knew better to not open his door to a stranger in the woods, but this time he felt different. What’s the worst thing that could happen right? So, he opened the door.
“Good evening, sir- er, uhm- are you a kid or… or… a witch in disguise?”
Todd frowned. “What?”
The brunette kid looked terrified. “Huh, I said, you don’t happen to be a witch, do you?”
Todd looked, up and down, to this kid who looked like he could be a Prince. Maybe from a neighboring kingdom- or he could be that wretched Witchy Queen’s son- but that’s impossible! He doesn’t look like her. Not any resemblance. 
“How do I know YOU’RE not the witch?” Todd asked back.
“No! I’m- I’m Neil the second, son of King Thomas. I- I got lost when my carriage fell. I don’t know where I am! Here,” he took something out of his pocket. “This is my token, you can take it and I’ll come back for it to pay you.”
Todd didn’t really want to but took the small bag from Neil’s hand. Hey, if it’s all true, maybe he can sell the token instead. 
 “And what do you need, your majesty? This house is not exactly an inn.”
Neil grinned. “I don’t need an expensive inn, please just let me stay here for the night.”
Todd considered it. What harm could be done? “Just for the night, Prince.” 
They both entered the house. Despite being not welcoming, Todd was still taught on how to have good manners. He served tea and food for the Prince and left him there at the drawing room. He hid himself in the kitchen where a deserted small cake is left uneaten on the table. He bought it himself from town earlier this morning, hoping his brothers would come earlier today to join him. But so far, so bad. 
“Where’s your family?” Neil suddenly asked. Todd batted him an eye but said nothing. “Do you live alone? That must be fun. We have a big home and it’s always full of people. They never do anything fun, though. Full of boring stuff.”
Todd pretended the prince wasn’t there and stared at a window. 
“Hey-” Neil entered the kitchen room with a bard on his hand. Todd saw it and snatched it from his hands. 
“Will you please not take anything from my house?”
Todd placed the bard on the table. His family were a bunch of great musicians- especially his brother, Charlie, he has a lot of instruments including the bard. Some evenings, they will all sit down on the fireplace together and sing to their Mother’s tune. Todd misses it. 
Neil noticed the cake on the table. “Is it your birthday?”
“Do you attend a school? Do they have a class to teach you to be nosy?”
Neil laughed. “Oh, no! But I wish the school did have something like that.” Todd rolled his eyes.
“You’re alone. And it’s your birthday…. do you-”
Todd snapped at him. “Stop, okay?! Leave me alone!”
(this makes me wanna cry and bang my head on the walls but continue to read pls)
He was upset and crying. He left to go to the house’s backyard garden. He hugged his knees and let himself cry. His Mother would’ve told him it’s going to be fine and hugged him. She would have kissed away Todd’s sorrow and agony. His brothers would have made quirky and silly tactics to make him feel better and happy. But they’re not here, are they? And that’s the problem.
And somehow, Neil found Todd in the garden.
“What are you doing here? Leave me alone.” 
Neil pursued his lips and sat beside Todd. “I’m sorry.”
Todd wiped his tears. “It’s not your fault. I’m just a crybaby.”
“No, you’re not. Crying is good for the soul, you know? Tears and weeping keeps a lot of things alive! Like your garden. The sky weeps for them. There is nothing in this world that hasn’t been made from tears and sweat. Sometimes your words and voices won’t be able to describe what you feel so your tears help them. The one who doesn’t speak, which your heart, feels the loudest and cries the most. Don’t feel bad for that!”
“You’re odd.”
“I get that a lot. Do you feel better?”
Todd sniffed but stayed silent for a while. “You were right.”
“Oh… about? The crying? Oh, for sure! Just remember-”
“No! Not that, silly. My birthday.”
“Oh, right. Happy Birthday! I’ve been taking a class for music- I can sing for you,” Neil said and took out a bard behind his back that Todd wondered how he managed to get. 
“I told you not to take any of my stuff.”
Neil ignored him and cleared his throat. “Good sir, I thank you for having a heart of gold. I give thee an everlasting invitation to visit the Kingdom. And now, music.”
He started a mellow tune and sang the most beautiful hymn Todd ever heard. Even the birds stopped to listen, it’s almost as if there was magic in his voice that roped in everyone to listen. It was magical. And although it was heavy on Todd’s heart he offered to eat the cake with Neil that evening.
The next morning, like the wind, Neil was gone and all that was left was a letter. 
“Golden boy, I never really caught your name but in my heart, your face shall be engraved. I will never forget your kindness- although it was quite hidden. One day, I will come back for my token. Hundred of luck for you.
The Prince, Neil.”
A young generous prince like Neil- Todd wondered what if he was a Prince too? Would he look beautiful like Neil? And if so, is it possible to have him as a friend? But that will never happen. First thing first; his family is cursed.  His brothers are swans! How could they break it?
“We finally found a way to break the curse,” Jeff said. 
That was the day where everything in Todd’s life changed. Six years of the unspeakable. Literally! And, sew magic nettles? What does he know about sewing? Meeks and Pitts know sewing alright. Him? All he knows are books and gardens. 
“Todd, this is our only chance to live again. We will be with you every step of the way.”
Todd gulped and then he nodded. He never really liked talking that much, no?
In the span of those six years, no talking and just sewing, Todd learned to write and savor words through ink and papers. It was dreadful just as it was sweet. His brothers and him grew old together. Every thirty minutes was either spent on bonding or planning how to wreck the Queen’s Kingdom once they’re free of the curse. 
It was six years- a big passage of their lives- so much time for planning and feeling. In those six years within every 30 minute of the day for the six brothers, they got some other people to join a rebellion against the Witchy Queen. They grew and grew, stronger and stronger. Todd never forgot about Neil, though. Most of the time, he wishes that they won’t see each other until the six year expires and everything is normal again. 
Yeah. Normal.
“Listen, Todd, the six years will expire soon. The nettles are almost complete and you will be able to speak again. This is the day we shall rise up again-”
“We’ve been rising up ever since we became birds, dumbass.”
“Shut up. Does everybody remember the plans?”
“Yeah, unlike you, we’re not an old man who has a rusty memory.”
“One more and you’ll never return to being human ever again.” 
“I was just joking.”
“Let’s recall the plan.”
“Todd takes the dancing swan to the palace-”
“.. Tonight at the big Gala-”
“.. The revolution is there with us-”
“... when midnight strikes, Todd tossed the nettles to us-”
“... we take our revenge!”
Not a lot of pressure on Todd, huh? What’s the worst thing that could happen?
That’s what he thought years ago, a day ago and a minute ago and it gradually gets worse every second. Todd was voiceless. He was among the crowds of the joyous people of the Kingdom, dancing and flattering each other. He didn’t even notice when he slipped to be in the middle of the dancing sea. Someone was holding- and it was not the wind or magic. Standing before him was a tall brunette who looked handsome as ever.
Todd knows who he is and he wanted to say it in his voice- but the six years curse is yet to break. Neil knew him, though, and he spoke- in his honey dripped voice. When did a voice sound so sweet?
“It’s you, the Golden Boy…”
Todd stared at him. Unable to speak up but in his mind, he had weaved a thousand words he could say to this boy in front of them. It was a quick moment. The calm before the storm. What happened in the next minutes completely took Todd out.
“Please, round of applause for the Witchy Queen’s nephew, sir Prince Neil the second of Perryland.”
… Neil… he’s a… he’s a creature of magic too… like the Witch… who cursed his family. 
The worst thing that could ever happen to him. His heart started pounding, it’s like the walls were squeezing him. He couldn’t breathe. One of the swans pecked him at his knees. He looked at the big clock- it’s almost midnight. He swallowed hard and breathed slowly. Made eye contact with a few members of the rebellion before getting the nettles ready. 
A loud toll from the clock. The swans flew one by one as Todd kept up and threw them the nettle. One by one, they came back to form. The rebellion already took over the Gala. It was chaotic. 
Todd cried and ran outside. He knelt. He didn’t know what to feel but he knew it was a lot. Too much to explain and all he can do is weep. The one who doesn’t speak, huh?
He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Neil’s. He looked up and cried even more and hugged him. 
“Oh my God it’s you,” were his first words after a long six years and he said it to Neil. To Neil.
“Are you alright?”
Todd looked at him. “Todd. Todd’s my name.”
Neil smiled. “Beautiful, eh? Just like you. Just like you.”
Todd is pretty much angry at himself right now. Seems like everytime they see each other all he can do is cry-  but, hey! Which one of them said it’s great for the soul, huh?
Todd took out a small bag in his purse, it was where the token was hidden. All these years, Todd never took it away from him and kept it.
“My token! You took care of it?”
Todd nodded. Neil smiled, a bit of tears forming in his eyes. “Thank you.”
Todd also took something from his pocket. It was a flower pressing of camellia wrapped in brown paper and tied in a necklace.
“Take this, it’s for you,” he said. “Before you go again.”
Neil smiled bitterly and hugged Todd again. “I will come back to you after all of this mess is dealt with, my Prince.”
Todd blushed. 
“Until next time!” 
He was gone. Just like that. In thin air. Doesn’t matter. Todd can wait for years again just for him. 
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