#I don't feel like finding my old lfrp post but luckily i had the formatting saved in drafts
lfrp kasmir calili
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ᛃ THE BASICS ––– –– –
   Occupation: Herbalist    Hobbies: Foraging, Getting absolutely wrecked by fauna she accidentally disturbs, Baths (baths is a hobby), Cooking, Tenderly patching people up while calling them idiots, Knitting, Gardening    Race: Miqo'te//Keeper    Sexuality: Moronsexual    Relationship Status: Single    Languages: Common, some huntspeak  
ᛃ PERSONAL ––– –– –
   Residence: A cottage in South Shroud, overlooking Urth’s Fount. Also has an apartment in the Lavender Beds.    Place of Work: Wherever there are idiots who are magnetically attracted to the sharp end of everything.   Birthplace: The Shroud    Fears: Being insignificant, underwater caves, being badly burned
ᛃ APPEARANCE ––– –– –
   Height: 5 ft    Build: Curvy    Age: 29    Gender: Female    Skin tone: She black    Eye color: Gold    Hair color: Violet/teal    Distinguishing Marks: Gold tattoos across ribs, hips, thighs; Gold sigils on palms, scarred palms.    Common Accessories: Worn leather bag, Silver cigarette case, Lots of gold jewelry, more and more often a large carved walking stick.
ᛃ BODY LANGUAGE ––– –– –
   Walk: Slow, tentative unless she's being guided or knows the area well.    Voice: Low, slightly teasing, with a drawl.    Tics or Mannerisms: Keeps her hands busy if she's nervous: playing with jewelry, picking at her clothes, clicking her claws together. Obviously very tactile, quick to initiate touch with people via leaning on, grabbing arms, pinching.    Smell: P l a n t s, dirt, strongly herbal. Hints of jasmine from the oils she uses for her hair.    Posture: Relaxed, tendency towards slouching.    Disabilities: Blind, completely with no cheating. M O R O N S E X U A L. No magical abilities. Extremely prone to aether and sun sickness.
ᛃ RP HOOKS ––– –– –
   Herbalist and Healer: She has a remedy for nearly everything and can patch up anything short of mortal wounds. Kasmir also just loves talking about plants and their various uses.    Sealing Tattoos: If you manage to get a look at her palms, you'll notice that they're very specific designs: shining gold on top of thick scars. It may take a few drinks and a lot of time to get her to open up about them.    "Didn't you used to...?": Recognize her as the consort of an unnamed government official? Catch her reading fortunes? Tucking vials of illicit substances into the palms of shady looking individuals?
What's goin' on in there?: Got the ability to see aether? Can you sense when something's fucky? You'll probably notice something very off about hers, or the lack thereof.
ᛃ LOOKING FOR ––– –– –
   Foraging Chaperone: Sometimes she gets tired of having a treant knock her down a ravine. Be her eyes and her muscle, as much as she doesn't want to admit she needs either.    Pain Relief: Kasmir is in constant, full-body pain. Various herbs and tinctures work until they don't, and some have terrible withdrawals. If you're peddling something to soothe the fire in her nerves, she'll be your best friend.     Withdrawal Babysitter: When the drugs stop working, so does she. It's not uncommon for her to rip into and try to dig out her sigils, fight anyone and everyone she can get at, and try to throw herself from high places. This is the angst option, and generally requires some level of trust between Kas and the Adult™️.    The One that Doesn't Listen: Look, she's a grump. She'll patch you up and tell you to fuck off. Or she'll fuck you and tell you to fuck off. It's not that she prefers to be alone, she just doesn't understand much else. Stick around sometimes, don't make a big deal about helping her with things (pushing something she's reaching for closer, taking some of the things she's carrying, washing her hair), compliment her plants-- she'll warm up.     VILLAINS: Okay this is more player than character but just g o d give me the baddies. I want some darkness and violence and BAD STUFF.
  Who I am: I am a Mess. That's it.    Server: Balmung, Crystal    Time Zone: EST    Availability: Open forever. I make my own schedule.    Writing Style: Variable. I try to match whatever my partner does. I can have a pretty prose-y writing voice so be warned.    Platforms: Discord for now. My PC bit the dust so I am stuck for a bit. "Oh Mama#3488"
ᛃ OOC INFO ––– –– –
No underage players.
No underage characters. There's really no reason mine would be around children-- she barely likes being around adults.
No weird/possessive/stalkerish behavior OOC. Just be cool, man.
I'm absolutely fine with AU bubbles. We don't have to be canon in each other's lore-- that's a big step! Sometimes we all just wanna have some fun writing.
Slow to respond? Bich me too, tf. Who cares. Write when the mood strikes you! If I'm chatting with you between posts please don't take that as some passive sign that I want you to post! I'm just chatty.
I think that's everything. Honestly just hmu for whatever, y'all. I'm fairly easy to work with and usually down for anything~!
boosty bros, pls! @mooglemeet​ @balmungrp​ @crystalxivrp​ @balmungroleplayers-blog​​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​​
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