#I don't feel like making an entire rant about everything I dislike about this fangame rn but I will at some point ong
ultramori · 1 year
Boyfriend girlfriend weekend they all have end but y'know what doesn't OFF FANGAME HOME
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thatrandomuseriguess · 2 months
aight so i wont be able to do it tonight (sucks for me), but i've still got plenty of criticism for Perseverance (the track), because i couldn't even get the will to complete it, only doing the main part and skipping to Deeper Ruins. So, without much more to say, i summon read more to hide my musical rage.
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due to the fact that there's a BEGINNING to the beginning, which is two patterns by itself, the repetition of an undertale-like track immediately fades. Usually, it's the repetition of the track that ends up making it memorable, by making it loop seamlessly. HOWEVER, the track's repetition gets ruined by the beginning two patterns, which ends up being IMPLEMENTED into the rest of the song, making two odd patterns that get the song entirely offbeat. Second, which is criticism to the song itself, is instrument choice. I get that it's presumably trying to be similar to Undertale's retro style for determination, however the instruments end up feeling bleeding to the ear. The sound of the OG track can be fixed with audio mixing, but still, the instruments won't change. THIRD, unlike most game over themes, Perseverance is trying to be a slower theme, but with the motif, it feels lackluster in terms of dying. Less of a motivation, unlike Determination, and UTY's Justice. It's less of a game over than the unique game over themes that UT, UTY, and TS!Underswap have (i don't have other examples because these fangames came out only "recently" (UT isn't a fangame tho it's just base game)). One thing that could at least begin to fix it is, first. Focus on the theme of UTP. Are there supposed to be more western sorta things? (obv not but still). Are there eastern related things, like chinese or japanese inspirations for characters? (i'm only saying this because of the two comments saying it sounds chinese). It's always the theme of the story that has to be implemented, otherwise a track could have no sense of direction. There's also audio mixing, but that's obvious, with how loud the song is. Don't forget to also at least make it just a little bit faster. You could make it a bit swingy to change the repetition of the song, but the most IMPORTANT thing, in order to make it better, is to remove those starting patterns. It's simple. Four patterns to make a full loop. That's how most of the song I've made went (albeit I always used a different bpm than they used presumably because I have mines fast enough to put it in four beats). If there aren't four patterns that have the loop in, it starts to break down. It could be simplified to two, because of bass, because bass doesn't need to have some complicated looping unlike the lead. The LEAD is something I forgot to talk about. But, my GOD, I really dislike the lead, but it's an opinion. The reason I dislike it is because it just... well, not lacks originality, because it sure has that. But it lacks catchiness. It's not catchy as most UT based tracks, not having the motif that'd catch somebody's mind in a way that other songs have (although, I understand that there's one person (i think, i didn't do my research) making the themes, and the art, and the song, and everything so...) Yeah, that's it for my rant. i'll deal with other songs later. k bye.
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