#I don't have plans on making gorey CG art right now; though Ren's sprite will eventually change (featuring blood; weapons; etc)
14dayswithyou · 4 months
Hello again! Sorry if u already answered something similar to this, but I was wondering: on a scale of 1-10, (1 being none at all, and 19 being something like Boyfriend to Death or Killing Stalking), how prominent will horror yandere aspects of the genre be in the game? Hopefully this makes sense haha ;;
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaa unfortunately I'm not familiar with either of those titles (both have extremely triggering themes that I'm not comfortable with/enjoy even from a fictional standpoint), so I can't really give you an accurate answer T_T
Without spoiling too much, 14DWY will eventually change from being cutesy and pastely to dark and eerie the more "unhinged" Ren gets.
You have the ability to shape Ren's actions and the outcome of the other cast members as well — and depending on those choices — it will be reflected within the game. If you continuously get Ren's Dead Ends, things will become more glitchy and Ren will become more self-aware. If you manage to convince Ren to fall further into the deep end, the themes will become more "darker" and it will be visually depicted through the UI change. If you keep Ren as "Ren", certain assets will change to show that he's trying to make his world perfect for you.
The "horror" aspect will always be lingering within the text and overall vibe of the game as it progresses and adapts to your play-style — as well as portraying the morality of the cast and the impact your choices make.
The jumpscares in the Dead Ends are just a red herring :)
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