#I don't know if I get to EtsuNe today but I will do it as quickly as possible
polar-stars · 5 years
Iburyo. Eizan x nene Weddings ;)
Of course, of course! 
Thanks for asking! EtsuNe was actually asked by someone else as well, so I will answer them in another question if that’s okay ; 7 ; But thanks for asking for them. Giving me the power to talk about one of my OTPs always makes me happy.
Wedding Headcanons:
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I feel Ryoko would wear some dress like this. I won’t search for an exact choice because I am terrible with fashion headcanons but I could imagine something more figure-hugging for her:
Best Man is Zenji and Maid of Honor is Yuki, that goes without saying
This is their song for the wedding dance, I won’t accept anything else: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jiNJYbSMTw
Ryoko’s bouquet has orchids
Their rings are out of wood 
They marry near a forest (Yuki joked they were like a fairy-couple) and in spring, so you see all bloom and let’s just say it’s also a location that has a few cherry trees standing around
After a quick public vote on discord, I’d choose Barcelona for honeymoon. I feel Ryoko would love the warm weather and the aesthetics of Barcelona and just how lively the city is. Also, I’ve been to Barcelona and it’s quite romantic at evening/night imo. I think Shun would find his appreciation in the artwork of the city as well as well as the food and Ryoko is happy and that makes him happy as well. 
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