#I don't know if this'll make it to the people who work on the wiki but man I appreciate you all; everyone in this fandom and the FB team.
iamthepulta · 2 years
To the People who work on The Fifth City's Fallen London wikipedia page, and specifically The Correspondence page, you're the real MVPs and I appreciate u. :') Thank. ♥
(and really, the whole wiki in general; you're putting the lore into essays and truly, gods bless.)
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salty-dracon · 3 years
not date: qrow from rwby
HAHAHA oh this'll be good. let's go
1. he's an alcoholic. i'm super anti-alcohol in anything but small quantities because it does bad shit to people and alcoholics are awful to hang out with. looking at my second college roommate. also the smell of alcohol makes me physically sick. like literally if you drink regularly don't even come near me because i will be one drunken act of drunken stupidity away from killing you. according to the wiki he's trying to stop but like... he's still an angry/depressed drunk lol. and i'm not about to trust someone who is prone to relapse the moment he loses his job
2. dude was inducted into a secret society by like... the immortal soul of satan's husband? you'd have to read my stories to know i do not trust immortal people at all, nor the people that serve and defend said immortal people.
3. he's basically got two kids (ruby and yang) and adopts like four more throughout the course of the show (ren, nora, jaune, oscar) and i'm not about to get in the middle of that or be their mom
4. his semblance is the one that makes bad things happen to people. i am already clumsy as hell and i'm still working on not putting all my self worth on how much money i can make like any servant of the capitalistic grind. i can't stand another bout of misfortune destroying my life every four years like it ALWAYS DOES. that's kind of why he avoids people in the first place.
5. he has a sister and she's crazier than him
6. is his back okay from carrying that big scythe?
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