#I don't know much about superman lore ftr
goodbyenorthernlights · 10 months
ngl I was a little disappointed that we didn't see Myst/Intergang help superman. i'm pretty sure it's gonna happen at some point though because i think it's being foreshadowed?
iirc when Intergang was introduced they were characterized in a way that I think was meant to invite audience sympathy- establishing that the members care about one another, having little goofy moments like Albert forgetting to use code names, and also that they're not very successful as crooks until they get the tech.
Superman also saves- or at least tries to save- Intergang at the end of the episode, and then later goes out of his way to try and save Kyle when he thinks Kyle's being targeted by Task Force X. "Superman saves the bad guy even though the bad guy will never be grateful/learn anything from it" is admittedly a Recurring Theme in the show so far but still.
And then we got the shot of Kyle looking sad and touching his electroshock collar while everyone was taking Superman down
And then in the last episode we also had a bit where Kyle was looking sad in his cell while Albert was comforting him
So like. idk. not guaranteed/maybe not a lot, but I do feel like at some point Intergang is going to go "Hey, Superman's way more chill than the cops, fuck it, let's lend him a hand."
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