#I don't know why I did this. anyway listen to darlingside
band shirts I would have liked to see Trent Crimm wear
except they're all for my favorite band Darlingside because this is a niche self-indulgent post.
Do I think Trent would listen to a smallish indie folk rock band from New England? I have absolutely no idea. Do I think he would look good in these shirts? Yes. And let's be real, it would make more sense for him to have shirts for a random band than shirts for random Christian schools. so. here we go.
In no particular order, under a cut because I don't know how big the pictures are going to turn out:
Catbird shirt
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I just think this art is so fucking cool. And it's a unique shade of orange which I think he would vibe with.
Floral shirt
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SUNFLOWERS. okay they aren't actually sunflowers but they kind of look like them and I mean come on!
Equal and Opposite Shape shirt
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What can I say, the man should wear more purple.
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I'm not actually sold on either of these designs for him but I wanted everyone to just take a second to contemplate the concept of Trent in a tank top. Also the fishtank joke is something Ted would say.
Salamander shirt
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I don't know why they decided to make a salamander shirt, but it's cute and it's Trent's favorite colors :)
Everything is Alive triangle shirt
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He couldn't have actually worn this in the show because it's a new release but I would have DIED to see him wear it after the Amsterdam episode.
Bonus non-Darlingside shirt: Ballroom Thieves Deadeye shirt
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I LOVE this album art and we know Trent appreciates a piratey look so he could realistically pick it up, and can you imagine the fandom meltdown if he'd had a conversation with Ted with a SHIP on his CHEST the whole time?!
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