#I don't think his p organ is visible from outside because you only see skin color when his white shirt gets wet
keii4ii · 8 months
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In memory of
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Desperate Measures
A Richard Firewood Fic.
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Authors Note: Richards.... First time. Every murder story starts from somewhere.
This couldn’t be good, not by how the black haired man was gripping his once perfect styled hair in his hands, bags under his eyes that made him look almost sick.
The bills upon bills notes on the big dark mahogony desk were the main reason for Richards current mood; lack of sleep, drinking and the full ashtray were obviously visible.
Ever since he recieved the letter from his grandfather about inveriting the intimidating and luxurious hotel, and of course saying 'bye, bye' to his dream of being a famous surgeon, his temper started to be on thin ice. Its been just two years since he started to lead the hotel and things have been going down ever since. The debts, the pressure; Richard was used to it, but in these two years he couldn't deny that he started to feed on the luxury: a floor at the very top of the hotel, all his, finest food and drinks, expensive clothes that costed maybe thousand upon thousand of dollars.
He basked in being rich!
Like hell, will he go back to living in a cardboard apartament and working two jobs to sustain in just paying the rent. He was done feeling like the worst. His green eyes were full of hate and rage; then just like that he got up and threw the crystal glass of whiskey right into the wall, glass shattering.
In not even 10 seconds, Martha, one of the oldest maids came in, preparing to clean up the mess, not even glancing at the huffing, red faced man.
"Master Firewood... Dinner will be served in half an hour." she annouced, finally looking at the raven haired man.
"Fuck dinner..... We have problems.... Financial problems." Richard said, through gritted teeth, trying to control his temper.
To think that when he started medical college, he was a shy and scrawny guy Who couldn’t be noticed. Now the 6'5 impossing figure with defined muscels and an attitude to match was like a volcano, maybe all these sleepless years of studing medicine, fucked up his brain.
"Leave." Richards authoritive voice boomed and Martha knew better than to try to reason with him at this point, so she left, only to come after one hour.
"Master Firewood.... There is someone that wants to talk to you." She spoke from the entry of his office and Richard only told her to let said person enter.
In came an old man, all dressed in an impecable black suit with a dark coat. He was probably in his 80 from how slowly he walked and sat down in one of the armchairs in front of the desk. He looked like he knew the place, seeming all comfortable.
"Hello Richard. Its good to finally meet you." the old man spoke, making Richard raise an eyebrow.
"And you are?" he asked, his tone all but rude. He wasn't in the mood for chit chatting.
"Oh, pardon me! I am Alfred William. A pleasure to finally meet the nephew of my deceased friend." Alfred spoke, catching Richards attention.
"You knew my grandfather?" The younger male asked.
"Yes, yes indeed! We were golf partners and got on many adventures in young times, until I settled down with my wife. He was such a workaholic and very smart.... I remember when-" But he was cut off by Richard.
"Get to the point." Alfred chuckled at Richards cold tone.
"Ahh... He told me before he died that you were straight to the point. The reason I am here its because of your problems.... Financial problems." That caught Richards attention and he was all ears.
"I may have an answer to your stack of bills." The old man motioned to all the bills on the desk.
"I am old indeed... And my wide just passed away three months ago. I feel so lonely without her. All I have are my children and nephews.....but my health isn't so bright as in the good ol' days." Alfred told Richard with a sad sigh.
"Your point?"
"I have so much money, but I don't know what to do with it. At my age money cannot bring me happiness and I would love nothing more than to enjoy my nephews as much as I can. They are so cute."
Richard was starting to lose his patience and the older man noticed.
"To put it simply I need a kidney and liver transplant. I will pay all your bills and debts. You may wonder why? Simple. I know how much your grandfather put his soul into this hotel and I would hate to see everything crumble down."
Richard was curious where this was going.
"Get me a healthy kidney and liver and we got ourself a deal." Alfred finally spoke, making Richards eyes widen.
"Like steal? You know this isn't like stealing a diamond or a purse from an old lady, old geezer." Richard said, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
Alfred just chuckled and stood up.
"Think about the offer." with that he left the black haired man alone in his office.
Later that day, Richard was standing outside the hotel, at the entrace, smoking a cigarette and debating over the offer.
The old man was nuts, but the offer was tempting and Richard wondered how he could do it.
'A kidney and a liver? He must be talking nonsense.' he thought and was ready to go back inside after finishing his smoke, when someone bumped into him.
"I-I am so sorry.... I am such a klutz. I should be looking where I am going." a gentle voice spoke, and green eyes meet hazel ones.
It was a young woman, no older than 25, a pink blush on her cheeks as she looked at him, excusing herself.
Richard wanted to tell her rudely to watch where she was walking, despite her polițe excuse. He just wasn't in the mood.
Then it was like something striked him.
'You know, Richy man? All the women are looking at you. I bet they will crawl over the place you walk like a God.'
That's what one of his friends from college told him one time they were out drinking.
"Wait! I should be the one apologizing." Richards deep voice spoke, making the young female stop and look at him with wide eyes.
"How about I make it up to you? I invite you for a drink. A form of saying sorry to such a beautiful girl." he spoke in a suave voice, giving her a lop sided smile.
"S-Sure... I would love to." the girl spoke in a shy voice, biting on her lower lip.
Richard smirked inside.
'Jack pot.'
Later at night, they went off for drinks at the bar of the hotel, laughing and joking, basically just talking. The girl was already tipsy and she just drunk two glasses of wine.
"Y-You are so handsome...." the girl slurred, as Richard lead her through the hallways of the hotel, then he pulled out a syringe, piercing the need le in her neck and she fell into his arms.
She indeed woke up, but she was strapped onto a metal table, imobolized and without escape. Her hazel eyes widened when she noticed Richard at the end of the surgical table, next to him another smaller one filled with medical tools.
"What are you doing? H-Help!" That's when the screaming began, but not like anyone could hear her. They were deep down into The basement of the hotel.
Richard put on a pair of nitril gloves, the girl already naked. He took a scalpel and looked at her nervously. Its been so long since he'd done this and all the practice he had done so far in medical school was on dead bodies.
"W-Why?" The girl asked and Richard wondered.
"Why? Nothing personal, darling..... I call this survival. As much as I would have loved to get you between the sheets, money makes the world go around." he spoke, looking at the scalpel and began to work.
He started by cutting up the first layer of skin, the girls screams and tears continuing to follow. Next was the muscels, pulling them carefully apart. He had to be precise or else the organs wouldn't be of any use.
After three hours of cutting, slicing and digging, he finally got the wanted organs out, putting them in special boxes to stay fresh.
He was proud of his work, the girl was still alive but pretty much dizzy and pale.
"P-Please.... God..." she was still speaking, he had to give her credit for being so strong.
"I-I hope you burn in hell..." the girl finally spoke looking deeply into The emerald eyes.
Richard snarled and without realizing he piercing the scalpel right into her left eye, then pulled out.
Oh, she screamed indeed... All bloody murder.
Then, he pushed two of his fingers in her eyesocket, digging and making her scream more.
He smirked darkly, then finally he sliced her neck, blood pouring out of her and down the metal table onto the cold concrete.
"Ahhh... Such a good work. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Richard." the old man spoke, as two tall men clad in black, took the two boxes that contained the desired organs.
"The money has been delievered into the bank account." Alfred spoke and Richard nodded, looking down.
Before the old man could leave, he stopped.
"I have many friends and relations who would be very much interested into your.... Services." Alfred spoke in an voice that could send shivers down anyones spine, but not to Richard.
"Looking forward to it." the black haired man, spoke, a twisted smirk on his face.
"Atta' boy......Have a nice day!" Alfreds cheerfull voice spoke, saluting Richard and getting into the back limousine, taking off.
Well.... This was a start of a very promising business.
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