#I don't want either Fearne or Ashton to get eaten
quipxotic · 6 months
I know I've said the only people the Ruby Vanguard keep around are people they can use and the only members of Bell's Hells they can use are Imogen and Fearne - and that's true, but I also think it would be a VERY bad idea to let them capture Ashton. They might just kill them, but Ludinus was eyeballing Ashton when Bell's Hells got the second shard and he is clearly aware of who and what they are.
Maybe he would try to recruit them, but it'd be so much easier to mind-control Ashton instead so why would he bother?
Maybe he'd try to take them apart to figure out how all the various magics keeping them alive and a person are accomplishing that?
Maybe he'd do both things and then after he's done sucking Fearne up using whatever his new funnel/harness is, he'd turn the same device on Ashton? Ludinus is an elf and Ashton is at least a half elf if not an elf, so they are probably compatible?
What would Ludinus be like if he were able to take into himself the power of Predathos and two shards of dead Titans, on top of whatever power Fearne and Ashton themselves bring to the table? Speaking of which, wasn't Ashton also an Aasimar before the Hishari ceremony? If you were trying to eat some gods that might be an interesting thing to add into the mix (and by "interesting" I mean horrible).
Or do the shards change Ashton and Fearne's natures to the point of making them no longer compatible to Ludinus for funnel consumption?
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 3 episode 17:
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I am so tired, my kid's on half days this week and I'm not getting my usual nap because of it, I am a Disaster and if I fall asleep halfway through the episode no one is allowed to judge me
"in theatres! crazy things to say right now that don't make sense!" because there iS A PANDEMIC
wait I was muted was there vince mcmahon salt
it's so fuckin CUTE
"that is not child safe" "still going on my dog"
say Ariks Eshteross' Airship five times fast
oh no nightmare lights
"I bet it looks cool in the theaters"
put gem in mouth
"you should never have to run into the storm alone"
"what time is it" it's 3:01 am
"whichever way they bend"
I love the idea that orym sleeps like a cat
imogen gets halfway down the stairs and starts going into withdrawal
>waifish >dwarf
marisha's dice redemption arc
"don't fuck with me matt mercer"
sldkfhs travis
I just need all of them to give up and share one room at all times
"I've been up for a little while just lookin atcha"
ashton and fcg <3
travis just hiding his face
"is he dead?!" "no, I just heard him screaming"
[smacks fcg with a newspaper every time he offers someone therapy unsolicited]
(I was gonna say spray with a water bottle but that might end badly)
"not GRAB it bc it will fall off"
"you can borrow my ears any time"
I love their little identify lens
🎶who can say if I've been changed for the better🎶
I KNEW IT addictive rock
put it in a cart with a bunch of bananas, that's how you test if it's evil
quietly references every other campaign
fearne you specifically know what swapping around a potentially evil object does
"I'm alive" "press x"
I would like to touch the crystal now matt
love the dichotomy between the players 👀 and the characters 🤷‍♀️
"fuckin imogen"
chetney: fuckin imogen laudna: yes
(I don't go here I just can't pass up a setup like that)
"can you grow flowers whenever you want?" "🌷"
I don't like it
"I immediately start tracking fearne" dad friend orym
ashton either has so many regrets or is having the time of their life, it's impossible to tell
evon calling
did imogen's accent just get 400x stronger or is it just me
fcg: competish ashton: 😒
jiana hexum 🤝 veruca salt I want one now
fcg your self-sacrifice has to have an upper limit
oh. oh fuck.
ashley's face when the penny dropped
"should you bring a buddy? ....or a minder?"
"I know horses. I've eaten a few." well now we know how this campaign's horses are gonna die
not the shania twain
they did it, they broke eshteross
fearne he is eating
sam literally just telling the audience to fuck off for ten minutes
marisha trying to take sam out
persuade grandpa out of his biscottis
"why limit yourself to the player characters?"
someone do a religion check so I can get a bingo
ashton: we will stop percieving me immediately
orym using the hammer as a stepstool
is it like cabal's ruin where they're gonna build up charges and then unleash them all at once
oh no
that one scene from falcon and the winter soldier
someone mention marwa so I can get a bingo
"don't touch my stuff for three weeks"
I'm enjoying Silly Orym
mala: travis in any shopping scene with his wife: how can I be a Problem
laura starts playing star stables
roll for horse girl
chetney: blood magic me: [whispers] maleficar
I love him
I put on my blood robe and blood wizard hat
matt just scooting away
mala: the dc for this is 1
"get your third character ready"
OH RIGHT there are people who suffered that in a group
aw man I apparently missed a cute video
"I just got a little bit teary-eyed in my face"
aww imogen gets Quiet
"I got instantly itchy thinking about it" "yaaaaay that's called immersion"
"you've never ridden a horse?" "my sister in christ I basically am a horse"
orym straps himself to the back of one horse like a pelt in red dead
horse aesthetics. horsethetics.
this is becoming some oregon trail logistics
"natural 20! that means we fight a dragon."
"that is not a horse OR fearne"
the roast of sam reigel
"that's not a script it's just ad copy" "the script's on the monitors"
"oh for FUCK'S - "
Silly Orym has backfired
commit to the bit
do the watership down dying rabbit scream
orym you can't throw greens at it like a chocobo
orym's gonna get eaten by a t-rex
I lucid dream bc my brain gets mad when my dreams are poorly-written
you're gonna get your fingers bit off
liam sees a gem and insists on stealing it from wherever it was
orym: I got you a rock
soul gem vs black soul gem
it's an opal, they will be hearing from my lawyers
sir floppers, rabbit, loonch, escargot, heart, and one-way
"he's foreign, don't worry about it
taliesin knows
"I don't like to get attached to things that are clearly going to die. like all of you."
"we only have five horses, how did we get six names!"
"if you take rabbit from me I'll kill you"
"your beau dice were talking shit about you yesterday" samuel
nooo I'm fading, I've been doing so well
they both get eaten
and them liam derails the whole game to talk to ashton for an hour
(this is not a complaint)
fcg goes to sleep and the fantasy kudzu overtakes him in the night
Birdie and Oleander
"sounds like a musical"
matt: you can attach it to a small item sam: I'M a small item!
sam doesn't watch the product
you can't touch the two silver millenium crystals to each other it'll blow up the planet
"everyone turns into sheep" when we first started the polycule my partner's wife insisted on calling it "polymorphism" which is in fact a WoW spell that turns you into a sheep
"you, fearne. you're special" cries
the way orym looks at fearne. just all the quiet, steady affection in the world.
the kind of person who says "you're special" and means it right down to his bones.
rolls to find fey gate, finds a dragon
midday loonch
bits of....edibles
ashton and fearne just spend the entire night trying to steal shit from each other
see I was joking but I knew it would probably happen
"you can always just ask. what do you want." "I want to not ask."
ashley 100% have left that last word off but she was never gonna
"this isn't how I started" excuse
oh ashton
is this how rock genasi work??
"I might try to steal it" "I would be very entertained"
I've been avoiding earbuds but my roommate is awake for once and her keyboard is so LOUD and I wanna hear this
everybody at the table
laura: I wanna throw something at her
marisha's so proud of herself
"you're the happiest person in this bunch" "of course. the worst thing that's ever happened to me has already happened."
taliesin's eyes are about to pop out of his head
like he's VALID
sam's face
her whole everything about her right now. face. posture. voice. god I love marisha ray so much.
"they cut my ears to make them pointy" MARISHA
my automatic assumption is keyleth body bc it's marisha but dark hair means possibly vex
also being keyleth might be a little on the nose
3 am is my new favorite euphemism
taliesin just mouthed "we'll talk later motherfucker" at marisha
ohh the golden sunrise light before the green kicked on
I love everything about this set
(how excited do you think matt is to get to use all these new buttons)
somewhere mica burton is threatening travis and taliesin's lives
travis that's how you break one of their stupid weaksauce finger legs
blue flower???
what in the kurama
orym that's gay
ashley and laura missed campsite rolling bc ashley was putting a flower behind laura's ear
[whaps fcg with a newspaper]
ffs they're not even sitting next to each other anymore
what if they get the permanent mind link that yasha thought she had with veth
did we unlock fcg's ptsd babygate??
oh the music
oh no mutual psychic damage
what in the return to witch mountain
nobody in this party knows how to take watch
"this is fine"
neither of them can see over a particularly large rock, is this wise
or gnolls?
(regular gnoll, regular gnoll)
the return of dbp
orym: I will pry everyone's backstory out of them with a crowbar
(I say "orym" like that's not just liam at all times)
"what's the moon for"
liam: I will pry MY OWN backstory out of me with a crowbar
time is soup
"you're so young" "so was he" oh that hurt
who had Orym's Husband Died In The Air Ashari Attack
(literally everyone)
chetney is all of us
hand of the tempest
"gray-black leather clad" somebody go scrub through all of campaign 2 and tell me what krynn assassins wear
"you're a rare one; I actually believe you"
fearne knows!
dorian knows!!!
do the rest of the crownkeepers know??
I have to imagine they do
I'm gonna DIE
"it's just raining"
(something something ruidius something cursed life)
eMOtional DAmage
in the dark of the niiiiight
fable pixie laugh noises
"can you scare it off" "it's from the feywild, it might not be scared of me!" ".....maybe it'll think you're hot"
hey, listen!
dear fairies we are sleeping
ashton no
give it a shiny
it's definitely going to eat them
"don't OFFER"
"this is not an eatable face"
"why am I sounding old"
"fearne'll get weird" GET weird?
it's gonna fly at laudna's face and that's where matt's gonna call it
you just called it a slur in morse code
twitch I'll fight you
ashton playing with pate
DETECT THOUGHTS THE FAIRY that can only go well
"you're making a fairy house? like my daughter?"
"I made it a fairy tent out of sleeves"
"same grill"
"it's gonna crawl into your nostril" goa'uld fairy
liam what in shit was that laugh
fearne: fucking flying rats
"the pizza rats of the feywild"
"it was a BUTTON I was gonna PRESS IT"
"I hadn't pushed a button all day"
"I would wander into a dark forest for a flying gummy bear"
I am the last person to realize campaign 3 episode 17 was on 3/17
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