#I don't want his coat. I want to admire the heck out of him wear it
shatinn · 5 months
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Fallout 4 - Arthur Maxson
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justiisms · 4 days
*when yuta opens the door to mondo's room he'll find the utterly bizarre sight of not mondo, but rather a lanky but fit man with an eyepatch wearing mondo's pirate outfit!! he stops admiring himself in the mirror so he can turn towards yuta, staring at him for a moment before a toothy grin forms on his face! he waves at the tiny detective before giving the coat a dramatic flourish, the man then giving a manic, high pitched giggle before he... jumps out the open window?! of course he ended up landing in the relatively soft bushes below, the crazed man quickly making his escape with his new outfit!*
*then yuta will feel a large hand rest on his shoulder, and if he turns he'll see kiryu giving him a confused look!*
"I thought I heard something strange a moment ago. Are you all right, Yuta?"
"Hey, Mondo? I was wondering if you wanted some lunch I ma..." Yuta was about while in the process of entering Mondo's room... until he comes to a complete stop in absolute shock!
"...?" That... was not Mondo. In fact, he was wondering why he's wearing Mondo's pirate costume...?! "W...Wha....wh....wh-who are...?!" He yelps when the man turns towards him and gives him that smile!! "??????????????" For some reason, he finds himself waving back, albeit with a very shaky and slow hand that barely looks like a wave, and almost screams when he begins cackling like that!!!!
"G-Gaaaah....!!!!" ("What is with him?! This guy is scary!!!!") A shaky step back, he's tempted to run out and scream for one of his uncles, until seeing this guy, jump out the window?! "Ahhh?!" Instantly, Yuta rushes to the window, seeing that he landed in the bushes and is now taking off!! "He escaped...! W-With Mondo's outfit.... ah-"
He nearly jumped when feeling a hand suddenly rest on his shoulderl, before turning his head to see that it's Kiryu. "U-Uncle Kazuma..." ("How...will I even begin to explain what I just saw....?")
"Y...Y-Yes, I'm alright. I think...." Mutters that last part under his breath... "U...Um... I know this is all going to sound crazy, but I swear I'm not joking when I say this. B-But, just now... there was this tall man, wearing an eyepatch... he was wearing Mondo's pirate costume. W-When he turned to me, he waved at me a-and then made this crazy smile... and even crazier laugh! And then jumped out the window and sped off!!! I don't know what the heck happened!!! Even for me, that was too much!! D-Do you might have any possible idea who that might have been, Uncle?!"
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mosshead-lover · 4 years
Fights lead to Confessions as Hate leads to Love.
Levi Ackerman x Reader
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Summary: You go over to your Captain’s to submit the work late at night. Only to get caught in the most unexpected turn of events.
Warnings : NSFW, maybe lil wild?
When you woke up from your what was supposed to be a tiny nap, It was already 10:30 PM. You curse yourself for dozing off. Luckily you were almost done with the work. Even so, you knew you had to face the captain's wrath. Lately, he had been dumping an unbelievable amount of paperwork on you. That too, after a whole day of training. Today's combat training was extra hard for you as he made you combat him till your limbs fell apart and this was after a dozen of laps that ware meant as a punishment for being slow during the warm-ups. But then, how could you keep up with the squad? You stayed up late to finish the paperwork that was due the next morning. He had strictly asked you to finish today's work by dinner. Your stomach grumbled. You wish you woke up at least in time for dinner. You bundled the papers and set off to submit them to him.
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"Captain Levi"
You call out for him before knocking.
There was no reply. You call out again. Still, there was none.
A ruffle of chill wind moved the door slightly, making you realise that it wasn't locked. You decided to let yourself in, for, you had forgotten to wear your coat and, the slim uniform shirt did no good. Moreover, you couldn't afford to get the bashing in front of everyone in the morning. Better face the consequences in private.
"Um. What are you doing here?"
It was him. He had just gotten out of the shower and wore nothing but a towel around his waist. The reminiscent water droplets on his torso only added to the sexiness of his abs. Your heart skipped a beat, and you had to remind yourself to breathe. While you were at it, Levi's ice-cold eyes were set on your erect nipples which were the result of the weather(or not).
He let out an annoyed sigh. Immediately aware of what he was implying, you tried to cover your nipples with the suspenders. You were embarrassed. Though, ironically, he was the half-naked one. You quickly set down the file on the desk nearby and saluted.
"The work is done, sir."
"Good, Thought you were dead."
(What an ass!)
"I apologise for being late."
"Whatever. Kitchen duty every night for three weeks."
You saluted and left. It took you everything you had to not smack him. After Levi shut the door behind you, You leaned back on his door and began thinking how exhausted you have been all these days. Physically and mentally. You didn't understand why he was so hostile towards you when, ever since you joined the cadet corps, all you ever tried to do was gain his appreciation. Heck, in fact, You joined the corps for him. Where did the captain that you had admired as a citizen within the walls go? Amidst all the chaos that went on in your head, You hated yourself for not being able to shake off the image of just-out-of-shower Levi.
Levi must have realised that you were still there. He opens the door without a warning and, you fall back into his arms. You quickly get up and stand straight.
"Were you fantasising having a piece of this, cadet?" He pointed at himself.
You were extremely embarrassed at his remark and couldn't take his shenanigans anymore.
"To me, it looks like the other way around, captain."
You smirked. You had had enough of him and, you spoke before thinking. Although, you immediately regretted it. Levi twisted your hand around and rammed you against the door, with your head sideways and left cheek pressing against the door. He positioned himself closer to your right ear.
"We are talking back now, aren't we?" He growled.
The words that escaped his mouth had nearly no impact on you compared to his breath against your skin.
"Should I punish you the old school way?"
A hint of naughty acquired his voice.
"Is that all you can do? So much for being The Levi Fucking Ackerman."
You kept your composure and pretended unintimidated when your inners went wild thinking of things that might happen.
"What did you just say to me?" He questioned in disbelief and utter shock.
*Slam!* He slapped your buttocks hard.
"Come on, say it!"
He challenged you.
*Slaps you again*
You start taking deep breaths to calm your nerves down. And then your body reacts the way it shouldn't when he squeezes the part that was still hot from the slaps before. A jolt of pleasure passes through your body and, you let out a feeble moan in reflex.
Sufficed with his so called punishment,He lets your hand go and moves away.
He says in an indifferent tone. Although, the bump under his clean white towel was screaming something else. He immediately turns the other side and waits for you to obey him. But you weren't done.
You walk over to him furiously, grip his shoulder and forcefully turn him to face you. You push him against the table and position your dominant hand upon his groin as if to say, ’Move, and I will crush your jewels.'
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Deep down, you knew Levi could easily turn the tables down without a scratch on his body. To your surprise, he gave in, resting his arms on the table and waiting for you to speak.
"Oh, Don't you dare imply this is one-sided."
You were perspiring from all the adrenaline rush and caught some breaths before continuing.
"Don't you think I know how you look at my back as I carry out the kitchen duty that you assign? Or when I bend over to clean the dust underneath the table, as you order me to?"
You were a tad satisfied as you began confronting your captain. Looked like he didn't want to take it anymore. He moved away from you in one swift move and used his leg to pull yours forward, making you lose balance and fall on the ground. He pinned you down and wasn't all that neutral anymore.
"It's a shame you think what I have for you is only physical. "
Before you could think, he tore your blouse with his strong arms, exposing more of your chest.
"Let me be what you think I am."
He affirms and holds you by the neck so you can't look away. He then bent down to devour you, as his other hand made its way down to your privates.
Your mind screamed ''It's wrong! Stop him" But, your body had already given in, swaying to the rhythm that his hand created down there. But, before he gained any more control over you, you had to say something. You push him away with all your might and sit up.
"It was you who portrayed my feelings as lust!" You almost scream in a teary voice. You take one deep breath and speak in a calmer tone.
"So, should I be what you see me as? "
You counter him and push him down as you throw his towel away. Levi lay bare naked. You sit on top and undo your remaining clothes, never once looking away. His eyes were locked to yours. You bend down, he meets you halfway and you both share one long kiss followed by several short ones. What started off slow gets hotter and furious with every second that pass. He runs his fingers down your torso as he sucks on your neck. You pull his head closer to your breasts as he began sucking and squeezing them. You lie back, throwing your arms on the ground as Levi pushes your legs apart. He seems proud at the sight of the flood that he solely caused. He resumes his work and goes down on you. This time you are not holding it back. You weren't fighting him anymore nor was he. You let out the most pleasant moans every time he hit the spots. His fingers and tongue worked magic on you. As he leads you to the peak, your legs are throbbing and urge to close down but he holds them away effortlessly. Finally, you release it and are in ecstasy, He trusts his hard rock sex into yours without giving you time to catch up. You didn't expect anything less.
"Oh! captain." You call him out on his move, followed by the sounds that could only be reactions to his thumping.
"Sssh, cadet y/n."
He bends down and kisses to shut you up while his other hand grabs your breasts. As the thumping picked up the phase, Levi groaned at every jerk against your tight walls. The wild noises that he let out only added to your pleasure. It was proof that he too had given in completely. He didn't worry about the thin walls of the camp anymore. You both take it to his bed and reach another climax, and three more before your mortal bundle of fleshes gave up. You stared at the ceiling wondering how tonight turned out. ’Tomorrow is uncertain’ You thought. Things could change or go back to normal. Either way, you will go back to being a superior and underling. This night could never happen again. You drifted to sleep with no expectations. Levi moved a strand of hair away from your face and looked at your peaceful resting face in admiration. He wondered why he was trying to push you away at all. He smiled at the thought of how this night could be the beginning of something new.
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
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Skin to Skin (First Valentine's day)
Pairing: Loki x Avenger!Reader
Warning: Fluffiness for our sweet cookie.
WC: 921
Summary: You're new to the team and end up messing it up with the God of mischief on your first day in. Knowing his reputation you're up for a fun time in the compound.
Note: Waah and we're finally done. Omg!!! I really hope you liked this Series everyone and that you've enjoyed it as much as I did writing them. 💜 It was a very Lovely HBC Week of Love with @the-th-horniest-book-club , but always remember that everyday is a day to love one another. Be kind and be safe.
Series Masterlist
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You're like a ghost floating in the abyss. Floating to an unknown destination. You couldn't believe what Loki had told you and now it's all what you can think of. You're in the compound's gym trying to tire out your body in hopes it'll make your mind quiet too.
Somewhere in your blood is not from here? Is that why you suddenly had this power? But why doesn't your Mom have it? Why you? Did your grandma know? Granny! You've been curious about how well she was able to handle your ability when she took you in. Stopping your punches you took your towel wiping the sweat from your face and neck you went up to your room to change.
You tried to open your door but it wouldn't budge. Frowning you tried it again but it didn't work.
"What the heck?" You thought. "Friday, can you please unlock my door?" You asked the AI.
"My apologies Ms. Y/L/N, I was tasked to not let you." Friday's smooth voice came and it made you frown deeper.
"B-but this is my room…" you said defeatedly as you stare at the closed door.
You've stood in front of your own bedroom door for over a minute when you heard it. A click and a little later two firm hands went to cover your eyes.
"Loki, love? Did you lock me out of my own room?" You asked him as you felt him kiss your cheeks that's not covered by his huge hands.
"I may have done that." He said slowly, guiding you to walk slowly. "I had the feeling you have forgotten what day today is so I've decided to surprise you." He said. Hearing your door shut as you got inside-you think.
"A surprise hmm…" you said thinking of a way to know what he is planning but Loki knows you too well.
"Oh do not dare to connect to me to know and please you have beautiful eyes but keep them close. I'm gonna let go of you now keep them closed till I say so." You pouted hearing him say that. Yep knows you too well. You've been practicing since you learned that there's a possibility that you can't just feel people's emotions but can also have access to their own mind.
"No yet my sweet darling cookies. You're so stubborn." You heard him say and you giggled.
Loki tried his best to make the floor cushion thing that Y/N had made everytime you both are having your movie night but this time he added things to make this day's mood. She's been worried since he broke the news to you and he wanted to help take those worries away even with a simple midgardian celebration of Love.
Convincing himself that he did everything perfectly he walked behind his beautiful lover.
"You may open your lovely eyes now my love." He said and as you slowly opened your eyes a small gasp left your lips.
"Oh...Loki...this is-" you turned around cupping his face and tiptoed to reach his lips. She opened her mouth to savour his taste and Loki did the same. Pouring all the love he felt for her making sure she feels them. You let go first to look at what he did again. "This is perfect…" you said as you examine your room. He made a pillow port on the floor with tons of rose petals. He also put a lot of roses on vases on different corners of your room. There are some heart banners and a strawberry coated cake in the middle and a bottle of wine. In your bed is a huge teddy bear holding a cookie with the words World Sweetest Cookie engraved in the middle. You felt your eyes water as you looked back up at him.
"Please don't cry sweetness. I hate seeing you cry." He said, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"These are happy tears." You sobbed as you admired him. He's wearing a black suit and his hair is neatly combed.
"I'm not even dressed properly and I'm in my own bedroom. This is perfect, Loki thank you so much." You said remembering you're Still wearing your sweat covered workout clothes.
"That won't be a problem." He said winking at you as he flicked his hand, a green mist went around you and suddenly you're wearing a gorgeous red dress complimenting the mood of the room.
He guided you towards the middle of his pillow port and helped you sit down. He then went behind you and sat there. His body enclosing yours. "I know things have been hard for you but I want you to know that i will be here every step of the way. I will help you and protect you for whatever will come. Happy Valentine's my sweet sweet cookies. I love you so much thank you for making me feel complete for the first time in all the thousand of years alive." Loki said, his hands smoothly caressing your arms making you feel the comfort and contentment he felt.
And suddenly nothing matters and you know you can face anything life throws at you as long as you have him beside you.
"I love you too Loki. Thank you for a lovely first Valentine's experience." You said turning a little to guide his face down to meet your waiting lips kissing him and making sure he also feels how thankful you are and how much you love him.
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Tag list
Skin to skin: @delightfulheartdream @victias @kaogasm @marvelgirl7 @alexakeyloveloki @newdaynewyearnewlife @multifandomlife22 @the-lake-is-calling
Tom Hiddleston and Characters
@jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @CurlyRed2020
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sterrenlied · 5 years
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🎶 | @GILDEDUSURPER // Who knows when he snuck these things in or how he'd done it so quietly. Nevertheless, the entryway to Siebren's home is LITTERED with an abundance of gifts. Varieties of sweets and chocolates accompany a large (stolen) telescope and a hastened scribbled drawing of the two star-gazing taped on it. Alongside that is one absurdly large teddy bear, which takes up most of the room, wearing an astronauts outfit... And a smaller one with galaxy patterned fur... And more chocolates.      ↪ VALENTINE'S DAY // ACCEPTING, I GUESS??
✧*:・゚| ONCE appreciative of the holiday, Siebren feels hollow, mind and body twisted up into horrible little knots. He's struggling to process the events preceding the holiday, and in his cowardice, he's perhaps spent a bit too much time drinking. Not to the point of being DRUNK, no, he still fears that. But the sensation is ill fitting, his skin almost as if it doesn't belong to him. Crawling, DISGUSTING sensation that it is, he doesn't feel like he belongs; in this world or in any other. Siebren stumbles into his home a little late, lights dimmed low, shadows casting long and OPPRESSIVE. His bleary eyes not yet adjusting to surroundings, coat hung up, he LANDS upon the surface of his apartment with as much grace as he could muster. He wobbles, hand extended, bracing himself against the doorway. I didn't drink that much, did I? He wouldn't know; he hasn't been himself in a very long time.
AS it always seems to be in dimly lit rooms, his toe catches, stumbling against something soft. Siebren never falls, not even when he's startled, and just a brief jostling of who he is, is SWIFTLY righted. ❝Verdorie! What the heck — ❞ A hand flies up, flicking the light switch, and what he sees is UTTERLY baffling. Grand gestures of affection often overwhelm him, and on top of stubbing his toe, the image is less appreciated than the giver would like. And oh, who is this MYSTERIOUS admirer? He could only assume that these themed gestures are for him, after all. All it takes is one look at the tattered, crude picture stuck to a telescope for his already loose mood to PLUMMET further. Too many thoughts that he's tried to push down bubble back up. Eyes dart over the display as if the mere sight HAUNTS him.
HE likes the gifts, but he doesn't want them. This reminder, stark and gaudy against the mundane atmosphere of the room, the pain of having to carry the large bear, and the subtle pain of his blasted toe ACCUMULATING in a torrent of emotion inside of him. He covers his face with his hands, and screams. Heavy breathing, up and down of shoulders and belly, hot tears curling at the edges of his eyes. He wishes Augustus was here to give the gifts in person; he also wishes that it would be easy to cut him out entirely. So many thoughts mingle up inside his mind, eye contact forced with a large bear with large button eyes — ❝I can't do this. I absolutely can't do this …❞
BEDROOM door shut behind him, allowing for space between the items and his personage. He leans back, pressing against the door frame as if that bloody bear will come CRASHING in at any given moment. Hopefully, Siebren thinks. The panic will blow over. It better, what witn that giant bear sitting mere feet away. Digits curl inside his pocket, floating posture coming to rest at the foot of his bed. He searches his contacts, shakily choosing ONE to text.
[ text ] I don't appreciate you breaking into my home.
NO, that's not right. What he doesn't appreciate is that he leaves. Text drafted.
[ text ] I don't want these gifts. Take them back.
NO, no, no! That feels so harsh, so RAW. Text drafted.
[ text ] I wanted you to stay.
HIS eyes squeeze shut. What a pathetic plea! And surely a way to RUIN the holiday? Text drafted.
[text] Happy Valentine's Day, Augustus. Thanks for the gifts!
EASY, it can be, to perpetuate a lie, a thin pull of the lips. Disingenuous, the words may have been, but not wholly —— and that is the problem, ISN'T IT? He leans back, skull against the plush mattress, and sends the text with a heavy sigh. Well, time to figure out where to put that stupid bear.
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