#I don't want to monologue any longer since it's already super lengthy but
muzzlemouths · 6 months
Totally normal question (apologies if it has been asked before) do the DMD au boys have different love languages?
What would an act of love look like to them or from them if I may be so bold 👀
Moon’s love language is Quality Time. 
This may sound uncharacteristic of the Moon we’ve seen in Dead Mall Dare thus far, but I assure you he wants nothing more than to be in someone’s company.
He spent more time than necessary with the customers and was familiar, or made it his goal to become familiar, with each and every one of them — until The Event, that is, where all of that changed practically overnight.
Sure, Sun misses the customers, too, but he can still pretend. He’s good at pretending they’re still around, good at pretending that each sale is between himself and a stranger rather than a shuffle between his own hands, good at pretending to be alright with all of this. Moon isn’t so self-convincing, and he can’t bring himself to do what feels like slow torture to him. He needs the contact, the real companionship of it all. Someone to laugh at his jokes, to tell him about their day, to be there in the moment with him not just as a customer but as someone he can consider a friend. Trapped in a mall he can never hope to step foot outside of, how else is he meant to achieve that? Similar to Sun, there was a point where he attempted to fool himself into thinking that anyone breaking into the mall after its closing was just another customer. But they’re not. They are taggers, looters, thieves, only there to destroy what remained of their home, and it makes him terribly bitter. He denies needing companionship if only in the bleak hope that it will make him stop wanting it.
He's touch starved, conversation starved, companionship starved. He wants your time. He has to believe someone still wants his.
You may think Sun’s love language is Physical Touch or Words of Affirmation. After all, he’s handsy to a fault with Y/N right off the bat, and has already used no less than four different pet names by the end of the chapter. He’s very generous with his compliments and lays his affections on thick. That being said, his love language is actually Acts of Service.
Always considered the prettier of the two mascots by the average customer, Sun is used to his sense of worth being attached to his appearance. No matter how hard he tries, he will always be looked at for his charm first and everything else, second. He values compliments about his strength, his smarts, his ability to tackle almost any goal, but what he loves most is the chance to prove it.
So when it comes to his love language, he is all about doing anything and everything in his power to bear the weight, to an almost obsessive degree. He'll patch up that broken window by the afternoon, will cook up a four course dinner even if it means an evening of keeping his nose buried in an unfamiliar cookbook, will run from one department and back before you have the time to sneeze if you left something behind, and will spend all day attempting to repair Moon's projector despite knowing nothing about its mechanics just for the slim chance of seeing him smile.
If you allow him the chance to do just about anything for you he will be giddy for the rest of the day. Your stomach growls? Now you’re suddenly being ushered into a booth while he brings you every fruit he can hold with two hands. Need to change but your wardrobe is dirty? Now the laundry is done and he’s already picked out that week’s outfits in advance, so you don’t have to! Tell him your feet are sore? Now you’re in his arms, and he’s not taking no for an answer.
He can get…a little overbearing, admittedly. What starts as a way to show affection soon becomes overwhelming, and you might start to feel infantized or belittled, but he means well. He wants to be helpful, he wants to feel useful, and he’ll do anything to accomplish that.
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