#I drank of the soothing waters from the pump room at bath
Finding Goddess (Chapter 19)
Carol's eyes fluttered open as if they were rousing her up from a dream. Again. Did she fall asleep? She couldn't recall. The last thing she remembered doing was lying down as her two lovers poured wine on her and...
Her two lovers. She looked on either side of her. On her left was Henrietta. On her right was Katherine. Like her, they were completely naked. Unlike her, they looked absolutely winded. Both were lying still, breathing heavily, their skin and their hair drenched in perspiration. Henri was on her back, her breasts rising and falling rhythmically with her deep breaths, while Katy was lying on her side in a fetal position, giving Carol a full view of her cute butt and shaved pussy.
The mother blinked. When did they get naked? Why were they so languid? How were they so...
And then, she remembered. The storm of hands and lips and tongues dancing all over her. How the girls licked and lapped up all the tasty morsels of food covering her body. They ate the rice, drank the wine, slurped up the sauce, bit into the meat and vegetables. Bit into her. Tasted and relished her like the meal they intended to turn her into. They bit into her neck, into her stomach, into her breasts, into her thighs, tickling her most sensitive regions, sending ripples all across her sacred flesh.
Katy caught a rolling piece of meat from off her crotch. She licked at her wet mound. She pressed her lips inside her gaping flower, still wet and sopping with the cocktail of love and juice fermenting within. She wanted to taste it too, just as Henrietta had, to drink of the tunnel she wished she had been birth from.
Carol came. She came into her young lover's mouth, into her face. And then she lost all control. She clamped her thighs down onto Katy's head, intent on keeping her firmly locked in place there. Then she attacked Henrietta. Seized her head, kissed her lips, left vampiric bites all the way down her neck. Tore off her bikini top with her teeth. Suckled and gnawed on her breasts, pushed her down onto the blanket, rubbed herself down. All while grinding herself harder against Katherine's face.
It was a blur after that, a whirlwind of kisses and caresses and pelvic gyrations. And orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms. Some from her, some from her lovers. And with each one she released from her being, with each one she took out of Henri and Katy, the same thoughts circled around Carol's head. They were not about her pleasure, her joy, her arousal, or her ecstasy. They were about...about...
Oh Goddess! I'm cumming! I'm cumming for You!
Oh Goddess, I am making them cum! I am making them cum for You!
Cum for me, Goddess! Cum with me! I want to cum with You forever!
The Goddess. It was always about the Goddess. Even as she fucked her friends, she couldn't stop thinking about Zenriah. Wanting to see Her, touch Her, make love to Her, forever and ever until the end of her days.
"Zenriah," she whispered, clasping her hands over her chest. The sound of the Goddess' name was enough to make her heart beat faster in her chest, hammer on all sides of her body as if it was a cage to be broken out of.
The Goddess. Carol never met Her. She never saw Her. She never spoke to Her. Up until a few days ago, she hadn't even heard about Her! Even now, she didn't know if the Goddess even existed!
So why...why do I feel so warm just thinking about Her?
Carol pulled her hands away and frowned. Her breasts felt sticky. Hell, everything about her felt sticky. She was still covered in the residue of wine, sweet and sour sauce, sweat, saliva, and...other things. She really could go for a shower or a bath right about now.
She glanced at the lake. It would do.
Carol pushed herself up to her feet, wincing a little at how achy she felt between her legs. "Guess I still need a little more time to recover," she muttered. No matter; a little dip in the water would ease her post-sexual soreness.
She walked slowly into the lake, taking her time to let the water envelop more and more of her naked body. It felt cool and refreshing, like an ice-cold martini on a hot summer night. She murmured happily as the water rose higher onto her form, cleansing and soothing more of her skin literally every step of the way. It chilled her feet, then her ankles, then her calves, then her thighs. Then it began to seep between the lowermost curves of her buttocks before hitting her still swollen and still very sensitive clit. Carol shuddered all over.
With that, Carol decided to stop taking it so slow and just enjoy the water to its fullest. It embraced her all over as she dove beneath the surface, simmering the heat in her still flushed skin and wiping away all the grime glued to it. She pedaled her bare legs to propel herself forward, and grinned as she felt the water glide gracefully over her bare flesh like a thousand silken feathers, completely unimpeded by the constraints of clothing. This was...Goddess, this was heavenly!
She rose to the surface, drawing in a deep breath of air as the water cascaded down her hair and face. Spinning her body around, she couldn't help but marvel at the world all around her. At the water that stretched on for miles in most every direction, at the trees that swayed gently in the breeze, at the clouds rolling above her head. It was all so real, so primal, so natural. And in all her nakedness, so was Carol! She was real, she was primal, she was natural!
And I could be this way forever!
She dove again, letting her behind peek over the water for an instant, giving the wet round thing a quick taste of fresh air before it vanished completely beneath the surface. Like an excited otter, Carol swam, kicking her legs emphatically as she explored the depths of the lake, no destination in mind save to revel in the raw, liberating sensation of her complete and utter nudity.
After a few minutes, Carol broke the surface again with a gasp and a laugh. "Oh, this feels so great!" she exclaimed, turning her head to the sky as if she were talking to the clouds before throwing herself backwards. Ripples radiated from her form as she rested on the surface of the water, kept afloat by the lazy flapping of her arms and the pumping of her legs, as well as from the natural buoyancy provided by her lovely pair of buxom friends.
For a while, Carol did nothing but lay like this, content to simply go wherever the water took her. She shut her eyes and drifted along, almost as though she was napping, and might very well have fallen asleep had her peace not been interrupted by a sudden influx of splashing and a shaking of her shoulder.
"So here's where you've been," said Henrietta. "You gave us quite a scare disappearing back there."
Katy giggled from her other side. "That wasn't very responsible of you. What kind of a mom can you expect to be if you set a bad example for your daughter?"
"Maybe you both shouldn't have gunked me up so much," Carol hummed as she rotated herself back to a more upright position in the water. "I was feeling so filthy after you two turned me into your personal all-you-can-eat buffet. Least you could have done was given me a nice sponge bath afterward."
Henrietta rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe we would be able to give you a sponge bath..."
"...If you had been a little more gentle with us," said Katherine, finishing the sentence. Her mischievous grin faded to a smaller but still happy smile as her eyes gazed downward on Carol's half-exposed breasts, one of which she gently cupped with an idle hand. "Not that I'm complaining. You were wonderful, Mommy!"
Henrietta nodded in agreement. "She wasn't lying when she told me what an animal you've become, Carol." She nudged closer to her nudist lover and embraced her. "After hearing the things you did to her yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about it, thinking about how much I wished I was in her place. I admit, I had to take a few trips to the ladies' room at work just to keep it together."
That's a familiar feeling, thought Carol. Recalling her friend's previous choice of dress, which she was decidedly not wearing right now, she wondered if that wasn't the only commonality the two of them shared.
"It wasn't enough, though," Henrietta continued. "Toilets aren't exactly the most arousing of places. And there's only so much one girl can do with her hands. All I could think about as I did my thing was how great it would be to have a girl on hand ready and willing to pleasure me no matter where either of us were. No need to find a private room. If I needed a boob to fondle, a quick tongue bath, or an intense, sweaty, clear-off-the-desk-and-scissor-me-silly bout of lovemaking, she'd give it to me, no questions asked. Our friend, Maisie, has done all those things and more. Hell, she was doing the last one during one of our phone calls! I could hear the girl she was fucking, that's how loud she was! The sounds she made...Carol, you would not believe a girl could moan like she had."
"And that's why you want me to convert to Zenrism?" said Carol. "To become that woman for you?"
Henrietta nodded. As did Katherine. "I don't know what these Zenrists did to you, Mommy, but I like it! And I'd like to experience more of it too. More of...this!" She spread her arms out, gesturing to them and everything around them. Three completely naked women enjoying each other's company with the sky above their heads and the earth beneath their feet (under the water of course). The way things were when the Goddess ruled the world.
"You need this," said Carol, her voice dipping to a near whisper. "You both need me...to be your fulltime lover."
"Yes!" said Henrietta.
"We do," said Katy.
"Will you do it?"
"Will you convert to Zenrism? If not for yourself, then for us?"
"I...I..." Carol began to feel dizzy. The way her lovers were looking at her, so wide-eyed and excited, reminded her of her own daughters, back when they were younger, smaller, and more innocent. Two girls she would do anything for. Out of love. Out of purpose. Out of duty. She was their mother, and they were her children. It was her job to feed them, shelter them, raise them. Nothing else in the world had ever given Carol a greater sense of meaning.
And what were Henrietta and Katherine but yet another pair of children? Children of the Goddess, dropped into this world, not knowing their true origin and purpose? Children without guidance, but in dire need of something, something that only one kind of person could provide.
They needed a woman learned in the ways of the ancients before time.
They needed a woman of the Goddess.
They needed a Lover of Zenriah.
They need...me to be a Lover of Zenriah.
Henrietta tilted her head, half worryingly, half encouragingly. "Carol?"
A rumbling roar overhead broke her thoughts on the spot. Looking up, the three women saw the clouds had turned an ominous shade of dark grey. They blanketed the sky, smothering every possible patch of blue that it could have beheld. White light flickered and flashed within them, and rain began to fall.
"Guess we should head back then," said Henrietta. Katy nodded in agreement. Carol, however, wasn't so sure. She still felt woozy, still felt dizzy, and still felt like she had something very important to say to her friends. The rain, though, she wasn't afraid of that. A naked swim in the rain honestly sounded like it could have been fun. But her friends were already beating a hasty retreat back to shore, their cute little behinds obscured in the now frantically spiking and rippling water. So with slight reluctance, she followed after them.
The three women emerged from the lake like a trio of sea nymphs, each physically toned, soaking wet, and naked as the days they were born. Henri hastily started gathering up whatever she could in her duffel bag, Katy darted around to collect her own belongings, and Carol, having brought nothing with her, decided to just stand and watch her two nude lovers scramble. In the back of her mind, she supposed she should go look for her shoes, but to be honest, she just couldn't work up the urge to. They just seemed so...trivial to her now. Unimportant. Disgusting even, like garbage, something she wouldn't ever touch if she could help it.
"Carol, what did you do to my bikini?"
"Where is my shirt? Where are my shorts?"
Katy was getting frantic now, running to the dock and back to look for the discarded articles of clothing that were nowhere to be seen, her body still as bare and beautiful as ever. Henrietta, meanwhile, was holding up the remains of her bikini top, which was now nothing more than a thin strip of fabric and two foamy cups.
"Where are my socks? Where are my shoes?"
"Can you at least find my bottoms?"
"I can't find shit here!"
"You don't need those things," said Carol, feeling oddly calm and serene as the rain pelted down on her, running shiny rivulets down her naked body. "You're both perfect the way you are."
"But we're not nudists!" said Henrietta.
"Yeah! You can't expect us to go home like this!" added Katherine.
"You both expected me to come here like this," said Carol. "And look at me now? I'm perfectly fine. A little nudity never killed anyone. Unlike pneumonia. Which all three of us will get if we linger around here for long in this weather."
"Pn-pneumonia?" Katherine stammered, clutching her sides as if she was about to start shivering.
Henrietta glared at the tattered remains of her top, then up at the sky, narrowing her eyes as the rain started to fall down harder. "Okay...okay. Fine, you made your case. Let's just get the hell out of here."
"Glad you agree," said Carol. "Race you back to the car!" She broke into a run, leaving her two naked girlfriends behind and utterly bewildered.
"No fair, Mommy!" said Katherine, who found herself laughing despite her predicament. She followed after Carol.
"H-hold on!" cried Henrietta. "I still need to pack the rest of my stuff!"
Three women ran through the woods, each one completely and totally naked. Their skins glistened with sliding water, their hair clung wetly to their backs, and their breasts bounced hypnotically like every branch and leaf in the trees that was hammered on by the rain. Katy and Henri paced themselves at a relaxed jog, treading carefully so as to not injure or strain their bare feet. Carol, meanwhile, couldn't care about that. She ran at top speed through the forest, letting her soles go wherever they landed. On wet muddy dirt, on piles of dead leaves, through puddles of water that splashed high in the air as she stomped into them. The sensation was unreal. The wet earth squished and squelched between her toes, streams of water cascaded down her form like a thousand pearly rivers, and cool air blasted every inch of her bare skin. It hardened her nipples, massaged her breasts, dove into her belly button, laid kisses inside her innermost treasure with every slight parting of her lips.
She unleashed a loud gasp that echoed throughout the forest. The hunger was overcoming her again.
By the time Henrietta and Katherine caught up to her, she was hunched over the car, dripping wet, breathing heavily, and feeling more alive in that moment than she ever had in her life. As Henri started fumbling inside her duffel bag to get her keys, Carol spoke up. "I'm gonna do it."
"Gonna do what?" said Katherine, who was standing by the rear door, arms wrapped tightly around her sides.
"I'm going to convert to Zenrism."
Henrietta's keys fell onto the pavement with a metallic clatter. "Wh-what?" she asked, stunned and bewildered.
"I'm going to become a Zenrist!" said Carol, looking up as though she was announcing it to the heavens.
"R-really?" said Katy.
"Yes! I'm going to be nude all the time! I'm not going to own a stitch of clothing! I'm going to fuck and cum everywhere I go! Like this!"
In a flash of lightning, she seized her young lover and shoved her into the car, banging the hood as she sat Katy down on it and spread her glistening legs. Then Carol climbed atop it and spread her own legs out as she nestled her form neatly between her fake daughter's. Then she thrust her hips. And moved them in a circle. She bobbed them up, she bobbed them down, and pushed herself deeper into her lover, mashing her distended clit into Katy's. A spark of electricity erupted between them just as it had in the rumbling clouds above. Thunder pealed.
With a stunned look in her eye, Henrietta approached the two quaking, convulsing bodies. By instinct, Carol grabbed her as well. She slammed into the car. She was pushed onto her back. She was climbed upon. She was groped, she kissed, she was rubbed, and before she knew it, all three of them were perched on the vehicle's hood, slipping and sliding off and over one another in a storm of wet slippery flesh.
Carol was a whirlwind of movement. One moment, she had her face buried in one girl's mound as she gyrated her pelvis into the other girl. The next, she had both women pinned under her, spread-eagled betwixt her legs so she could feel them both pulsing against her as she in turn pulsed against them. And through it all, the rain continued to fall, drowning their cries and cleansing their bodies of the torrents of liquid love emitted from their beings.
In the corner of her vision, Carol swore she saw someone looking at her, staring at her aghast as she, in all her glorious nakedness, rolled and danced and ground upon her equally naked girlfriends like a slick wet goddess. But she didn't care. She couldn't care. She was doing the Goddess' work. Woman's duty was to love her fellow kind and be loved by them in turn. It was what she was made for, it was why she was put on this green Earth. Why should she be ashamed about fulfilling her sacred duty? And why should they be disgusted by the vision of her perfect splendor?
So Carol humped and she rubbed and she kissed and she licked and she rolled and she squeezed and she sucked. And then she came. Over and over again upon her two lovers under the thunderous applause of the rain.
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