#I feel like they'd be very patient with each other and hype each other up
luminori-of-the-stars · 3 months
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Dynamic-wise, I think their personalities would be so chaotic together it'd be fun to see
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shessolovely-ao3 · 2 years
SO HYPED!!!! FOR THE NEW FANFIC!!!! I just read all of your headcanons for it and I am beaming with joy ^-^ However now I need to know your opinion on a very (controversial-ish) question : do you think Orel and Christina save themselves for marriage??? orrrr do you think they kinda gave up on that idea and just did what they want?
ahh thank you! i havent started outlining it yet bc im catching up on sleep since finals drained the hell out of me but im going to be posting more headcanons soon
so as a rule i don't like to think of characters that are minors in a tv show... that way... i just think its kind of creepy. but to try and answer your question i genuinely don't know. i'm sure that their thoughts (and i don't just mean them as a couple but them as separate people) on that is complicated.
the church has had a really rocky history with sex and sex ed in general, and a lot of people still learn the really old fashioned views on it and how it's a sin and how they should be afraid and ashamed of it- I did! it was hard to unlearn it and took a lot of time. i couldn't even type the word or say it without feeling weird and ashamed until... i would say about four years ago. it's hard man! so i'm sure that orel and christina would have a hard time adjusting to the "normal" world outside of moralton. a lot of the unlearning and acclimation would likely happen when they're in college. i hc that they get married like.. right after/a year after they graduate undergrad, so who knows honestly. either way im sure they'd be patient with each other because like i said unlearning brainwashing takes a lot of time
i know that was a suuper long winded post but long story short: i have no idea! im not sure what the majority of opinions leans towards but thats my hot take of the day
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beetroot-merchant · 2 years
It's the first day of winter vacation and I'm listening to my Repeat Rewind, which means, you guessed it, WDY headcan- oh wait, never mind, looks like we're checking out an AU this time, wow creativity :O
As per usual, long post ahead, spoilers for all of WDY, and you get a bonus song this time!
This has probably been done several times before and I was just unable to find it, but . Kyle and Sam sibling/best childhood friends AU
They're the same-ish age and go to the same preschool, and they're totally best friends and/or siblings even though Sam annoys the hell out of Kyle. He just can't get rid of her, y'know? She's too cute for that! He loves him in the affectionate sibling way, the kind where you wanna pull their hair and hide their socks but also play videogames together and read books and comics. So anyway, Kyle gets a Wii for his birthday and Sam is HYPED. ESTATIC. ON A CAFFEINE HIGH WITHOUT THE CAFFEINE. WHERE IS NATHAN? I DON'T KNOW. NO ONE CARES ABOUT HIM /j
Sam's loved sci-fi since she was a wee lass and she's also always believed that AI have feelings, so when they opened up the Wii and found a certain someone in there, she announced total toddler war on Kyle for the Wii remote, which he was holding since the console's technically his. They ended up getting the remote stuck under the couch and since neither of their lil baby arms could reach in there, they just decided they'd talk w/ Eteled and found out that he's pretty chill, not that Kyle believed him.
Timeskip a couple years, their sibling rivalry has actually died down a bit. Mostly because Eteled's caused Kyle listen to Sam a bit more, but also because they're maturing.
However. Here's my favourite bit.
The Miis can pick up on any conversation outside, right? So they'd also slowly hear the two be less hostile to each other, even in a joking way, and think that maybe. just maybe. if these kids can do it, so can they.
so slowly, very slowly, they start being kinder, more forgiving. cm knows torturing eteled won't bring him back, or pay off his parents' debt, or help anyone in any way, so he scraps the electric chair project. eteled knows he's got to work hard to gain cm's trust, because what he did is unforgivable and he accepts that, but a few acts of kindness, a small couple things to make him smile a little might be the best way to take advantage of the situation they've been given.
and they have a very shaky start. missteps and misunderstandings .. but they're patient. with each other, and themselves, and slowly, steadily, two steps forward, one step back, they forgive and forget.
Inspired heavily by "We're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa)", which you can listen to on Spotify or YouTube
Kyle with Kion's voice is just. <3
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nervermind · 3 years
thinking about paralives...i know a lot of sims fans don't like the direction the franchise is going and the promise of an alternative is exciting, but i feel like a lot of fans don't play many other video games or know much about game development and are hyping it up WAY too much. (*please don't take this as snobbery, being a casual gamer is perfectly okay.)
there have been TONS of crowd-funded indie games like this, that start with ambitious goals and get a ton of hype around them very quickly. the developers of the game, not having to answer to a faceless corporation, can be interactive with the player base, and can ask for feedback about what gameplay features they'd like to see. it's really exciting for players to feel listened to, and see their suggestions be implemented, but it can also lead to feature creep, where a team, especially a small one, promises way more than they can deliver in a timely manner, leading to a delayed or disappointing launch.
i don't think the paralives team are scammers, or trying to intentionally mislead people. i respect their goal of making a sims competitor, because the series REALLY sucks right now and essentially has a monopoly on the genre, and i want to see paralives succeed. but in addition to concerns about feature creep, there's one big thing that gives me pause.
all of the previews we've seen so far have been of house building and character creation. what we've seen of them has been really promising. however, there's been absolutely no gameplay shown. the paralives website promises a complex AI and unique personalities and relationships for all the characters, but there are no details about this, only lofty yet vague promises. i know even basic game programming is difficult. programming AI is even harder. there's a lot of things to consider about how the characters interact with each other and their environment, a ton of stuff happens on the back end of the sims that most people wouldn't think about. but this is THE most important feature of any life sim game, without it you might as well just buy a dress-up game or an architecture design program, and it seems weird to me that there's been seemingly no work on it yet.
so, why do i care about all this? because when a hyped-up game turns out to have a disappointing launch, the backlash can often get downright vicious. the most infamous case would probably be no man's sky. the wiki article is pretty long, but essentially, it was an indie game that garnered a lot of press hype and promised way more than could be delivered at launch, and the studio subsequently received constant harassment, including death threats and bomb threats.
to be completely fair to the paralives developers, they've been very clear about the fact that the game is in early alpha and isn't yet playable, and is years away from being complete. and to also be fair to the fans, most people seem content to be patient and wait for the release. still, i think a lot of people are hoping for a way bigger game than is reasonable to expect from a small and brand-new game studio, and i hope that everyone tempers their expectations a bit, before this all ends in a disaster.
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