#I fondly miss pink Huey ;w;
manyformslori · 7 years
Donald’s supernatural visit pt.1
Written with @disneyfanaticgal
Hi! Yes my very first ever Three Caballeros oneshot!  And a few headcanons in here! Panchito is a vampire and Jose is a sorcerer!,Warning there will be blood and swearing ..If you don’t like it or close friendship, then head off! *points to the side* I don’t own anyone,they belong to Disney! *throws a smoke bomb starting the story.* ‘Donald’s supernatural Magical visit’            It was a bright sunny day in Duckburg USA,everyone was doing their thing.Playing games,having barbecues or whatever….While at a certain home,three ducklings draped in blue,red and green were playing ball in the house.Even after their uncle said not to as he left the two storied home.”Pass it here Louie!” the red clad duckling said to the green clad one as he stood on a chair waiting for a toss of a football. “”Here you go Huey!” Louie shouted as he tossed the oval shaped ball to his brother. Only for it to miss and break the window.Oh,they were so screwed when their uncle got home.How were they going to fix this!? Donald(their uncle) was still paying for the car fiasco.The triplets shared a look of panic before they rushed to hide the hole in the window and pick up the glass,oh they had to fix this!”how much money we have in our banks?” Dewy asked warily as he poked through the curtains at the hole they made.         “Not enough for this! Unca Donald is going to feed us to the sharks!.” Louie panicked as the duckling twisted his green cap in his hands(a habit he got from their uncle) in worry.Their guardian wasn’t even gone five whole minutes and they trash something! Can anyone say grounded for life? Because that is how it’s going to be for the three brothers!         The ten year olds froze when they heard a familiar quacky voice sounded from outside saying “I was on my way to the airport to pick you guys up.” “We were hoping to surprise you amigo.” a spanish accent replied two seconds before a Brazilian voice asked “Donal’ why is your window broken?” Huey,Dewy & Louie trembled when their uncle Donald then ran in followed by two birds.The first being a red rooster in a hot pink jacket and pants,wearing a sombrero,his red comb sticking out,a belt holding two pistols and had brown eyes.The second bird was a green parrot in a yellow jacket over a white dress shirt,black bow tie.He carried a black umbrella in his yellow gloved hands and a top hat tipped slightly over one of his red eyes.”Boys!” Donald shouted angrily while the rooster and Parrot looked in worry.    “Hey Uncle Donald.” the ten year olds said at once smiling sheepishly,Dewy asking with a stutter “W-Who are they Uncle Donald?” he pointed to the rooster and parrot.               Donald frowned before saying as he gestured to the rooster ,who rested a grey gloved hand onto his friend's shoulder”Panchito Pistols.” the duck the pointed to the parrot who was now smoking a cigar.”Jose Carioca.” the sailor suit wearing duck then pointed to the stairs “Up stairs NOW!.”With a yelp,the triplets ran up the steps fast.Once they were gone,Jose looked to his friend asking with a smile “Would you like if I fixed the window?” the parrot’s hands glowed a light blue.“Please?” Donald sighed,he was still paying off the car,the white duck didn’t have enough money at the moment...and he was not crawling to his uncle Scrooge for a loan again.With a smile,his friend snapped his fingers ,causing the window to now be fixed to where it was before.”Well Donald,your Nino’s sure are something.” Panchito said with a chuckle as the rooster sat down on the couch,his friends joining him. “Then you have them.” his young friend grunted,don’t get him wrong,Donald loved his nephews.But they got into so much trouble it wasn’t even funny. Especially with the incident with the car last week!.Jose chuckled saying “Tempting,they’re adorable,but I got nephews already.” the green bird said taking a puff of his cigar,he then looked to his american friend saying “may I ask why you something Donal’?” blue eyes looked into his red ones “Have you told them about us?”Donald grimace before shaking his head “I tried but they were watching a horror moving with a vampire and a sorcerer plus a witch.”      Panchito and Jose grimaced at that as the former said “You let them watch something like that at age ten?” “They snuck out of bed and watched it.” was the growled reply, which caused the rooster to raise his hands in surrender,he didn’t want his amigo’s wrath.All three amigos then changed the subject and told stories of their adventures since they last saw each other. None of them knowing that they were being watched by three pairs of young blue eyes from top of the stairs, coming from around the corner.   Huey,Dewey and Louie were with cameras taking pictures,hoping this would get them on their uncle’s good grace...but,as they checked for any good pictures,they froze noticing something that shook them to the core. Panchito wasn’t in any picture! “Th-These cameras must be glitching.” Louie stuttered with a gulp not wanting to believe his eyes,his brothers nodding in agreement           "W-why can't we see him in the picture? Is the camera broken?" Dewey stutters out in panic.His green clad brother then shook it abit before taking another one....Still no Panchito! The boys ran back to their room that was next to the stairs,closing the door and leaning against it in fear."Tell me we just fell asleep and are just sharing the same dream." Huey groaned out as they slid to the floor. "Only if you tell us that." His brothers replied in sync.So, if Panchito can't be seen in the pictures, then it's become their worst fear.....Their uncle was downstairs with a blood sucking ,man eating, vampire!     Oh crap!The triplets had to tell their uncle...Except the fact that Donald wouldn't believe them unless they had proof.Question: how the flip do they do that!? their uncle will just think it's a glitch if they show him the photo. Going to the computer in their room,Louie asked "How hard could it be to prove that Panchito is a blood sucking demon?"he sat down as his brothers joined him.    "Without Uncle Donald grounding us?" Dewy asked him dryly.Huey nods with Dewey and says, "I'm not repeating the window incident again."Louie pulled up a website on Vampires as he said "no windows will be broken guys.All we need to do is see if-" he read the list as the other two ten yearolds looked over his shoulder." He can stand Sunlight,running water, Garlic and  blood urges." Dewy frowned as he asked " the heck is blood urges?" " no idea." The youngest triplet replied with a confused shrug as Huey looked outside "looks like we'll need to test them out tomorrow." The red clad duckling pointed outside,clouds forming " Storm is brewing." His brothers shared a nervous look,in the scary movie they all watched,The vampire picked the people off one by one.Of course, it gave their uncle another reason to not have them watch scary movies.                     The triplets nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard Donald's voice,saying as the door opened "You boys want Spaghetti? trust me,better than the volcano Panchito is planning to make." "Hey!" the aforementioned rooster said as he poked his head in with Jose "No swaying the votes."           "I don't want my nephew's tongues on fire." the sailor retorted as his nephews asked "Volcano?"          Jose rolled his eyes as he explained that Panchito was gonna make volcano hot tacos -A.K.A Habanero pepper tacos- but he had to agree,those sounded to hot for ten year olds.Huey,Dewy and Louie shared a look,saying "Tacos!" "OK-and if it calms you Madre of a uncle down." Panchito cheered before leaning against Donald who shot him a death glare at the 'madre' part "I'll make them just plane spicy ok?"The grown pato looked at his taller amigo as he thought.Sighing after a few moments of saying "bell peppers are in the kitchen with the apples."he quickly added,grabbing his friend scruff feathers "And I mean it-bell peppers."             Panchito sweatdrops with a sheepish smile as he nods saying, "Of course amigo."He then bolts when the sailor let him go.Once he was gone,Louie asked the older duck "Uncle Donald, what does 'Madre' mean?" Jose busted out laughing hard at that.            Later on at dinner.Donald was eating his taco with his amigos on the couch.While the boys ate at the table.While eating,Don said to his amigos "I can't help but think my boys are hatching a plan for something." "I know what it is too.Vampire hearing comes in handy." Panchito said after he swallowed his bite of taco.Oh yeah,he heard every word of Huey,Dewy and Louie's conversation.Eh,he'd humor them,might aswell see how it goes. Oh boy…."Mind filling us in amigo?" Jose asked his friend. the vampire of the three thought before saying "Nah,where's the fun in that?" "This a vampire thing? seeing things play out?" Donald asked dryly as his Mexican amigo nodded,saying with a shrug "How we get rid of our boredom." Jose shakes his head at that fondly.         "Sorcerers do it to Amigo." his friend pointed out to the parrot,having spotted the head shake.                 "Not denying that." the Brazilian said with a shrug.His kind was no better on that.Jose rolls his eyes at that, knowing that the rooster was up to something that might as well be.He prayed things went well. Well,lets see how it goes dear readers.    The next day,in the morning,we see Panchito and Jose on the couch,the former holding the latter since the charro had a fear of storms..went throughout the whole.damn.night! Until two hours ago.Poor Panchito (and Jose who had to calm his amigo down.) Didn't sleep well.           Panchito groans tiredly on the couch.Without opening his eyes,The rooster tiredly searched for his sombrero...only it wasn't near him.Great,the sun wins again.So with a yawn,Panchito got up with a stretch.Might aswell start breakfast for everyone else.Getting up from the couch,Panch took the blanket and covered Jose up before going to the kitchen.Pancakes it was,he always made them to apologize for keeping someone up.             Donald was the first one in the kitchen.He stretches with a yawn,saying "You didn't have to cook breakfast-wait pancakes?" he knew this stick...leaning on the table,he asked "How long you keep Jose up?" "...Until a few hours ago." was the meek reply as Panchito put blueberry pancakes on the table."I honestly tried to get over my fear of storms amigo." he drooped at that. Aww. Poor guy. Donald grimaced as he said while Huey,Dewy and Louie walked in with a yawn. "It's ok to have fears pal.Heck,I tell my nephews that." This seemed to perk Panchito up some.He hugs his american amigo,tail feathers fluttering.The triplets nearby shared a confused look.They only heard the last part of the conversation.And now, they felt a bit confused. "Did we miss something?" Huey asked his brothers.         "Yup." they replied.Oh boy.Donald looked to his boys,asking "Can one of you wake up Jose? Plan to go fishing later." Huey headed off,but froze at seeing the adult bird on the couch..Floating..Three feet from the furniture!What the!?"U-Uncle D-Donald!." Huey shouted with a stutter,waking Jose who fell onto the couch with a grunt.         " Quem!? o que?! Onde!?" the parrot asked in his native tongue,looking around quick as the others rushed into the room.Donald kneeling next to his nephew,asking worriedly "Huey what is it?"Huey looked as if he saw a ghost."H-He was floating above the couch!." the duckling said,hugging his uncle as he pointed to Jose with a trembling fear. "I forgot he does that." Don sighed with a facepalm as his green amigo smiled sheepishly as he got up,putting his hat on."Hehe, whoops?" Jose says sheepishly.          Huey hid behind his uncle now,asking "h-He a ghost?"And the ducklings were surprised when both Donald and Jose laughed at that."I'm no ghost nino. Some sorcerers float in their sleeps.Witches and warlocks." the latter explained as he adjusts his hat,leaning on his umbrella he made appear "oh yeah,they do that."Jose then sniffed the air and perked up "Blueberry pancakes!God he loved blueberry pancakes! "To quote Donald." the Brazilian started composed,clearing his throat.Before bolting to the kitchen "Lemme at 'em!" "Hey save some for us!." the sailor mentioned shouted,chasing his friend.This leaving behind some very confused triplets."I thought uncle Donald only acted like this to Mickey and Goofy." Huey said as he and his brothers shared a look.None noticing Panchito knelt next to them until he spoke,making them jolt "Oh people can have more than two amigos that make them loosen up." Holy crap this rooster was silent! After calming themselves down,hearts beat finally slow,the triplets looked at the vampire,saying "What are you then?" Panchito smiled lightly as he said "I believe you ninos know already." he stood up,adding "Lets get breakfast before Jose and Donald eat it all." They then head into the kitchen.
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