#I get 'miss'ed and 'ma'am'ed and 'she'd at my job during the week and while I don't expect little kids to understand what nonbinary is
theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
I’ve been watching various LARPers on YouTube and seeing all of the effort they put into their costumes and characters, and... I know this is not an original thought at all, but I keep coming back to the idea of Gender As Costume for myself.  Like, yes please, let me be a man or a woman or a goddamn deer monster with fucked up antlers for a day, and then let me take it all off and go back to being an amorphous genderless blob at the end of the day.  Do Not Perceive Me unless I have crafted this elaborate persona specifically for the purpose of being perceived in a certain way.  There is no Amie--Amie does not exist.  There is no stage door where you get to see me out of costume.  There is only the character I’m playing that day.
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