#I got to 3.14159265358979323 and just couldn't go much more bc I was too busy with other work at gay theater camp
savrenim · 1 year
ok who's your show horse for this tournament. your rare beast. your main contender. your ultimate vote
this is so hard this is impossible if only bc I'm A Pi Loyalist For Reasons but e^{i pi}=-1 is my Favorite Equation and e and i and -1 are also both in the running. and also how do I turn my back on sqrt(2). bUT 0!!! 0 AS A CONCEPT IS JUST TOP-NOTCH LIKE YOU CAN'T HAVE A RING WITHOUT BOTH AN ADDITIVE AND A MULTIPLICATIVE IDENTITY.
and there are just???? so many other good ones in there????? I'm an analyst so epsilon is my lifeblood, for a while I was planning on getting "Let epsilon>0" tattooed on me when I finished grad school, the golden ratio is fun to do number theory with, I could go on for like. half a dozen of these numbers.
but if you put me at chalkpoint and made me choose, I'm a pi loyalist, and in absence of pi, I'd go for i.
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