#I got to rest a lot last weekend which was super gratifying but i'm taking baby steps in stepping back into writing!
canariie · 1 year
Canariie! I don't entirely remember how (erm, or when) we first met (though I'm sure it was mutual participation in HitsuHina events) but I wanted to let you know I've had such a good time getting to know you better over 2022. I value having Writing Friends so much, and I love the way you talk about your stories--what you were going for, what inspired you, how the process went. Thank you so much for all of your support as well. <3
You mentioned in an AO3 comment that you loved the way HitsuHina fandom was building off one another and creating this hivelike fannish ecosystem together and I am 100% with you on that; it is my favorite, favorite thing. Looking forward to more/better/wackier in 2023! You are awesome! :)
Aww thank you Whipple for this kind message! It truly had made my day! Such a lovely surprise but something that I have gone back to reread again and again!
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I have immensely appreciated getting to know you over 2022 in writing and interacting with other writers in the Bleach fandom but especially in our Hitsuhina corner :) Your writing has honestly inspired me in my own ideas and prompts that I have so many little plot snippets in my phone that excites me to explore and expand on the universe that you so eloquently write of! I think the way you capture the Bleach universe is so fresh and nuanced and adds a whole level of depth to what we already know :)
It has been extremely gratifying to see how we riff off each other from @rays-of-fire-and-ice coordinating events and her detailed headcanons of key moments missing from manga; to @alexiethymia's ability to analyze even the briefest of manga panels and create headcanons that just add so much more depth to canon material; @rainfestive's impeccable skill to convey gentleness and intimacy in her lovely drawings. And like you said, we are truly carving our own corner in the Kubo world and I absolutely love how the ideas we individually write to just even the smallest comment finds itself in other people's work--which just makes participating in the fandom so much more enjoyable! It's really become a special place <3
To be completely honest, I've taken a slight break from tumblr (not completely!) just because the end of last year with all my writing slightly burnt myself out! I didn't get to rest as much as I needed so it feels a little difficult to start writing again. But I assure you, that I will be back with some fics and I promise I'll open requests to celebrate my 100th reblog milestone!
Thank you again!
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