#I guess??? it ain't metaphysical lmao
nellygwyn · 7 years
WILL ye hear what I can say Briefly of my Julia ? Black and rolling is her eye, Double-chinn'd and forehead high ; Lips she has all ruby red, Cheeks like cream enclareted; And a nose that is the grace And proscenium of her face. So that we may guess by these The other parts will richly please
Upon His Julia, Robert Herrick (1591-1674) A poem that is super evocative of 17th century beauty standards, so very different from our own. Herrick has several poems addressed to the beauty of one Julia (probably a mistress). Another poem, named "Upon Julia's Breasts," says: "Display thy breasts, my Julia, there let me/Behold that circummortal purity;/Between whose glories, there my lips I’ll lay,/Ravished in that fair Via Lactea."
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