#I hate that issue when they rewrote their backstories it's so stupid
cyclops-was-left · 2 years
Remember when Billy and Teddy actually had personalities
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Under Raps
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My feelings on this episode are pretty neutral. It’s not anything amazing, but it’s not the worst thing ever either. It’s just there, I guess. 
Summary: During a love festival, Corona displays a book full of signatures of lovers in honor of an old ruler's falling in love with the leader of a rival kingdom. Cassandra suddenly turns very secretive; Rapunzel learns it's because she's been seeing a guy named Andrew. Cassandra doesn't want Rapunzel's meddling, but the princess suggests a double date and they all go off in a hot air balloon. However, Andrew turns out to be part of an old faction that didn't like the unification of Corona and wants to steal the book.
This Backstory Doesn’t Add Up
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So we open up with Big Nose narrating about the history of a war between Corona and a group of people called the Saporians. This is important for two reasons. First, because the Saporians are reoccurring villains in the show, and secondly, because it reveals where the underground tunnels running between Old Corona and the Island Capital come from. These tunnels are a reoccurring plot device in the show, along with the book that maps them. 
The problem is that what the story tells us doesn’t match the other information we are given. If it was only the Saporians who invaded then why does an Old Corona, with its own castle, exist to begin with? Why do the tunnels extend from both if King Herz Der Sonne made them? What purpose did they serve if he was only defending the island? Why are the Saporians led by a general and not a ruler? Why would marrying only a general unite the two kings and where was the Saporian kingdom to begin with? Why did they invade? Why are there still Saporians who haven’t accepted the merger centuries later and why do they live on the go outside the kingdom? If  Herz Der Sonne is such a good guy then why did he curse his grave with a zombie apocalypse? Ect. 
We keep getting hints throughout the show that Herz Der Sonne isn’t all he was cracked up to be, and you keep expecting a reveal that it was the Coronaians who started the war and oppressed the Saporians and then rewrote history, but it never comes. The show wants us to accept this very black and white conflict at face value even as it constantly undermines itself and muddies the waters. 
Pointing Out That Something is Stupid in the Show Itself Doesn’t Make it Any Less Stupid
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As I stated back during Rapunzel’s Enemy, the show has a real problem with tone. Constantly showing us festival and holiday after festival and holiday only undermines the more serious elements in the ongoing story and creates mood whiplash. Also anything that reminds me of Cinderella 2 is not a good thing. 
Ahh Friedborg, You’re Such a Wasted Opportunity 
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So she actually first appeared in Cassandra V. Eugene but I forgot to bring her up there. My bad. Friedborg is something of a fan favorite in the TTS fandom, and I like her too, but she adds nothing. She’s a joke character in a tv show already oversaturated by joke characters. More over the joke is actually offensive on some level since it all hinges on her being less conventionally attractive then the other female characters and the mains finding her weird because she never talks. 
The show tries to justify her existence by making her Big Nose’s girlfriend, but she’s not who he ended up with in the movie. And once again it’s kind of offensive to imply that only people who don’t match society’s contrived beauty standards can only find love with those that look like them. Thereby completely missing the point of Big Nose’s character arc. 
I’ll say it right now, Friedborg should have been Zan Tiri, or Demantius. Take your pick. I think ZT makes more sense, but etheir way she should have been a setup for something more important to the plot rather then just be being a vauge oddity that just pops up from time to time. 
I Miss This Version of Eugene
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Throughout the first two seasons, Eugene and Cassandra were willing to point out Rapunzel’s BS. Forcing her to confront her flaws and re-examine her positions.I would argue that the show could have pushed this even further but at least it was there. By the final season no one was doing this. Rapunzel is allowed to be as awful as she wants to be without consequence. Meaning she never learns anything and stops growing as a character and the show acts like this a positive thing. It is not. In fact, it is the biggest flaw of the whole show as it fails to achieve the one thing it originally set out to do; which is to tell a coming of age story with Rapunzel. 
It also has the added effect of making Eugene a doormat to Rapunzel’s bulling, thereby regressing his character as well and presenting an unhealthy relationship as a goal to be achieved to younger viewers. I can not stress enough to young girls and young men in particular, that Rapunzel and Eugene are not ‘relationship goals’ in this show. Not after season 3. 
Xavier Doesn’t Get a Proper Introduction 
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So Xavier is actually pretty important to the ongoing plot. He’s more or less the exposition fairy for the show, but he’s not really established. He just suddenly appears here with no prior meeting and he just so happens to know what the main characters need to know with no explanation as to how he knows. 
His part here is so forgettable that I legit forgot who he was when he reappeared in the mid-season finale. I had thought that the writers just threw in a random character for plot purposes. And to be fair they did. Just they did it here instead of in Queen for a Day. 
If the showrunners wanted Xavier to be historian who knows everything and tells stories, then he should have been introduced as the narrator of the history of Hearts Day instead of Big Nose. 
Another Lesson Not Learned 
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We get this big heart to heart moment of Raps and Cass coming to an understanding, with Rapunzel promising not to intrude and Cass promising to being more honest about her feelings. This is walked back on several times and made part of the core conflict of the last two seasons. 
Once again, any problem that can be solved in less then five minutes of talking isn’t a strong enough conflict to drive multiple seasons. If this had been a show without an ongoing narrative, like say The Rescue Rangers or even Batman the Animated Series, then the repeated lessons wouldn’t be a problem. We expect characters to be static and to reset after each episode since they’re not shows that you watch in order. 
But if you do go the overarching arc route for a story, then people expect lasting character development. Even in shows like Gravity Falls or Steven Universe, where the change is more gradual and the characters do repeat mistakes occasionally, there’s still a marketed change by the end. One that indicates improvement by the characters, and the inter conflicts are never exactly the same each time with exactly the same lesson over and over again. 
 Oh Look, Cassandra Once Again Achieving her Goal of Validation 
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Cass is awarded a medal by her father for stopping Andrew. Don’t expect her or the show to remember this. 
Also more Cass and Cap interaction that we don’t get to see. 
Can We Not Imply That Cassandra Still has a Crush on the Guy Who Lied to Her and Then Almost Killed Her, and Can We Not Act Like This is a Good Thing?
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So this flower was given to Cassandra by Andrew and her keeping it makes zero sense. 
First off lets not have one of our few strong independent female characters crushing on the show’s stereotypical ‘nice guy’, okay? That’s all kinds of gross. Secondly, if the intention was to show that Cass was now more willing to open up about her feelings, then wouldn’t her keeping one of the gifts Raps made her earlier in the episode make more sense? After all, that’s the relationship that actually matters to Cassandra and is the basis of the whole show. 
But this all boils down to the fact that the creator sees Cassandra as straight, always has, and thinks her crushing on the guy who manipulated her is somehow better than ‘no-homo’. Now you can headcanon Cass as whatever you want and ship her with whomever you want, as canon doesn’t matter. But I find it hilarious that most of the head showrunner’s biggest supporters are mainly Casspunzel fans and yet he’s the one who made them ‘sisters’ and sees them as such.
Like I hate to break it to you guys, but a Cass led spin-off headed by Chris won't be the lesbian rep that you’ve always dreamed of. You’re better off just watching the She-Ra reboot. 
But things gets even worse when Rapunzel approves of this stupid ‘crush’ ...
Don’t Ever Tell Someone That You’re Proud of Them For Going On a Date
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Dating is just something some people choose to do together and some people choose not to engage in that. It’s not an accomplishment and it shouldn’t be treated as such. This is insulting to both people who don’t date, for whatever reason, and to women who hate being being defined by their relationships, which is most of us. 
Even if you’re being charitable and try to make this about Cassandra self esteem and her learning she’s worth ‘loving’, which is the reason some people have offered up for this scene, it still falls apart when it’s not established that Cassandra ever had such self esteem issues to begin with and was not looking for romance anyways. And if that is what the show is going for then it’s still problematic to suggest that being found as attractive by someone else is need for self esteem. In fact, that’s kind of the opposite of what self esteem is.    
Overall this episode was ‘meh’. Like most season one episodes the problems stem from the ongoing narrative and lack of follow though in later seasons. However there’s enough stuff in here on it’s own to rub me just the wrong way that I can’t actually call it good either. 
It doesn’t help that I don’t see the appeal of Andrew at all. Watching the character is just a cringefest for me. He’s too similar to real life men I’ve unfortunately met and therefore sends alarm bells ringing in my head. And I agree with Eugene; he’s not all that handsome. 
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burnsopale · 6 years
Beyblade S1 - English vs Japanese
Time for my two cents about the whole English vs Japanese Beyblade issue, put under a cut because I am not capable of being nice about this. If you love Nelvana’s Beyblade and can’t bear to see it criticised, you might not want to read on.
This is not about the dub and sub, not about the voice acting, but about the shows as wholes.
Let me start by making clear that a) if you love the English version, you rock that love and don’t let anyone tell you you’re wrong, because b) it’s not like the original anime is flawless by any means. I’m not even sure I can say that it’s good. What I can say is that I love it more than many of the “great” animes I have seen, and that’s worth something. And finally, c) my frustration is with Nelvana, for doing a terrible job of adapting this show for the Western market, delivering a final product that they should be ashamed of. You know, don’t hate on the broken product, hate the manufacturer.
The English version of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade is bad, objectively and inescapably bad, and I say that as someone who grew up with it and loved it obsessively for years.
It has its good points; some good jokes, some good voice actors, good music (the show was completely rescored), a great intro, and it even tries to fix a couple of the plot holes from the Japanese version (like the Dark Bladers getting a resolution), but for the most part, the changes Nelvana made, and they rewrote some 80% of the script, make the show dumber and shallower, as if they expected their intended audience to be morons.
Here's my go-to example of how stupid it can get: Remember when Takao is searching for Rei in episode 12? He stops an old cart-driver on the road to ask if he's seen Rei.
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In the Japanese version, the man says "Yes" and points out a mountain that he saw Rei climbing. Takao now knows where to go.
In the English dub, the cart-driver answers "No".
Let me repeat that: Tyson asks if the man has seen Rei, and the man says NO. So now Tyson has no idea where to look for Rei, and the baffling change culminates in this fantastic line: "I know this is gonna sound completely weird, but I got a feeling Rei went up that mountain."
They wrote themselves into a corner FOR NO REASON, and then had to give Tyson PSYCHIC POWERS to fix it.
And that's not even the scene's only problem, because the dialogue between Takao and Max has also been rewritten to make no sense: Tyson tells Max he can't come along. He doesn't give any reason for this, he just ... tells Max he can't come. Takao meanwhile is talking about what he wants to say to Rei when they see him.
And almost every scene is like this. Takao and Tyson are so different they're almost separate characters, the Byakko clan get half their backstory removed which also takes the emotional depth and resonance out of their arc, the European team are given this weirdly abusive internal dynamic, lots of lines get cut because they need the precious seconds to have characters interact with Dizzy, and don't get me started on how they rewrote Kai's character motivation to the OPPOSITE of what it is originally.
Actually, let’s have ourselves one more example ...
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