#I have a whole thing on HK I've been saying for ages I would polish
lyfeward · 1 year
y'know what I gotta leave a more detailed note for myself or I WILL forget and I like this idea so —
the Horned Knight obviously is the Lord of the Forest with a court of dryads [including his wife, who is a dryad] and human servants who are ensorcelled with moss + flowers growing over theirs mouths + eyes. will dive into that at some point. but he is a knight so I have a thought of there being what I will call the Order of Yore. this is a knightly order, which he leads, consisting of spirits who — well I'm gonna steal a phrase from Solas: "reenact the bloody past in ancient wars both famous and forgotten." I feel we can assume that dryads are spirits inhabiting trees, and so I will say the Order of Yore [aka the yorder as I like to call them] consists of spirits inhabiting animals but in a way that anthropomorphizes them. like, you don't just have a possessed fox who can talk. you have a possessed fox who can talk, walk on two legs, wield a weapon, and a wear a jaunty feather cap. it's a whole thing. anyway, these knights are drawn to great deeds of valor, chivalry, honor, battle, that sort of thing. they can often be found reenacting such deeds that have occurred in the past. in an instance where they come upon a deed that is currently happening / has happened recently, they will reward it. however, if they come upon someone acting dishonorably, cowardly, against their code of chivalry — well naturally they punish them. and it's known they've been punished. thus it's no surprise folktales paint the yorder as an ill omen. it's said if you come upon them, you will soon meet your death and it will be a grisly one. in fact, some say that if you come upon them they will kill you themselves and drag away your soul to serve as game in their hunts for all eternity. tales of their rewards in recognition of noble deeds are rarer owing to the rarity of noble deeds themselves.
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