#I have lucked out in that mostly people in my life haven't been jerks about my health issues
tj-crochets · 10 months
In response to the gravel thing, big wheels are the only thing that's gonna work in gravel. Little wheels tend to get stuck, which is why that all terrain rollater that the other anon shared had such big back wheels.
In terms of people not being jerks about it, i think that a rollator (like one of the reds ones with the solid wheels) is the one that's least likely to have people being jerks about it.
Also, In my experience, making it look like it's for a young person (like if you put stickers and stuff all over it like you were talking about doing), it will make it very clear it's yours and make you seem 'inspirational' to ignorant people rather than anger inducing.
When I used one of my grandfather's old canes when I was 13, random people, particularly old people, got very mad at me and told me that 'i was so young, i should enjoy it, not be using a cane.'
But when I got a new child-sized pink cane and put lisa frank stickers and chibi cephalopod stickers on it and got a little sparkly tassel on the wriststrap, all of a sudden I was 'so brave' and they were 'so proud of me.'
Thanks! I think I'm probably going to end up with one that can't really do gravel, but if it can handle grass and occasionally like dirt paths I think it'll work out? As much as I'd like to do the whole picnics in the park thing, realistically I'm going to use it most often in like grocery stores and stuff like that And oof, I never really thought of that as the trade off, but it is a really good suggestion. I was going to put stickers on it anyway (because I can and also why not lol) but making it look obviously mine instead of my dad's will probably help a lot. I've only had people call me brave or inspirational for like...existing with health issues a few times? And it was uncomfortable and weird every time! but honestly less disruptive to my day than the angry people I got the "you're too young, enjoy life while you can" thing too!! I was in a rented wheelchair at the state fair because I'd just gotten through with a full month of bedrest from having a very bad case of mono and my resting heart rate would not come down from the 140s! Same hat! But like, terrible same hat, sorry you had to deal with it. There should be a thing for same hat, but the hat was bad lol
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