#I have no doubt steve is involved but I'm p sure Steve wasn't the one the producer was speaking of
fatpidgey · 7 years
Everyone’s saying that the new employee that won’t take off the costume is Steve but like
Nah it’s absolutely Bacon I bet you anything
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anniethelen · 3 years
for the salty ask list: 3, 5, 14 & 19
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
After TFATWS first aired, I did unfollow some people where we didn't see eye to eye on the treatment of Bucky's character and character arc. I'm sure they're lovely people but that much stress over differing interpretations of a fictional character was not worth it and I'd rather spend my energy on people I agree with. I found others who shared my opinion and my dash has been so much more pleasant.
I've also had to unfollow people over P*ggy Carter. Okay, before TWS I actually liked the character, and I liked St*ggy... typing that just made me gag. I didn't necessarily like St*ggy because I thought they had a well written romance, I just like tragic romances. So even if P*ggy hadn't been involved with Shield, I still wouldn't have wanted Steve to go back to her in EG because that would have ruined the romance for me.
But then TWS came around and we find out that Shield hired Nazis and P*ggy was one of the founders. Okay at first I was in denial and tried to explain everything away where she wasn't at fault, but eventually I came to terms with the fact that she was complicit. I would have then been indifferent towards her but Marvel keeps pushing her. First with completely ignoring her involvement with Hydra (and in TFATWS having Bucky take responsibility which really made me dislike her) then the no homoing in EG, then pushing C@ptain C@rter, implying that she is Steve's moral equivalent, erasing Steve's disabilities and ailments, shoving Bucky into the background, and still ignoring that she hired Nazis. (Seriously, the solution to this was to not have her work for and be head of Shield. They knew where that story was going.) And now she is getting more promotion than Sam as Captain America and this is just a huge problem. Marvel needs to read up on white feminism. I had also forgotten about the scene where she shoots at Steve and once I was reminded of it and then did a rewatch of TFA, yeah that scene is a problem. I just can't with her character anymore and I had to unfollow pro P*ggy accounts.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
So for this one I was going to list a few ships but then I realized that I disliked them before interacting with their fandoms. Their fandoms simply made the ship more annoying to me.
So I'm very ship and let ship. I've had NOTPs that were the most popular pairing in a fandom and I've had OTPs that were the most popular ship. I tend to give all shippers the benefit of the doubt because with popular ships there are going to be a lot of annoying people and I know what its like to not want to be associated with them. And when one of my ships has a lot of annoying shippers, I seek out fans that I can gel with better and tend to block those that I find overly obnoxious or those that want to force their headcanons on everyone.
So I don't think a fandom has necessarily ruined a pairing. They just made me dislike more than I already did. I just block the tags and let those people have their fun.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I was having trouble with this one because the fandom is so huge that I'm having trouble finding an opinion that would be unpopular. I guess as far as Stucky goes, I don't care for modern AUs? Most of the time it feels like I'm just reading Chris and Seb or two OCs. The thing that I like about Stucky is that they are two men out of time, who went to war, were separated and found each other again in the future. I don't get that with modern no powers AUs.
Also, I don't care that much for Shrunkyclunks. For me, it takes away everything interesting about Bucky? (Not that Marvel isn't already doing that) and everything interesting about Steve and Bucky's relationship. And I wonder why not just write Samsteve?
(However I'm also for writing whatever fanfics you want to write. I don't want anyone to take this as a personal attack on those fics.)
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
There is too much fetishizing of the clothing Bucky wears in Wakanda in Stucky fanart. That is a real culture's clothing and its cringe to see a white man fetishized wearing it. Buchanan and Barnes are Scottish names. There was a huge immigration wave in the early 20th century. I think i read that 3/4 of the residents in New York in 1910 were immigrants? You guys have an excuse to put him in a kilt. (And the Barnes tartan is pretty)
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