#I haven't Napoleonic posted in awhile 😂
deceptigoons-attack · 7 months
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"Probably the outstanding surgeon was Dominique Jean Larrey (1766-1842), who was also an organizer, teacher, and inventor. He became surgeon-in-chief to the Imperial Guard, a baron, Commandant of the Legion of Honor, and Knight of the Order of the Iron Crown. Napoleon considered him the most virtuous man he had ever known. Practically his equal was Pierre François Percy, inspector general of military hospitals and surgeon-in-chief to the Army.
Both men hoped to make the Service de Santé an independent, self-sufficient organization with its own trains and full control over its hospitals. Sadly, some soldiers did not appreciate even their most devoted services. While Percy and his surgeons worked in the freezing cold at Eylau, stragglers stole their horses, swords, and baggage.
Swords Around A Throne, John R. Elting
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