#I honestly forgot she sleeptalked
only-lonely-stars · 4 years
The Future is Bright, Chapter 5
[Chapter 1 (Beginning)] // [Chapter 4] // [Chapter 5 - you are here!] // [Chapter 6] // [Chapter 10 (End)] (FFN)
It’s time for our crew to get some answers! Maybe some time to cool off is all they need... but it couldn’t hurt to see how the future’s changed.
Summary: What would happen if Cole had indeed had a reflection in the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master? How would that have changed his life later? What would it have been? This story follows what might have happened if he had seen something, and what it was; who he would have become. What if his future was already decided?... (Rated T for safety. Alternate title: the Cosmic Spoilers AU.)
Chapter 5: Reflection
A couple days later, Cole, Jay, and Nya were on board R.E.X. to the tomb. Lloyd had been vehemently opposed ("No way! I am not about to see another prophecy for my future, you can count me out"), so it was just the three of them. Cole didn't say so, but he preferred it that way, just going with his two closest friends. He knew he could trust them, no matter what he saw. Not that he couldn't trust Lloyd, but this was especially close to home. He didn't want to share it with everyone.
When the three finally reached the maze and had dusted themselves off from the sliding fall, Nya looked around with an excited grin on her face. "Wow… this place is amazing!"
"Yeah, it's really pretty," Cole said with a smile, admiring the faraway ice. "Kinda forgot how nice, honestly."
"How could you forget?! Look at it!"
"I don't know? I just did!" He chuckled. "We came here once, and I had other things to think about."
Jay laughed. "Okay, well, I have to try something now. I've been wanting to for years."
Cole looked over at him. "Yeah? What?"
Jay grinned obnoxiously, before shouting at the top of his lungs. "ECHO!" 
The sound bounced off the ice, echoing through the cave. It faded slowly, almost turning into a sort of ringing, but eventually subsided.
Cole snickered. "Really? You come back here after years and the first thing you do is shout 'echo?'"
"Oh, shut up!" Jay laughed. "Okay, you know what's better?"
"Rhetorical question!" He turned back toward the maze. "NINJA-GO!"
Nya rolled her eyes, smiling. "You are so nutty, Jay."
"You love me, though."
"I do."
Cole grinned at their interaction. "We're almost to where we saw the visions. You ready, Nya?"
"Uh… yes?" She raised an eyebrow, but her demeanor was still cheerful.
Jay rolled his eyes. "That's not really an answer, Nya. Just saying."
"Well, it's kind of an answer," Cole defended.
"No it isn't! I mean, her answer should be an answer, not a question, if you asked a question." He paused. "...Wait, that made no sense."
Nya took his hand, cutting him off. "What did you see in here, Jay?"
Jay nodded. "Okay, it's been a while, but basically I wear an eye patch and look awesome."
Cole grinned at him. "Hold on, Jay. Didn't you say there was something else, too?"
"Whaaat? No."
"Uh-huh. Something about another person?" He winked at Nya.
"I thought you couldn't hear me saying that!" Jay exclaimed.
"Not my fault you talk in your sleep."
Nya laughed. "Sleeptalking, really?"
Jay looked between the two of them and blanched, blinking a few times. "I– you– You listen to me talk in my sleep?!"
Cole couldn't help laughing loudly. "You were talking really loudly, and I was awake drawing! It was only once, anyway."
"Stupid shared dorm room," his best friend grumbled.
"Not like we use it any more. Come on."
Still bickering, the three approached the ice wall. It shone in the light, reflecting the little bit of light there was and casting a glare at the same time. Its ice was the palest blue, with the shadows and illusions of many more walls behind it, all fractures and fractals and fragments that no mind could really come to know.
Cole looked up at its towering heights. Once again, it reminded him of how small he truly was... even the Master of Earth was small in comparison to the rest of the world. In history's opinion, his troubles might seem small. He would seem small.
Still, Cole eventually looked to his companions too, and they all gazed up in their awe.
Nya's voice was low. "FSM…"
"Pretty cool, huh?" Jay nudged her with his elbow.
She grinned at him. "This is amazing! No wonder you guys got lost!"
"Well, it is a maze," Cole noted, trying to shake off his thoughts. "We don't have to go in to see the reflections, just down to get out. It's easy enough."
"Then let's not waste any time!"
The three approached the ice, and Jay grinned as he caught sight of his. "Whaddaya know? I still have the eyepatch."
Nya laughed, speaking under her breath. "That brings up some interesting memories..." Then she looked at herself and smiled, pausing. "...Wow… I look really happy. I'm all dressed up for some reason."
Jay grinned and put an arm around her. "Yeah, you do. Just look at that hair! You're gorgeous."
She giggled. "Jay! Come on!"
"What? It's true! You look amazing in the future!" He kissed her cheek. "Just like your mom– not that I like your mom, but y'know–"
"Jay. I get it." She laughed. "You're so sweet."
Cole rolled his eyes at them and approached the ice, tuning out their lovey-dovey conversation in favor of focusing. He had to know his own future, just once more, to be satisfied. Would it be what he saw before? What was he going to see?
He reached the ice and focused, looking intently, and there it was. Future Cole looked him in the eyes, and was familiar.
The man in the mirror was almost just like him. His hair was only the slightest bit longer that Cole's current hair– he must have grown it out since he last saw the reflection, because the difference was small, but it was identical to last time. His eyes in the future were the same as the present, which now had that orange glint they always seemed to carry. There was the orange scar on his temple, too, and its easy understanding with the Day of the Departed come to pass. Physically, Future Cole was identical to Present Cole.
The clothing, of course that stupid clothing; it was the same as what he'd seen before, too. His reflection wore white robes with blue accents, with a woven pattern reminiscent of clouds and a belt that clasped with his dragon emblem. Future Cole's clothing was a dead ringer– this thing he wore was Shintaran, not Ninjagian. Add half of a yin-yang pin set, pinned to his chest just above his heart, and it was clear to see... nothing had changed.
Cole sighed heavily. "My reflection's the same."
Jay turned, then moved over to look, leaving his own reflection where it sat. "Wait, really?"
"Yeah." He nodded at Jay, and the two came over to look. "Identical. My future hasn't changed." He looked back at Future Cole, who looked at him in equal disappointment and hope. "Most of it's already come true."
Nya hummed. "Guess so, if you mean the scar. Those really are Shintaran robes."
Jay grinned. "So it's just like what you thought!"
Cole sighed again, avoiding their gaze. "...Yeah. It's exactly what I thought." He looked back at the reflection, then paused as he spotted something. "Actually, I take that back. I don't remember a gold and white smudge next to me..."
Nya squinted at it. "I think it's part of it, Cole."
"Well, why would there be a smudge? All of me is right there."
"Maybe it's another person. You said that two people can show up in these sometimes."
"If there was going to be another person, wouldn't it just show her like it did for Jay?" He looked behind himself, but there wasn't anything there. "Maybe it's just dirty."
"Nah, it's got to be a person." Jay scrubbed the ice with his sleeve. "That's got to be intentional, Cole."
"Come on, all this detail and they leave that part out?" He gestured at it. "That's the part I'm stuck on!"
Nya put an arm around his shoulders. "Well, hey. Do you really want to see that part?" He looked at her oddly, and she continued. "You have to figure that part out the slow way. The journey is the best part, and maybe the ice only shows people that you're certain will be in your future."
He sighed. "Well… I guess, you're right, but–"
"No buts!" Jay interjected. "You know where to look, start looking! You have to let go of wanting to control what happens and let it happen!"
"No buts!"
Cole groaned, giving Jay a dark look. "Fine! Fine, I'll let it go!"
"Good man!"
"You stink."
Nya rolled her eyes. "Hey. Chin up, Cole. I bet you already kind of know who she is. Take the clues it's giving you and use them. Maybe Vania can help?"
"Yeah!" Jay added. "You can describe it to her, get her help."
Cole paused, thinking about it. "Well… I guess it's not a bad idea. I brought a sketchbook and pencils."
"There you go! We can stay all day while you draw. I've got stuff to try here!"
Nya shook her head, stepping back as Jay began to mill about. "That makes me incredibly nervous."
Cole laughed. "Same here, but I'm not gonna question it." He grabbed the bag he'd brought and dug around, pulling out a sketchbook and some pencils. "I won't take too long."
"You've got time." Nya smiled at him. "Just have fun with it."
"Yeah." He smiled back. "Okay. I guess I'll get started."
Without any more ado, Jay and Nya wandered off into the ice maze together, hand in hand. Cole tuned out the echoing sounds of their voices for the millionth time, instead picking the pencil he'd use to start the base of his sketch. It was light in his hand, and he spun it between his fingers a few times, watching it turn.
When he finally looked up again, he stared at the reflection, trying to make it out. The gold smudge seemed almost more defined, or clear, or something. As he looked at it, he slowly came to understand what it was... gold and white. Someone's golden hair and pale complexion, and white clothes. It hadn't looked like a person before, but that had to be because the person's skin was a very light tone; whoever she was, she was a Shintaran. What a surprise.
He sighed heavily. "Just get started, Cole," he muttered to himself, beginning to sketch. "Get it over with and get out of here, then you can be done with this stupid tomb. You never have to come back here, you never have to think about this again, you can just get the future over with and stop worrying about what's going to happen there and with Vania and with everything."
"What?" Jay called from somewhere indistinct, voice echoing eerily as he responded. "Did you say something, Cole?"
"Nope!" Cole called back, immediately resolving not to talk to himself more. "I didn't say anything!"
"You sure?"
"I'm sure! Don't mind me!" He turned back to his reflection, muttering more quietly. "Just got to start drawing the stupid thing…" He put pencil to paper, consigning himself to sitting there for a while.
Slowly, under his hand, the sketch came together. The light pencil lines slowly darkened, the pose sharpening into something he understood, the frame becoming secure and solid. It was a man, standing tall and broad, and slowly the details filtered in; the robes, the face, the hair. He sighed, letting his pencils shade as his mind wandered. This was him… this was what he was going to become. Was he ready?
Whether he was ready or not, Cole knew he had to face the future sometime. Might as well be with a reference drawing, to keep in a book or put on the wall.
When Cole colored it, Cole made sure to add in the golden smudge person. Hopefully it would help him later.
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damienthepious · 4 years
i yeet myself forcibly from tuesday to tuesday like some sorta leapfroggin’ disaster honestly.
Space To Be Kinder
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Sir Damien, Rilla
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Established Relationship, Fluff, Sleeptalking, Napping, Nightmares, Somft......
Summary: Sir Damien still prattles, even when the knight is unconscious. Unsurprisingly, he still worries, too.
Notes: I realized too late that this is two weeks in a row of unconscious!Damien, but at least THIS one is SOFT. yeehaw. love you. Title from the song Apple Cider by Early Eyes.
“Yes, honeysuckle?” Arum perks up, pulling his snout out of his book and glancing over at the poet beside him, only to find Damien slumped entirely sideways, curled on the blanket, his own journal of poetic drafts loose by his hand. Arum blinks, tilting his head as Damien shifts slightly with a small, weary sigh. “Honeysuckle?” he murmurs again, more quietly, and Damien shifts at the sound of his voice and murmurs Arum's name again.
Rilla peers over Arum’s shoulder from his other side. “Oh, did he pass out?”
“It appears so.”
“I knew he was more worn out from that trip than he said he was,” she says softly, shaking her head and turning back to her sketching. “So damn stubborn.”
“But-” Arum glances to the knight, watches him shift again, fingers twitching against the blanket as he murmurs an incomprehensible plea with his eyes still closed. “What…”
“Oh,” Rilla whispers, her lip quirking into a fond smile. “I forgot you probably haven’t seen him nap before. He talks in his sleep, sometimes.” She shrugs. “Mostly nonsense, though on occasion it comes in rhyme anyway, which is fun.”
“He-” Arum stares down at the knight as the lines of his face shift with whatever dream is gripping him, as he mutters another low, musical line of nonsense, and Arum feels his heart flop over in his chest. “Ridiculous,” he murmurs. “Even unconscious he cannot help but prattle-”
Damien makes a small pained noise, brow furrowing, hands flexing. “Arum,” he says again, a pleading worried murmur, and then he mumbles something that Arum cannot understand, his tone still low and unhappy, and Arum’s own hands flex in response against the blanket beneath them.
“What…” Arum swallows, the worry twisting Damien's face making his chest feel tight. "What do I… do?"
"You don't really have to do anything," Rilla says, looking at the pages in her hands rather than at either of them. "It's just a dream, and he usually either wakes himself up or starts sleeping more deeply pretty quick."
Damien makes another quiet, unhappy noise, and Arum stares down at the sleeping poet, unconvinced.
After a moment, Amaryllis lifts her head from her sketching, the slight movement catching at the edge of Arum's vision, and she breathes out a very small laugh.
"If you're worried," she says indulgently, "you can play with his hair a little bit. That tends to help him zonk out."
"Worried," Arum scoffs, but his voice is still near a whisper, so obviously feigning a lack of concern won't fool anyone, least of all someone as clever as Amaryllis. She raises an eyebrow, and Arum frowns and looks away until she gives another small laugh and flits her attention back to her notes.
Arum attempts to do the same, lifting his book and trying to focus on the words before him, but Damien inhales sharply, his head tilting away with a low stream of murmurs slipping from him, and Arum cannot focus on the book when he can still see Damien over the pages.
"Arum," the poet whispers, and Arum clenches his teeth. "Please… please…"
He fades to mumbles again, but Arum can hear his heart stuttering, his sleeping breaths growing more ragged, and he cannot help himself. He can hardly bear to see Damien plagued by his own mind when the poet is awake- how could he possibly endure watching when Damien cannot even attempt to fight back against it?
He reaches a hand out, slow, and just barely drifts his knuckles down Damien's cheek, hissing low between his teeth as Damien gasps. Damien murmurs again, wordless this time, and Arum leaves his hand on Damien's cheek, cupping his face gently before he lifts another hand and slips his fingers into Damien's hair.
"Please," the poet murmurs. "No- please don't- don't hurt-"
"Hush, honeysuckle. You're perfectly safe. I have you," Arum says, his claws carding slow through Damien's curls, but the poet's brow stays furrowed as he presses his face into Arum's other palm, and he gives a low whimper. "You are safe," he says again. "You're safe, honeysuckle."
"No," Damien murmurs, his expression twisting. "Can't... can't lose you, I can't…" he mutters off, incoherent once more, vague denials on his tongue, and Arum's heart lurches hard.
Arum leans closer, flicks his tongue, hesitates. "You're safe," he says, more quietly, and Damien whimpers. Arum hesitates again, repeats the motion to draw his hand through Damien's hair, slowly. "I'm safe, honeysuckle," he tries instead. "We are all safe."
Damien inhales, exhales a little less harshly. "But- lily… my lily-"
"We are safe, little love," he repeats, reaching a third hand to touch Damien's shoulder, to stroke up and down his arm. "Safe, and home, and-"
Arum pauses, and Damien shifts again, his lips parting. Arum leans closer, pressing his snout nearly to the skin beside Damien's ear, feeling Damien's heat tickle at his scales, his hands soft in the poet's hair, on his cheek, drifting across his shoulder.
"We are all safe, and home, and loved," he whispers. "Loved so fiercely, honeysuckle."
Damien hums, only almost words, and Arum can hear his heart slowing down already. He smiles, helpless against it, and nuzzles carefully closer.
"Not a force in the world could touch the magic between us, Damien."
Damien sighs, the remaining tension leaking out of his limbs, and when he murmurs again Arum cannot quite pick out his words, but-
Amaryllis was right. The nonsense does, indeed, seem to rhyme.
Arum buries a laugh, leaning back away from the poet now that he is sleeping more gently, and he realizes after half a moment that Amaryllis is watching him.
His frill flutters automatically, but the look on her face is nowhere near the laugh he expects. She is smiling, yes, but the smile is somewhat crooked, somewhat soft.
"Huh," she says.
"What?" he mutters, ducking his head. "You told me to- to play with his hair, I did."
"Yeah," she says, her smile going even wider. "You're… kinda good at that, huh?"
"I am good at most things, Amaryllis," he mutters, looking away, but then she shifts closer, her hand lifting to his chin to tilt his face back towards her.
"You're actually really sweet, you know that?"
Arum scoffs, his frill flaring in earnest now as he tries to look aside again, but he cannot pull away from her without disturbing Damien, and-
He startles when her lips press against his cheek, no hint of teasing in the touch, and when she pulls away her dark eyes are soft and warm. He can't make himself look away, and- he does not try.
"That was a compliment, y'know," she says, still smiling. "It's one of the things I love most about you."
"I- Amaryllis-"
"I just- I love you a lot, okay?"
She leans into his shoulder, settling against him with a sigh, and Damien is still curled beside him as well on the other side. Arum feels pinned between them, utterly breathless, perfectly warm.
He wraps an arm around her shoulder after a moment, pulling her even closer, dropping his head to rest against her own.
"I love you too," he murmurs, closing his eyes. "Rather absurdly much." Amaryllis breathes a slight laugh against his neck, and Arum smiles. "Enough, even, to let you call me sweet."
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seven-for-president · 7 years
RFA reacting to MC sleeptalking
Wuhu, I´m back!o(≧∇≦o) but seriously, the only reason I´m writing right now is that I don´t want to learn for my maths exam….
° believe it or not, some people can´t take staying up till 4AM playing LOLOL
° you were one of those people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
°  so while Yoosung kept playing you went to bed and fell asleep as soon as you hit the pillow
° even MC has hard days…
° that night you had a wonderful dream about you and Yoosung
° you went on a date, he bought you some ice cream and after that you had a picnic in the park
° but he got so much ice cream on his clothes XD you laughed
° after loosing two rounds, Yoosung decided his concentration was Long gone and it was time for sleep
° honestly while walking to the bedroom he was already half asleep ( ̄へ ̄)
° at this Moment there was only one thing he desired, go to bed and sleep so bascally everything I wannna do in school
° he quietly closed the door in order not to wake you
° he knew that meant death
° he stopped mid-movement when he thought he heard someone talk
° “You dummy, now you got ice cream all over your shirt.”
° he didn´t misheard, you were talking
° in your sleep
° soooooo cute
° overwhelmed by your cuteness he even forgot about you calling him a dummy XD
° from this day on, he kept this as his little secret
° it was one of those days when she came home so late you were already asleep
° it was ok for you, although it was a bit lonely going to bed by yourself
° anyway you brushed your theeth and went to bed
° the TV was still on when you fell asleep because you felt less alone with some voices ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° Jaehee came home long past midnight
° someone messed up some documents and guess who had to fix it?
° right, it was Jaehee… who else ? (⌣_⌣”)
° but when she finally returned home she immediately went to the bedroom and just wanted to fall into the covers
°  meanwhile you tossed and turned in your sleep, like you had a nightmare
° which was kind of the case here
° in your dream, Jaehee left you to be with Jumin for which reason whatsoever
° you screamed after her, but she apparently couldn´t hear you
° “No, don´t leave me! Please stay..”
° there was no use, she never looked back..
° so sad ಠ╭╮ಠ
° Jaehee was scarred when she heard your voice after she turned off the TV
° who shouldn´t leave you? she was confused…(・_・ヾ
° you started screaming and kicked the Sheets
° “Jaehee! Don´t leave me, I love you!”
° she sat down on the bed and slowly petted your hair to calm you down
° “Don´t worry, I won´t leave you. Ever. I can prmise you that.”
° you calmed down after that and you two were able to find a good nights sleep in the end
° the next day she wanted to ask you about the dream but you came to her telling her about this nightmare you had
° so, no reason for her to increase your discomfort by telling you about the sleeptalking ;)
° whenever you had trouble sleeping he would tell you a bedtime story
° he had a very calming voice so they worked in 9 out of 10 cases
° those storys were all fairytales about knights and princesses
° he was talking about you two
° today he told you a Story about the kinight who wanted to resue his princess but got injurned while doing that
° you fell asleep before you heard the end and so your subconciousness thought of one
° in your dream the princess saved the Knight who turned out to be a prince from a far away country〈(゜。゜)
° the two married and lived happily ever after Awwwww
° of course you were the princess and Zen was your prince
° even after realizing that you slept Zen stayed at your side and watched over you (´∀`)♡
° he knew you had the tendency to talk in your sleep, mostly about your dreams
° he was aware of that, you never knew about it.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° “I love you too, my prince. I´m glad you aren´t a Knight and we can be together.”
° he was hurt and angry
° so he decided to wake you which you should never do because it is a dick-move
° “Zen, why did you wake me up? I had so a nice dream..”
° “You cheated on me.”
° he was sulking
° “Who is that prince and why is he better thn the Knight anyway?”
° at first you were confused, then you realized he talked about your sleep
° but how did he know about it?
° it didn´t matter to you at the moment because you were still tired and longed to go back to sleep
° so you explained it to him and he seemed satisfied
° “So I´m worth being a prince and a knight? I always knew I have the Talent to be both.”
° his narcissm kicked in and that meant you could sleep again
° but this time he joined you in the bed and for your dream he rewarded you with lots of cuddles
° “Zen, you still haven´t told me why you knew about my dream…”
°“Just go to sleep princess.”
° Just like Jaehee he came home late frequently
° you were never really alone since Elisabeth was there but it wasn´t like could hold a conversation with her
° once more you went to bed with Elisabeth and without your husband
° she curled up behind your back and started to purr
° calmed by the soft vibrations you dazed off into sleep
° you dreamed about your honeymoon
° Europe, blue water, White sand and cold drink, who Needs more in order to be happy?
° I don´t
° all in all, it was a dream that reminded you of the sweet time you had just for yoour own
° a couple of minuites before midnight Jumin returned to the penthouse
° he didn´t expect you to be still awake, rather he´d be angry if you´d stay up so late
° so he was pleased to see you were already asleep
° his heart made ajump of happiness when he saw Elisabeth next to you (ノ^∇^)
° he took his phone out of his pocket and tried to take the Picture
° the mainword here is try XD
° the photo was just a black room, so he activated the camera-flash idk how you call this XD
° bad Thing, the light caused your happy dream to turn into a nightmare..(O∆O)
° the once sunny and warm day turned into a storm with lightning and thunder
° in the panick this storm caused you lost sight of Jumin
° “Jumin, where are you? Come back!”
° you turned around and made some strange noises like you were really uncomfortable
° Jumin felt bad, thinking that it was his fault which it kind if was..
° “No need to worry my dear, I will never leave you.”
° he decided to lay down on the bed and hold you in his arms
° your sleep became peaceful once again and when you woke up the next morning you still were in the arms of your beloved one
° we all know he is kind of paranoid….
° so he was always afraid you might leave
° furthermore he didn´t get the Signals he needed from you and lived with fear
° in order to knew when you would leave, he thaught you definetly would…◑.◑
° so there were cameras in most of the room, exept for the bathroom (he removed the one there when you kindly asked him)
° he had a very twisted sleeping behaviour, work at night and sleep at day
° but some people had a… I don´t know… normal job
° so each of you usually had to sleep alone, which made you very sad へ[ •́ ‸ •̀ ]ʋ
° whenever he had a bit of spare time he went into the bedroom and said how sorry he was to your sleeping form
° it was too embarassing for him to tell you that when you were awake
° but you were a really deep sleeper, he could literally listen to heavy metal on full volume, right next to you, you wouldn´t care..
° meaning: safe time to talk like a waterfall infront of you σ(≧ε≦o)
° one night, when he felt the urge to talk again he took a chair and sat next to the bed
° and then he talked and talked and talked
° at first he didn´t notice you talking
° “You know MC, I´m afraid you´ll leave me and then I´ll be alone again and then I´ll become depressive and then…”
° “Saeyoung… don´t cry… I´ll never leave, I´ll stay with you..”
° he was like whaaaat? Σ(゜ロ゜;)
° he was so happpy, he started to cry, of course they were tears of joy (♥ω♥*)
° a normal boyfriend would do something sweet like preparing breakfast the next morning or buying flowers…
° buuut he wasn´t normal to begin with
° so he woke you…. by shaking you and screaming your Name
° “MC!!! Wake uuup!!”
° what a caring man he is…
° you woke up, slapped him and went back to sleep ⊂((・▽・))⊃
° hey, who said you couldn´t be mean when he was ???
° but to make up for it he took a day of and was the most caring boyfriend a Girl could imagine (in reality he just skipped work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
° and you didn´t know but with your subconcious confession you took one hell of a load of his shoulders
So, that´s it …… for know! I´ll add V and Saeran tomorrow when I´m finished with my exam. Promise!         o(≧∇≦o)
But I wanted to upload at least this much since I was awya last week…
If you enyoed reading, I´d be very happy if you´d leave a like or a comment. If you a request or a HC you always wanted to read, don´t feel afraid and send it to me (/^▽^)/
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