#I hope I'm getting better at rendering the crumb texture of the cakes and things I draw
goron-king-darunia · 8 months
Eggtober 3rd 2023
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"And Yet a Bit of the True Self Remains in the False Self" or German Fried Egg Cake (Spiegeleierkuchen) (Clip Studio Paint, Gouache brush and Pencil brush for highlights, 11 colors, ~40 minutes give or take. It felt longer but that's what my timer said and I did take a 10 minute break because my wrist was bothered) So yeah, apparently my anti-artistblock strategy this time is to just scroll the image results for fried egg until I find something I want to draw? Last year I had lots of ideas and this year I'm just "please send requests, I don't wanna draw the same 12 egg dishes that I like best from last year! I wanna practice with new stuff!" So yeah, technically it has egg in it because cake, and technically it looks like egg because of the pudding and apricot topping, but it's not technically an egg. But it's edible and egg themed and I really like how humans have decided that eggs are a pleasant thing to emulate. We have Easter egg-shaped candies and indeed many people serve this cake on Easter due to this association. Egg-shaped gummies. Eggy puddings. And the Fabergé egg. Humans just be liking fried dough, onions, and eggs.
I saw one sprinkled with poppy seed on top to look like pepper and I saw one with a cute teal-turqoise table cloth so I combined those ideas and several references for this. It may be sweet and not savory, but I hope you all enjoy! Haven't tried the recipe, but if any egg lovers love the look of this cake and want to try it next Easter, this is the one I found while looking for references.
As always, gotta tag and give props to @quezify for organizing Eggtober. Since this is cake, can we call it birthday cake for him?
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