#I hope you don't mind the @ Sora! I knew you had a tumblr and I thought you may want to see if someone recced your fic‚ but I can remove th
Fic Rec Friday!!
No one said I couldn't do it more than once a day!
Todays other fic rec of the day is *drumroll* ...
problems for our future selves
By: @managician
Fandom: Sonic Prime
Ship: Sonic the Hedgehog/Nine the Fox
Rating: G
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 4,792
Now, you may already recognize this fic title as I have reblogged the official tumblr posting for this fic before and recommended it in the reblog tags.
While not necessarily tagged as such, I have always found this fic to be a bit of a refreshing character study. The author mixes predictions for what was the upcoming S2, self indulgence, and character interpretation in a fic that puts you inside the head of the character Nine. In this case, it explores his feelings and actions post S1 in regards to his goals, his situations, and how he feels about Sonic.
Even with the context of Sonic Prime S2 fresh on the mind, the fic reads as a plausible follow up to the ending of Season 1 if things were to go a bit differently. The interactions Nine has with Sonic, as well as the confusing nature of his feelings towards him, read very realistic to me in the context of the show, and as moments/topics that could theoretically be explored in such a setting. Nine is angry with Sonic, but also feels giddy when it comes to him. He needs Sonic alive if he is to be free from the council, doesn't care about him otherwise, right? And yet, he knows that he does. He feels that it would be easier for him if he did not care about Sonic, especially after how he's shaken up his life and left him behind, but he cannot help but care. He does not know how to feel about (or rather doesn't know if he can handle) the prospect of Sonic dying or the Chaos Council killing him, and yet also doesn't know what he will do if Sonic does come to save him.
As someone who'd hungered for some good Sonine or Nine character analysis around S2's release, this fic absolutely delivered, and it's one I still come back to and read quite a lot. Likewise, as someone who is aroaspec themselves but adores romance I love Sora's take on Sonine's relationship. Nine's confusion about his feelings come from a place of liking a person even though it feels like you shouldn't after everything, yes. Sure, it also comes from a place of inexperience in relationships. But to me it also depicts Nine in the position of not being able to place a relationship as purely platonic or romantic.
But anyways, I digress. This fic is sweet, a little angsty, and a bit bittersweet, and I'd recommend it for those who like stories regarding people trying to work out what a person means to them, and for those seeking Sonine in a canon context. This read is perfect for people who like to come away from a fic thinking about the implications of the characters' actions and taking another dive into their heads. It is also for those not afraid of reading something bittersweet, as the characters themselves aren't sure how to feel or how the future will turn out.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
All Grown Up ~ JJK | 3
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✨ title: all grown up | series (completed) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: R/18+ ~ minors dni ✨ genre/au: romance, fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers, humor, banter, smut, age gap, best friends little brother ✨ warnings: noona kink, older woman, younger man, kissing, oral (m,f), unprotected intercourse, significant age gap (9 years), confident Jungkook, cocky Jungkook, bratty Jungkook, crappy mom, but overall Jungkook is the sweetest, most romantic boy who's fallen in love | warnings for each chapter will vary ✨ author's notes: I won't be updating this series on Tumblr. This fic is inspired by the k-drama, Something in the Rain. ✨ author's notes 2: okay, so i do plan on editing the rest of this series! i just don't know when it'll be done. ✨ can also read on AO3 or Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] prev | next ✨ on set
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✨ chapter three ~ jungkook, the boyfriend...? | wc : 2.6k
With the sun barely peeking out over the skyline, you were up and ready to head to work. You texted Jungkook the night before letting him know where the show would be shooting and that he could come whenever he wanted.
You checked your phone constantly that morning. It's not like you thought he'd be there first thing, so you were unsure of why you were getting your hopes up. It was getting close to lunch when you checked your phone again, wondering where he could be.
"Are you late for something...?" Sora asked as she looked in her compact while powdering her nose.
"Why do you keep checking your phone?" She glared at you. She's never seen you like this before.
Geez she was nosey, couldn't she mind her own business? "No reason."
Sora, one of the main actresses on the show. Beautiful, tall, high maintenance, your typical actress. You tolerated her as best you could but you guys would butt heads whenever it came to her lines. She thought she knew better than the writer and producers. Was she a good actress? Yes, but she was a crappy human being. But if there was something she was weak for, it was a good looking man. She reeked of desperation when she saw one.
She peered over at you. "Are you dressed up for someone? You never look this nice."
You rolled your eyes at her comment. It's not that you didn't 'look nice' from time to time. You didn't have anyone to impress when you were with U-jin, not that you were trying to impress Jungkook. The linen jumpsuit hugging every curve of your figure, the soft structured leather jacket in contrast with it. Your hair pulled back into a half bun and your favorite gold fan earrings and round black glasses to complete your look.
Annoyed with her, you pretended to scribble in your notebook. "Don't you have lines to run or something?"
"Nope, I already memorized everything." She took a sip of her iced americano and something must have caught her eye because she choked a little, which made you chuckle.
I hope she chokes on more.
Sora cleared her throat and sat up in her makeup chair, "Is that a new extra or something? He's cute."
You look up to see Jungkook in a simple black tee, comfy gray hanbok pants, paired with black sandals. He’s always had a boyish charm to him, reminding you of a boy next door. He was barefaced and his hair looked extra fluffy and tousled as he walked. His entrance was something out of a tv scene you'd write. He asked someone for something before they pointed in your direction. His expression brightened by his bunny smile as his eyes met yours. He waved cheerfully coming towards you.
Sora put her Americano down. "Oh my god. Oh my god. He's coming over.” She looked in the mirror, fixing her hair. “Be cool!"
Be cool? You rolled your eyes again. Could she be any more pathetic? Jungkook was clearly attractive, you weren’t blind, but seeing Sora fawn over him before she even met him made you chuckle. The Jungkook you knew when he was a boy didn’t have the same effect as 24-year-old Jungkook.
"Hi, I'm Sora." She proceeded to say in her cutest aegyo voice. You wanted to gag.
He didn't even acknowledge her or maybe he didn't hear her. Instead, he greeted you. It was purely comical to watch Sora to flat out get rejected in front of you. What can you say? Karma’s a bitch.
"Noona," he said sweetly, grinning from ear to ear as he approached.
Clearly, trying to get Jungkook's attention, Sora cleared her throat and tried again. "Hi…" She stood there with her legs crossed at the ankles, hands behind her back, gazing at him with puppy eyes.
Jungkook peered at the woman next to you with quirked eyebrows. "Oh, hello. I'm sorry I didn't see you there."
"Seriously, I was right here," she muttered under her breath.
You softly snorted at the interaction.
“Do you two know each other?” Sora asked.
He nodded and hooked his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him, “She's my sister's best friend and my Noona.”
His Noona? Overprotective Jungkook to the rescue, claiming you as his. You pushed him away and he laughed.
“Okay, now it makes sense. I didn't think she knew people who looked like you," Sora said with a smug look on her face. She was being rude, and she knew it.
You retorted, “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing--!” Sora checked you out from head to toe, pointing at you. “Ohh...did you dress up for him?”
You scoffed. “Uh, no.” Nope, you did not dress up for him. You dressed up for yourself. There was no need to impress Jungkook. He’s seen you at your worst. You could see Jungkook trying to hold back a laugh, so you hooked your arm with his and led him away from Sora. “Let's go this way, Jungkook.”
Sora was yelling from behind, “Call me! Text me! Anything. I'm into anything. She can give you my number!”
God, could Sora be any more obvious? You needed to get Jungkook away from her as fast as you could before she spoiled the mood. You looked back to make sure you were as far away as possible from Sora. You didn't notice but you were dragging Jungkook by the hand and suddenly let go, once you caught yourself.
“Sorry about that,” you said, clearing your throat, and pushing up your glasses while straightening your jacket.
“Who is that?” he asked curiously.
“You don't know who that is?” you replied with a confused look on your face.
Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly. “Uh no. Should I? I don't watch a lot of TV.”
Well, that made sense why he didn’t give her the time of day. “That's Lee Sora, one of the most sought out actresses right now.”
From a distance, the two of you stared at her bossing around an intern trying to get something for her, typical Lee Sora behavior. He didn't look remotely impressed, so he turned his attention back to you.
“I guess...I mean if that's what people like.”
If the most sought out actress couldn’t even impress Jungkook, you wondered what made his head turn then. “Enough about Sora. Are you hungry? I was going to grab lunch, then if you're still up for it, I can show you around.”
He groaned. “I'm always hungry. What are you craving?”
“How about pizza?” you suggested.
“Is it too early for pizza and beer?” He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.
“Seriously? Beer in the middle of the day?” You looked at him a bit weird when he included beer in your little outing.
“What?” He asked bashfully. “It's seven o'clock somewhere.”
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While you were shooting near this location, you and your colleagues frequented this mom-and-pop restaurant. It was cute and quaint and you loved supporting small businesses. He looked excited, staring wide-eyed at the menu in awe. They had every kind of pizza combination a hungry 24-year-old could dream of.
“Ah! It's been a while. It's good to see you. Order whatever you like and I'll give you a discount.” The ahjussi greeted you warmly while prepping other customer’s orders.
“Thank you, Ahjussi!” you responded sheepishly.
Jungkook looked at you in amazement. “Oh wow, look at you. Famous tv writer getting all of these perks. I should go out with you more often.”
“Shut up,” you spat out, hitting him in the arm. “What do you want?”
He gently rubbed his belly, “Get me the one with Pepperoni and Kimchi.”
“Yah–who said I was paying for you?” You teased him.
“It's kind of your job because you're my Noona. You're supposed to take care of me.”
You gently shoved him as he laughed. “I'm joking. I'll pay. I make the big bucks now.”
“No, no, no. I'll pay,” you said pulling out your wallet.
“Good,” he replied with a cheeky smile.
You scoffed at him. “You’re not even gonna fight me for it?”
“But first I have to use the restroom. I had too much coffee. Order me a beer too! Kay? Thanks bye!” he said, running off down the hallway.
You shook your head. “YAH! Goodness Kook...the things I do for you.”
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As you were waiting at your table for your food, you heard someone call your name. You turned around to find U-jin. A few weeks had gone by since you last saw him. The breakup between the two of you was...eventful. You threw a hairdryer and shoe at him. He deserved it after all, but you kept the ring, so you could pawn it. You smirked as you thought about it. How petty of you.
“What are you doing here?” You crossed your arms and scowled at him. Just seeing him repulsed you. You wished you dumped him a long time ago.
“Getting food, obviously.”
You clenched your jaw and rolled your eyes. “Why are you talking to me? I thought I said I never wanted to talk to you.” It took everything in you not to take off your shoe and throw it at him again.
“…Are you here by yourself?” He wondered, rubbing the back of his neck.
What does it matter to him anyway? Like he ever cared. What made him start caring now? He didn't care about anyone but himself, his needs and his wants. He stopped caring the minute he decided you weren't enough for him.
“As a matter of fact, no, I'm not. I'm here with–”
Jungkook suddenly popped out of nowhere and slipped his hand around the small of your back then to your waist, slightly squeezing it. He whispered in close, "Just play along." You nodded in agreement. You didn't understand what he meant by that.
“I'm Jungkook, her new boyfriend.” He grinned while holding his hand out for a handshake.
Your mouth slightly dropped open and quickly closed again, looking back at him wondering why he would say something like that. You cleared your throat and nodded, “Mmhm, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook.” He must have felt the heat from your skin as you were burning up, standing in between the two of them. Who knows if this little lie could get you in trouble later on.
U-jin scoffed at the two of you. “Boyfriend? Already? Couldn't wait to get rid of me huh?”
You huffed at his comment. Jungkook looked like he was ready to punch him in the face. You've never seen U-jin look at you with such disgust. It should be the other way around. Why couldn't Jungkook be your pretend boyfriend? He was probably ten times the man that U-jin was.
U-jin pointed at Jungkook. "You...You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"
You let out a fake laugh. "Nope. Nope. You don't. I met him through a family friend."
He glared at Jungkook, giving him the once-over from head to toe. "Looks a little young, to be honest. Still in diapers?" He let out a chuckle over his stupid joke.
"What's wrong with dating someone younger? Didn't you cheat on me with a 20-year-old?" you curtly asked. Who was he to question who you'd want to date? It was none of his business anymore.
"Thanks for reminding me."
"Don't fucking start shit you can't finish U-jin, which is a lot things." You countered his snide comment.
Jungkook let out a stifled laugh. He clearly thought you could handle yourself.
"Can you just leave us alone? We're trying to enjoy our lunch and you're ruining it."
Jungkook mumbled, "I bet he has a small dick."
U-jin stepped closer towards Jungkook, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
He repeated himself louder, staring U-jin down, "I said no wonder you couldn't satisfy her because it looks like you have a big fat ego to compensate for your small dick."
U-jin took another step forward towards Jungkook but you blocked him. There was no way you were going to let U-jin lay a hand on Jungkook, not that he couldn't take care of himself. He definitely could.
"Step. Away. U-jin. Don't do anything you'd regret."
Jungkook clenched his fist and his jaw as he stood behind you. "I can take him."
You turned around to face the fearless boy, hand on his chest, making him back away. "Kook, I know you can but don't. He's not worth our time and energy."
"Well...it looks like you have a real keeper here."
"Number 26, your take out order is ready." The ahjussi behind the counter called out.
U-jin groaned, "Finally."
He quickly ran to the counter and grabbed his food and left. Jungkook's eyes followed him as he was trying to peek in to see the two of you. He inched closer, his lips on the shell of your ear and whispered, "He's still watching". His hands were on your waist, pulling you even closer into his big frame. Your heart began pounding rapidly being so close to him, smelling the cologne from his body, and finally U-jin was out of sight.
"Okay, he's gone."
You turned around but not before elbowing Jungkook in the stomach. He groaned not realizing how strong you were.
"Ughh--Noona, what was that for?" He exclaimed. He thought you would have been happy he saved you from your despicable ex-boyfriend.
You crossed your arms and turned away from him. "I can't believe you did that."
He grinned. "Anything for my Noona."
You were visibly upset but he didn't understand why. Maybe because this conversation added more fuel to the flame between you and U-jin. You didn't need a knight in shining armor to rescue you. You weren't a goddamn damsel in distress even though you were giving off the appearance of one. The thing was, you didn't need a man. You were swearing them off...for now.
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The pizza and beer arrived at your table and you grabbed a slice and ate in silence, staring out the window, watching people as they passed by.
"Noona, I'm sorry. It was just a joke. I wanted to make him jealous."
You quickly glared at him and continued to eat.
"Noona, are you really going to give me the silent treatment right now?"
Nothing. You were still mad.
"Okay, fine."
He grabbed a slice and took a bite. The cheese on his slice wasn't breaking off and it kept getting longer as he pulled it. After a few seconds, it finally pulled apart but left a string hanging from his chin. You couldn't help but laugh.
"What? Is there something on my face?"
You gestured where it was but he kept missing it. You reached over the table to grab the little piece of cheese hanging on.
He chuckled, "Thanks...Will you please tell me what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I think I just wasn't expecting to see him and then when you said you were my boyfriend, that took me by surprise, and I could see how upset U-jin was getting, and I didn't want to add more fuel to the flame between him and I."
"Ah, I get it and I'm sorry. I promise I won't do anything like that again, but just to let you know, I could have taken him."
You were amused. "I know. U-jin could never beat you in a fight. You clearly work out and he can barely lift a box."
He straightened his posture and held his head high, trying to show off. "I exercise every day and I box."
"Okay, Superman. No need to impress me."
"I prefer Ironman," he stated.
You took a sip of your beer as he continued to focus on your every move.
"Noona, you can do way better than that guy."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"You were right though. He did have a small dick."
The two of you laughed and continued to chow down on your pizza and beer.
✨ previous chapter ~ walk me home
✨ next chapter ~ on set
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disneydreamlights · 3 years
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I posted 6,237 times in 2021
125 posts created (2%)
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I added 12,383 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#a murderer out of this and had him fall’’ and raised him with the intent of fostering all anakin’s faults so he’d latch onto palpatine’s
(Post it's from since tumblr won't search it properly.)
My Top Posts in 2021
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Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze Welcome Christmas, come this way! Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day!
Grinchmas 2021
22 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 23:13:12 GMT
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26 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 01:39:05 GMT
I Won't Lose Her
Summary: When Vader sends a hostage video to Padme saying he holds her daughter captive, she does the only thing she possibly could, tries to save her life for her daughter's.
A/N: For @anidalaweek Day 2: Canon Divergence. Basically a Padme lives and becomes leader of the Rebellion AU because honestly we stan.
Yes I did publish this on AO3 hours before posting it here don't worry about it.
She knew she should've told Bail not to let Leia take the mission.
Padmé Amidala sat at her desk, unable to stop staring at the notice on her page. Leia had been sent to Tatooine to collect Obi-Wan and bring him and the Death Star plans to the Rebellion.
Leia had been captured en route to Tatooine by the Executor and had failed to get to Obi-Wan.
"Padmé." At the sound of her name, Padmé looked up at the hologram of Mon. It was clear that her fellow rebel leaders regretted what had happened to her daughter by the guilty expression on Mon's face. "We have news of Leia."
"News…?" In an instant, Padmé leaned forward, her eyes wide. "What did you learn? What happened? Is Leia alright?"
When Mon didn't answer right away, Padmé felt a surge of panic. "Is...she didn't…"
"No. No. Leia is fine," Mon answered, interrupting her before Padmé could continue to focus on that idea. The emphatic denial gave Padmé some reassurance that Leia was alright. "It's...perhaps I should just show you the message."
Mon vanished, instead showing a hologram of Leia and Vader, the mysterious dark lord of the Sith. "This is a message to Senator Amidala, the true leader of the Rebellion." At the sound of Vader's voice, Padmé's blood went cold. "As I am to understand it, the news of your death was exaggerated. As I have found in the princess's mind...you have been alive and in hiding, controlling this war from the shadows while the Organas and Mothma were the face of your rebellion."
"If you would like your daughter unharmed, you will arrive on the Executor within a standard week from receiving this message. As a show of good faith, I am using a private transponder, and will not trace it to the location of your current base. If you do not arrive, Leia Skywalker will be executed. She will meet the same fate as your late husband."
"I look forward to your arrival on my ship." The hologram vanished, and Padmé fought any feelings of nausea as Mon's face returned.
"I'm sorry Padmé. We're hoping General Kenobi will get there in time, but…"
"But we don't even know if he got Leia's message." The moment she had seen the message, seen that Darth Vader held her daughter, Padmé knew there was only one option for her. "I can't leave her Mon."
"I know." Mon looked down, as though she had expected this. "Please be careful in rescuing your daughter."
Padmé nodded. Once Mon hung up the call, Padmé ran to her closet to find her flight suit.
She'd lost Luke, back when she had first given birth Obi-Wan had insisted it would be best to separate the twins, and Padmé had reluctantly agreed, giving up the chance to know her son for the best chance of life he could have. If she lost her other child too, this one to a more permanent fate, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to forgive herself for the mistake.
She had to trade herself for Leia. The Rebellion would survive without her presence. It was the only option she had.
The Executor loomed in Padmé's vision, an ominous warning of her impending fate as her small X-Wing steadily crept closer to the Star Destroyer. It was large and imposing, and the Sith inside had already done so much damage to her family that she wasn't sure how she would face him. But she kept holding onto the single hope that Leia was alive when Vader had spoken to her. She just had to keep believing that. The dark feeling in the air meant nothing. She could survive.
The radio clicked on as she received a transmission from the empire. "This is the Executor. You're in a classified zone. State your purpose or you will be shot down."
Padmé took a deep breath, hoping to keep her voice steady in spite of her nerves and fear. "This is Padmé Amidala, leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. I'm here to trade myself for the princess Leia Organa."
She watched, anxiously, expecting to be fired on as soon as she stated her name, expecting this to have been a trap to lure her out of the shadows she'd remained in for so long. Instead however, there was nothing but silence before a deep voice came from the radio. "Senator Amidala, I will meet you down in the hangar. Do not try anything foolish. My men will shoot without warning."
The radio cut out, and Padmé took a deep breath. So far, she was alive. A small part of her hoped that this wasn't a trap, but a genuine trade to capture a larger target. She hadn't known Vader to be a man of his word, but then again, besides the fact that he was a Sith and the one who had killed her husband, Padmé didn't know much about him at all.
The hangar bay doors opened, and rather than have to pilot herself in, her ship was grabbed by a tractor beam, slowly pulling her in. Once she was safely inside and the ship landed, she opened the cockpit and jumped out, her hand on the only weapon she had on her, her blaster. In the back, she saw a dark imposing figure with his black armor and the mask that kept his face hidden. She couldn't get a read on him, but he didn't seem keen to attack. To her disappointment, her daughter wasn't with him.
Gathering her courage to her, Padmé broke the silence that had remained between them as neither had spoken. "Lord Vader. I see the promise of my safety wasn't a lie. Where is my daughter?"
"Leia is currently being kept in my quarters." The way he said her name caused Padmé's stomach to tie itself in knots. There was a fondness to it, one the Sith never should have had. She hated to imagine any of the reasons as to why. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to her."
"How do I know this isn't a trap?"
"If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead."
The statement was a punch to the stomach, a reminder of what Vader was capable of, and one that left Padmé with little idea of how to respond. Her silence left an awkward void, only filled by the harsh breathing of his respirator.
Seeing no other alternative, she relented. "Very well. I will follow you. But if any harm comes to my daughter–"
"I have no desire to see her harmed, though whether you believe me or not is irrelevant." Vader's voice was harsh, and there was an underlying note of offense, as though he couldn't believe she would assume he would want to hurt Leia. With that, he started down the halls of the Star Destroyer, leaving Padmé confused.
She wasn't in binders, Vader was escorting her himself, and he had no desire to harm Leia.
None of it added up. Yet she still followed him quietly deeper into the ship, trying to figure out just what he was doing and why.
When they finally arrived in his quarters, Padmé was surprised to find that it was furnished fairly normally, although nothing besides the pod in the back looked as though it had been used in quite some time, and in the bed on the back of the room was Leia, who looked no worse for wear to her mother's relief.
"Princess." Leia looked up at Vader. At first, her eyes had been narrowed in distaste, but once she saw Padmé, her eyes widened in shock, and the biting comment she had been preparing for Vader fell silent.
"Leia." Padmé reached out.
"Mother." Leia stood up from the bed and ran into Padmé's arms. "Mother I'm so sorry. I tried to keep everything contained like Auntie 'Soka said but–"
"You did your best Leia. You did so much more than I could've ever expected against Vader." Padmé held Leia close to her, not letting her daughter go as she realized how close she had come to losing her. There weren't any marks on Leia, which meant that Vader hadn't done much to harm her beyond mentally, and Padmé couldn't fight the smile that formed in relief that her daughter was alright. "I'm so proud of you."
"I didn't want you to come. I could've handled Vader."
"I already lost so much Leia. I couldn't lose you too." Padmé kissed her daughter on the head, and Leia hugged her once more.
They stood there, holding each other, though Padmé wasn't sure for how long before she heard Leia whisper in her ear. "Artoo and Threepio got away. I think they made it to General Kenobi."
Through it all. Leia still made sure that the mission succeeded. If Padmé thought she couldn't have been prouder of the girl, she was mistaken. Leia had gotten the message to Obi-Wan (and to Luke). The Death Star would still be destroyed and the Alliance would gain the edge they may have needed to turn the tide in this war. There were still so many reasons for hope.
"It is time for you to leave, Leia. Your mother has fulfilled her end of the deal." Mother and daughter sprung apart when Vader spoke, attracting their attention. "I will escort you personally to the ship she came in."
"I don't need your escort." Leia glared at Vader. "And don't call me Leia. You have no right to use that name."
"If you do not want any of the officers or Storm Troopers to capture you once more, you will." Leia remained silent. "You are, of course, welcome to stay aboard my ship, but I would presume that's not what you wish."
Leia remained silent, as though deciding what her best course of action would be. Padmé attempted to give a reassuring smile. "Go, Leia. Find Obi-Wan. Tell him what happened."
Leia ignored Padmé's pleas and looked at Vader, who seemed to have stiffened slightly at the mention of Obi-Wan. "What do you want my mother for? Why did you spare me?" She grabbed onto Padmé's hand. "The moment you learned about her, you stopped torturing me. You refused to answer any of my questions. You forced me to compromise the entire Rebellion for a phone call for a deal that based on everything any of us know about you would be so obviously fake–"
As Leia continued her demands, Vader raised his hands. For a moment, Padmé felt fear. The last time she had seen a similar gesture from a Force Sensitive had been nineteen years ago, right before she'd lost Anakin. Thankfully, it was just a gesture to stop, as he instead spoke. "I spent nineteen years thinking I was responsible for your deaths. I would not wish to see that happen again."
"That didn't stop you from killing my Father!" Leia's words hung in the air, and Vader stepped back, as though the accusation wounded him in some way. "Don't deny it, mother–"
"Your mother was misinformed." Though Padmé couldn't tell because of his mask, it felt as though Vader's eyes were locked directly on her, and she shivered. "I did not kill your father."
"Obi-Wan said–" She was cut off before Padmé could repeat the story she'd heard.
"Kenobi lied. Or perhaps, he could not face the truth himself." Vader continued to keep her gaze, though he didn't elaborate any further on his statement. "Princess, it is time for you to go. No harm will come to Padmé so long as I am alive to see to it."
"You still haven't answered my questions!" Leia protested.
"We do not have the time for me to answer them in a way you would find satisfactory." Vader crossed his arms, finally turning back to Leia. "I cannot hide your presence here forever, and if you would like to escape to your Rebels, you will need to go now."
Knowing she had lost, Leia hugged Padmé. "I'll come back for you. With help."
"I know." Padmé hugged her back quickly. "I love you Leia. If something happens to me, never forget that."
They let go, and Leia was taken out of the room without another word.
Vader came back into the room about an hour later, Leia no longer beside him. Padmé had taken to laying on the bed that had held Leia earlier, choosing to read one of the holo novels that were on the shelves. He stood next to her on the bed, but Padmé chose to say nothing. She didn't want to talk to Vader, let alone have anything to do with him. No matter how desperate for an answer as to why he was doing everything, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Leia has left. She flew out on your ship, and will remain untracked." As though he realized Padmé wouldn't speak, Vader did instead. "I'm sorry to have threatened her, but once I knew you were alive, I knew it was the only way to bring you here." She remained quiet, pretending to be invested in the story to continue to ignore Vader. "I would never have hurt her. Had you chosen not to come, I would've found another way."
"Why?" Padmé asked. She put down the novel, finally giving Vader her attention. "You haven't explained anything to either of us Lord Vader. I have no reason to believe you when you say you won't hurt her. I have no reason to believe you won't hurt me now."
"Nineteen years ago, on Mustafar, you tried to stop me from heading down a dark path I could never come back from." Vader started, despite still remaining harsh due to the vocoder, his voice felt softer, as though he was trying to be gentle. She stiffened at the start of his story, wanting to deny everything he was implying. "I wouldn't listen, and I lashed out. I thought I'd killed you, Padmé. For nineteen years I thought I'd killed you and the child."
Padmé's eyes widened, and although Vader reached out for her, she scooched back, as far away from Vader as she could. "No. You can't be. He…" She shook her head, her hand resting over her mouth as she tried to process this. Anakin couldn't. He wouldn't.
Vader didn't deny, and instead let Padmé come to terms with the implication of his words on her own. It was everything she'd feared. Obi-Wan hadn't hidden that he'd fallen, she was aware that Anakin had attacked her that night, but she'd always hoped…
"Darth Vader destroyed him. I'm so sorry Padmé, Anakin is gone."
"I see you needed more time before I told you the news. I'd just hoped…" Vader's words fell to silence, and Padmé couldn't stop herself from staring. There had to be something to prove this wrong.
"I thought I'd lost everything." Vader sat down on the bed, but made no further move to get closer to her. "My master was all I thought I had. I did not care about what became of me, and I became nothing more than a weapon, until I started going through Leia's memories and I saw…"
"You saw me." Vader didn't react, but Padmé didn't need one to know it was the truth. She may not have been force sensitive, but the knowledge of the true identity of the monster in front of her held more answers than the Force ever would. "Ani…?" She reached her hand onto his mask, cupping where his cheek would've been without it.
"I'm sorry. I've done many things you wouldn't approve of since your death." He had, and there would be time for her to process that the atrocities he had committed were all performed by Anakin. There would be time for her to decide if she could forgive him. There would be time for him to prove that he deserved her forgiveness.
But in this moment, all she cared about was that the man who she had spent so many years mourning and fighting to avenge was alive. "I'd thought..."
"So had I." Vader bowed his head, moving away from the gentle touch he could not feel. "But now that I know that you and Leia are alive, I'll do everything in my power to keep both of you safe."
Padmé shook her head. "Anakin, I can't stay your prisoner. I have to go back." She had to make sure that Leia was safe. She had to meet with Obi-Wan and talk to him about this. She wanted to have the chance to truly meet Luke in more than a few holocalls that Obi-Wan managed to set up between her and her son.
To her surprise, he didn't protest. "For now, you'll have to. When Leia gets the Death Star plans to the Rebellion and destroys it, that's when there will be enough chaos in the system that you'll be able to escape without attracting suspicion." Padmé couldn't help but stare. "I'll give you an encrypted comm system to communicate with, just like we used to during the war."
"You'll let me go back?"
"If you stay here, then the Emperor will find you. It won't be safe," Vader said. "There is no other choice, my master must die. If I have to work with your Rebels to achieve that end, then so be it."
Surprising herself, Padmé smiled. "If that's the case, then we'd better get started."
29 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 02:30:30 GMT
Maybe for the by your side prompt with sick anakin anidala 🥺
A/N: My brain was like shouldn’t you do this from Anakin’s perspective but no only Padme’s. XD
Thank you so much for sending in the prompt Meltic and ily. <3 Sorry this took so long it’s just been a crazy couple of days.
When Padmé opened the door to her apartment, she had been surprised to see Anakin there. Last she’d followed the war effort, he was supposed to be out fighting in the battle on Felucia with General Secura, not based on Coruscant, yet he was here, lying on her couch, having fallen asleep waiting for her to come home.
She couldn’t complain, and she smiled softly at the sight. If it meant Anakin was home a few weeks early, and she could have her husband with her again, she would take any blessing she could get. 
She closed the door, trying to do so as quietly as possible to avoid disturbing him. She started towards the kitchen to get working on food when she heard a soft groan. “Padmé?”
Rather than continue to make food, she went over to the couch. “I tried not to wake you.”
“I wasn’t asleep,” Anakin insisted. She didn’t really believe him, given the way sleep still clouded his eyes and he hadn’t sat up, but she didn’t question it. “And even if I was, I wouldn’t want to sleep when you’re around.”
He was as sleep as he always was, and Padmé went to put her hand in his hair to start playing with it until he fell asleep, but instantly pulled it back as soon as she felt the heat coming from the top of his head. She instead flipped her hand around so the back of her hand was against his forehead. He was warm, abnormally so. “Ani…” She shook her head. “Ani you have a fever.”
Anakin shook his head. “I’m fine.”
“You aren’t fine, you were sick enough that they sent you home to recover.” He was unbelievable, knowing he was sick enough and yet going onto the streets of Coruscant running a fever and who knew what else just to see her. “You should be resting in the temple.”
“Didn’t wanna head back to the temple,” Anakin muttered. “Obi-Wan couldn’t come back from the war, and Ahsoka…” His voice trailed off, unwilling to talk about everything with Ahsoka still so soon after it happened. “Would’ve been just me alone.”
She knew it was irresponsible to let him stay in her apartment. The Jedi Temple was significantly better stocked with medication and likely had techniques she couldn’t begin to understand to help him heal, but the desperation in his voice to be with anybody who he knew cared hurt her more than she could say, and she let out a sigh. “It’d be more dangerous and irresponsible to send you back anyways as you are. It means you’ll be sicker longer.”
“More time I get to spend here. With you,” Anakin said. Despite how worried she was, Padmé smiled. While she would’ve preferred Anakin have some self preservation in regards to how he acted, she couldn’t deny that how much he wanted to spend the time with her didn’t make her smile anyways.
She stood up from the couch, noticing Anakin’s frown as he felt her move, she said. “I’ll be right back, I have some medicine that might help.”
Anakin nodded and closed his eyes. “Thank you, Angel.” In any other circumstance, he likely would’ve pulled her back down. It was a testament to how terrible Anakin was feeling that he let her get up without a fight when he wanted the attention.
Padmé entered the kitchen and went through the cabinets. She wasn’t gone long, but when she returned with the pills and cup of water, Anakin was already once more out cold. She put them down on the side table near the couch and placed a kiss on Anakin’s forehead, leaving him to get the rest he needed as she went about her routine for the rest of the night.
38 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 02:18:55 GMT
So I've been showing KH to a couple of friends and we were talking about it after a little bit when we finished CoM today and one of them after we finished talking literally was like "You know now that I'm seeing KH and know how much of an impact it had on you when you were younger you getting this into SW makes a lot of sense" and I hate how right he is because he's right KH is just Star Wars except instead of Lightsabers we have Keyblades I cannot believe I was this called out by him.
216 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 01:30:42 GMT
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