#I just imagine Lady Gisela kind of French
simonwanders · 3 years
Warning, huge spoilers! If you have not read beyond the volume 3 of KOTLC, do not continue to read, or it is at your own risk !!!
Okay then hear me out-
I’ve got a very very strange theory rather irrational so… be warned o-o’
In fact I’ve been thinking about this theory for a long time, but after rereading the volume 3 (“Everblaze” I believe?) Well I really wanted to talk about it to see what others people think.
At the beginning it was rather a delirium for the drama, but ... Well. Holy Sheep I don’t have any idea of what I’m saying right now.
First, I will give elements of "evidence" to support my comments, kinda just to show some interesting parallels ...
This theory is about Jolie Ruewen and Keefe Sencen.
Here’s what I know about Jolie:
- She had humor.
- She was popular.
- She was considered very pretty.
- She had beautiful shiny hair.
- She had an huge imagination (according to Edaline, the alambic stories are "typical of Jolie", as she says in the French version of Volume 3).
- She loved drawing and was very talented (again, something that is mentioned in Volume 3).
- She held notebooks (where she drew, among other things, precisely).
- She was madly in love.
- She had a gift with animals (necessarily she literally grew surrounded by magic critters).
All that ... Do not remind you of someone? Because me, yes.
These are the most obvious parallels between Jolie and Keefe ... but, guess what? That's not all.
We know that Jolie played double agents in the Neverseen ... She did it on a whim, and more. It was therefore perhaps impulsive enough, but it's not important.
Keefe did exactly the same thing. And as reasons, it is explained that he "needed to do it", to "arrange things", because he guilt with his mother and all ...
Do you know what it makes me think of?
He did it on instinct, on a whim, exactly like Jolie. As if he had to do it. As if something told him it was the right solution.
And in my head: as if he had already done.
Another thing told me for the development of this theory: Keefe’s new power.
So yes, the trick with the voice that controls, it can have a link with the Polyglots, yes too, it kinda connects with emotions and therefore the Empathes, but ...
And after ?
Me, it makes me especially think of Mesmerising.
What does Gisela say from the beginning? That Keefe's blood is very important. And which mark does it carry, blood? DNA. Genes.
As the power of Keefe is, supposedly, a mixture between those of his parents, it necessarily has a link with genetics ...
Now, let's remember something: Jolie was Grady's daughter.
And, hehe, what a chance! Grady is a Mesmer.
Another thing ... we remember when Keefe made psychopath plans in book 4? When he clasped papers with the walls and took Fathomlethes to wake his memories ...
There was a paper with a certain question: "Why did she (Lady Gisela) make me spend the Conjuring test twice?" (It’s a traduction of French version)
Yes, why, I ask you?
What was the power of Jolie, already? Oh yes...
Conjuring, precisely.
There we agree that it starts to become a little big for coincidences, huh? Or is it just me who’s psycho? ;-;’
So here is my theory:
Lady Gisela’s used, at one time or another, Jolie to give birth to Keefe.
And by "used", I mean "used her blood", for example. Yeah, it becomes creepy-
Imagine that Jolie is not dead by "accident"? Yes I know, it's Brant who killed her, I'm aware, but he probably did not do it on purpose.
But what if it was Gisela who fomented that? We know that Jolie has been in contact with her at one time or another.
Gisela may have said, "Well, I need a Mesmer but Grady Ruewen is unattainable (yes he’s really powerful anyway) ... but hey, how cool! His daughter who shares his DNA is by chance hanging out with an eminent member of my malefic organization! »
During her lil’ manipulations with quintessence / hydrombre and all the bazaar, she could have added Jolie’s blood she would have ... recovered on her corpse, huh ... it's dark I know.
Well, this kind of stuff.
In short, yes, in my head, Keefe would be a kind of "reincarnation" of Jolie (do not ignore quotations). I will even go further by thinking that some of Keefe's hidden memories actually belong to Jolie.
All that would explain Keefe's gift with animals (no, I do not think it's because he is Empath: the Heks, Cassius or Oralie have no particular link with Silveny, for example!) And above all why he is very talented in drawing, while his environment in Candleshade was absolutely not for the artistic expression. I am intimately convinced that Jolie is linked to Keefe in a certain way. There are really too many parallels between them. More ... well, it goes on a second theory but here we go: Keefe’s new power linked to abilities, the one that consists of feeling / probably triggering the gifts of others, well it seems a little useless.Alvar said that this power was supposed to change everything! That he was really overwhelming and all! But honestly, apart from the part "Influence people’s nature", is it really so great that this talent? So imagine ... what if Keefe’s real ability did not really have been presented in Unlocked?And if he really appears only after?That's what I believe: Keefe's true gift, compared to abilities, is to steal abilities from others. Do you see the blackboard ? It detects the talents of others, triggers them, and takes them.And that ... it has a relationship with Conjuring, right?It would really change the game for war, for the entire elven world.The only thing that quits me for this theory is the dates. They do not match at all, since Jolie died about two years before Keefe's birth ... But hey, it does not seem to be a sufficient counter-argument to me.That's it that's all ! It mays (surely-) seem totally irrational, and my arguments are certainly unconvincing, but personally I find it cool lmao I know it's going very (maybe too ...) far but I love this theory, like even just for drama! After all, Shannon Messenger has specifically said that there were still many secrets in this series that had not been revealed, so ... everything is still possible, right?
(In addition ... Imagine the reaction of Grady and Edaline if it happens to be accurate and they learn that Keefe was literally born thanks to the death of Jolie? Would they be angry? Hating? Understanding? Would they hate Keefe with all their souls, or on the contrary love him a lot? Will they see that Jolie died by Keefe’s fault or live through him?
And Keefe? Would he be broken?)
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