#I just reread chapters 8 and 9 of home is wherever you are tonight ahead of posting tomorrow and !!!!!!!!
dailyaudiobible · 3 years
02/18/2021 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Psalms 37:1-11, Proverbs 10:3-4
Today is the 18th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today like every day. What a joy. What a privilege that we can come together like this no matter what's going on, no matter where we are, no matter where we are on earth we can step into this different place, this safe peaceful place around the Global Campfire and just be together, knowing we’re not alone, knowing we’re on the same journey and knowing that…that the Father delights in us being on this journey together as we learn, as we grow, as things challenge us to change, which in effect is the essence of what repenting even is, to change, to change your mind,. And, so, we’re doing that a lot, we’re done that a lot already this year. And, so, let's dive in today, take the next step forward. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. Leviticus chapter 6 verse 1 through 7 verse 27.
Okay. Let’s look in the book of Mark for a second. Let me just…let me just quote Jesus out of the book of Mark. “A kingdom involved in the civil war will collapse” and “a house torn apart by divisions will collapse.” Like there's a part of me that feels like there's nothing else that needs to be said. A family, whether a national family or an immediate family that is splintered and fractured and divided by feuding is gonna collapse. It’s standalone solid wisdom but why is Jesus even saying this? He’s saying this because the religious people who are trying to be the leaders, the…the spiritual caretakers of the people are spreading false information about Jesus by saying, “He can do what He can do because He's empowered by the devil to do it.” Jesus simply responds basically, “how can…how does that even make any sense? If the devil’s divided against himself then the whole things going to come down, the whole thing will fall apart.” But then He goes on to talk about blaspheming the Holy Spirit. And the thing is, Jesus and the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they’re supposed to be on the same team. Jesus is a rabbi teaching Torah just like they are. Obviously, God is working through Him because He's performing miraculous healings and He is teaching with authority in a way that the people haven’t heard before. They’re supposed to be moving in the same direction, but instead they have gotten the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin, the leaders, the religious leaders of the people have gotten so sideways that the whole thing has become about control. The whole thing is about controlling people's behaviors. And they’ve been looking for reasons to accuse Jesus, but a couple of the reasons are the things that He does on the Sabbath. He breaks the rules in their minds. And, so, He disqualifies himself in their minds. And, so, Jesus is basically like, “yeah. You can curse all kinds of things. You can say…you can spout off your mouth and run it as much as you want but when you curse the Spirit of God, when you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, that doesn't bode well, which is exactly what the religious people are doing. They are calling the Spirit of God within Jesus, they are calling God's Spirit the devil, in part because they're jealous and envious of the way that the crowds are following Jesus and in part because they don't understand what's going on. They don't have eyes to see her ears to hear. And, so, they’re calling a move of God, like not just a move of God, they’re calling God in the flesh who is moving, they’re calling Him Satan, they’re calling Him the devil. This is where He gets His power. It's easy enough to look at that and go, “okay…well…you know…that's Jesus and I would never do anything like that.” But when we curse people…when we call them of the devil because their theology doesn't line up with ours, or their agenda, whether that be political or vocational or just life choices, if those aren’t in agreement with…with us and we start calling things the devil, it's…it's tricky waters because we can do the same thing by calling the Spirit of God within them the devil because we can't stand them, or we don't agree with them or we don't agree with some of the ways that they believe or we don't agree with some of the things that they do or want to do. We have to be particularly careful about people who are…who are brothers and sisters who…who will claim the name of Jesus and then we curse them. A house divided against itself will collapse. And I’m not saying that we’re not observant or that we can't look at the fruit. Like, Jesus says you’ll know by the fruit. But God works in counterintuitive ways and He does not care. He does not care what we think when it comes to do with His will. He’s going to perform His will through whoever He chooses however He chooses whenever He chooses. He is the Almighty God, and we have nothing to say about it. But labeling people as being empowered by evil, by the devil, if they aren’t explicitly claiming that we should be very careful. And the point of all this is that it should bring us to a place of humility. It's important that we guard our own heart and our own mind, that we keep our eyes on our own lives. Are we walking the narrow path that leads to life? If we are then it’s gonna be very difficult for us to throw labels on people, labels that may be cursing the Spirit of God within them.
Holy Spirit, the last thing that we want to do is that. It's the last thing that we want to participate in. And, so, we just ask for forgiveness for the things that happen to us that we react to that just have us moving in destructive ways. We need to keep our eyes on our heart. We need to keep our eyes on You. You will lead us into all truth. Nobody else is gonna do that because nobody else can, no matter what news channels we watch. You are the only one that's gonna lead us into all truth. And, so, that's where our focus is, not on making up names and labeling and all of the kinds of stuff that lead us into a house divided. Come Holy Spirit, that we might not be divided inside of ourselves, that we might be wholehearted and give our whole heart to You. The rest isn’t our responsibility. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission that has…that has just been an ongoing thing, this is the 16th year, seven days a week of this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we know we’re not in this journey through the Bible or through life alone. If that matters, if that’s life-giving in your life then thank you for being life-giving so that we continue moving forward day by day step-by-step through the Scriptures. Thank you, humbly and profoundly. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
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And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning DAB family. I want to just thank God for your lives. May His blessings continue to follow you wherever you go. Also, again thank you so much to the Hardin family for this amazing ministry and those working behind the scenes. It's February the 14th and I just want to just say that I love you all because you are my brothers and sisters in Christ. And I want to read something from first John chapter 4 verse 9 to 13. God showed how much he loved us by sending His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him. This is real love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Dear friends since God loved us that much, we surely should ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other God lives in us and His love is brought to full expression in us. And God has given us His Spirit as a proof that we live in Him and He in us. God bless you all. Love you all. Stay blessed and have a blessed week ahead. Take care. Sarah from London.
Hey siblings it's your little sis his little Cherry in Canada and I find myself praying a lot for people who are in chronic pain who are suffering. And tonight, I have been rereading second Corinthians 1 and I just want to pray for the suffering ones from second Corinthians 1 8 through 11. Daddy I want to pray for those who are crushed and overwhelmed beyond their ability to endure, those who think they'll never live through it, those expecting to die, those who don't have any hope left. I pray Daddy that Your plan and Your purpose would be fulfilled, that they would stop relying on themselves and learn to rely only on You who raise the dead. So, I’m praying for resurrection, resurrection of hope, that You would make a way where there seems to be no way, that You would part the sea, that You would make a road in the wilderness, Lord that You would answer their prayers in ways they haven't even considered. Daddy, that You would rescue them from mortal danger and rescue them again and continue to rescue them, that their confidence would be in You and that all those who would…who are praying for them would give thanks to You for graciously answering so many prayers. So, Lord I add my prayers for those who are suffering.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo from Maryland. I just heard somebody called in on February 13th about just struggling with forgiveness and her name was Diana. And I just want to really like just pray that that can just go against that, we can just go against that spirit because that's something that I struggle with myself. There was a time in my life where I struggled with an addiction to pornography and I got freed from it but then right after the same…like right after that season was over and God just gave me His everlasting love and He just helped me not struggle with that anymore I struggled with unforgiveness toward the people that made me fall into that and influenced me. And it got so bad where I didn't even want to be in my own neighborhood, I didn't want to be in my own area. It was really really bad. But I just want to pray that we can go against that because just like you said even…even Jesus forgave Judas Iscariot. And let's just pray. Father God I just thank You for everything You bless us with Lord. And just please just help us to get closer and closer to You Lord and I just please pray for Diana that she just please just You help her with her unforgiveness Lord and whatever she's going through God just please help her to get closer and closer to You Lord and we love You and we thank You Jesus for everything You do and thank for dying on the cross in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is John calling from Bethlehem it's been a few weeks I feel like at least anyway since I called in but I just wanted to say hi and let you guys know that the Corrado’s are doing well here in Pennsylvania. We’re thinking of and praying of so many of you. I just wanted you to…to know that. And also, I just wanted to mention today as I got through listening to the 15th of February's program and started to do the transcripts, just the very tail end of Exodus is just something that blows my mind. When we hear about God and His dwelling place and His presence filling the dwelling. It just reminded me so much of…well…here's the scripture, right? The Lord's cloud stayed over the dwelling during the day with lightning in it at night clearly visible to the whole household of Israel at every stage of the journey. And to me when I heard that, in so many…in so many aspects of Exodus really and all the work that we're seeing go into the tent, the Tabernacle - God's presence staying over the dwelling I just relayed that or related that to God's presence in our own dwelling during the day with lightning at night like gods lightning power to heal us in the evening as we rest clearly visible to the whole household of Israel every stage of the journey us being light in the world for everyone to see. And Lord Jesus right now I just thank You so much for the opportunity to be able to be in Your word and as we as we seek You that You are always there for us Father God that You found us first and we just thank You for that and then we thank You for Your word and how it brings to light so much of Your goodness in Your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I pray everyone who is connected on social media that they will have discernment Lord. I pray that…that technology will not rule the lives of…of Your people, that they will that people will not be deceived, will be able to just connect themselves from that and seek You and be productive in their lives in a more personal here and now in the moment way I just pray that You will intervene and that You will break the addictions around technology Lord. In Jesus’ name.
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