#I know it's a company doing all of this but it does feel imlactful esp for the kids
haneys · 2 years
there's many bad things to say abt sso and it's team, but the way they handle pride month is like. games usually just make some vague statement about accepting everybody etc meanwhile sso decorated the WHOLE map with balloons, flags, other festive things, added a ton of pride tack for everyone to get, made a song about pride that plays In Game when u run on the main road, has an ACTUAL PARADE of npcs ridding down the main road on horses all in pride gear too, made a whole new magic location thats a village in the sky with rainbows and all (😭) and once again amde a statement that everyone is welcome in yorvik, regardless of sequal orientation and gender identity! And that part is important imo because it's so so often that when lgbt topic are discusses people are like oh yeah loving everyone is valid, being a different orientation is valid, but the Trans part is always left unsaid. I see it happend so often, people asked abt lgbt right will always be like hurra gays yuppi! But transness makes people uncomfortable. Again I know this is just some game but im happy that kids playing it get to experience something like that, INCLUDING! trans kids, which feels like actual Celebration? Plus there are characters in the game who are actually lgbt, like one of the main characters being a lesbian girl with a girlfriend, or non binary characters etc. And this is the polish sso server btw. Idkkkkk it's a silly thing to be yuppi about but just LOL comparing this to let's say wizzy101? damn
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