#I know its what everyone calls him but STILLLLLL
unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 147
Honorable mentions:
I talk a lot about Remi being into EMBER. This includes the theory that EMBER are the authorities. So just be aware that that also falls under that name when you read it.
Even I’m getting a bit confused about John’s motives right now lmaooo sksndjks
John saying he’s rooting for Joker… idk that hit hard for some reason it really shouldn’t have
This is one of those rare episodes where literally everything that happens is big enough to get its own explanation and analysis so that’s why my honorable mentions this week is a little bare lmao
I’m really sorry about how late this is, but I had to step back and take a deep breath… like… wow.
How do all those fast-passers keep quiet like-? I’m so happy they do, but how do you not just get up and start screaming about this episode?
Anyway. Let’s get into this in chronological order.
When I first saw Terrence in this week’s episode, I was ecstatic. I genuinely thought that that would be the most interesting thing about the chapter (...). 
Terrence grabs my attention whenever he is shown, mentioned, or even whenever i can manage to fit him into a theory. The reason is: Terrence is endgame. I’m so sorry i don’t know how to word this correctly. Please be aware I don’t mean the movie. What I’m trying to say is that, Terrence is one of the plot points that have been sewn into the story since the very beginning. He’s been the background/behind the scenes force. No matter what is happening now, you always know there’s something bigger happening silently and that it will be the ultimate climax. Terrence has a special connection with that.
Though it is not technically canon, most people believe that Terrence is the invisible guy that tried to sneak up on Seraphina and John in episode 10 and the invisible person that was involved with the whole situation at Kovoro mall. Neither cases were dwelt upon long or pushed into further investigation by the characters. Sure, Remi might have gotten a bit worked up, but she never actually decided to look into the initial person from the mall and his invisible friend. When John and Seraphina got followed, neither one of them tried to figure out why. 
This theme is rather uncommon in the story of UnOrdinary as a whole. The characters often investigate and look into anything suspicious around them. Arlo and Isen looked into John. Remi chased after EMBER (one of the more... special cases), When Seraphina got kidnapped- literally everyone’s perspective revolved around it. Uru-Chan allowed her characters to look into the ultimately lesser conflicts. Yes, Arlo discovering John’s abilities proved to be maybe the biggest plot point/ turning point in UnOrdinary, but after that happened, the story still went on. Seraphina getting kidnapped? Not much to do with that endgame climax we’re all waiting for. I’ll say it again for the people in the back who aren’t paying attention.
Uru-Chan doesn’t let her characters investigate anything that will be endgame conflict.
Am I saying that right? Whatever, you all get the gist of what I’m saying.
The events that aren’t directly crucial to UnOrdinary’s ultimate climax have all been examined.
Which means: Whatever hasn’t been properly addressed by the comic that should’ve based on the character’s usual actions will be important to the eventual and overall plot. 
I mentioned above that there is a special case regarding this rule. EMBER. EMBER is difficult to really put into the black and white classification that I’m talking about. EMBER has been investigated by Remi. 
The reason that I’m still claiming my whole classification as correct is because of the unique ties Remi has to the organization. We all know her brother was murdered by EMBER, She tried to warn students about EMBER, she became a superhero to defeat EMBER. These are facts that have been drilled into our heads since the beginning of the comic.
The beginning of the comic.
Almost from the very moment we met Remi, she had her intimate connection and interest in the organization that lurked in the back of the story. She is the character we see most interact and react to EMBER. I’m going to go as far as saying that her entire character has been revolving around EMBER for basically the entire story. Yes, she’s helped with some side plot like love triangles and whatnot. I don’t really know. But when you really look into Remi, what you find is EMBER. Remi’s character boils down to EMBER.
Remi investigating EMBER is an exception to my classification hypothesis of sorts, but at the same time, it really isn’t… Because her involvement with the group is endgame. Again, I’ll try to explain better…
Because Remi’s character has been onto EMBER since the beginning, she in a way joins the hidden plot. Her character is one of the more subtle plot points, like Terrence or EMBER. I don’t know whether or not to call it a foreshadowing technique, but Remi’s always been in the back warning her friends, Arlo, Wellston about EMBER. 
I’d like to move on from this because this is just meant to be an answer to any holes that my theory (?) many have. I hope I’ve been clear. I would love to talk more, but I don’t know what else to say. Have at it in the comments though :).
Back to Terrence… (sorry I hope this long ramble didn’t distract from my topic too much). Terrence, and the person we readers believe him to be, falls under the category of things that should have been addressed more and were not. Like I listed before: the chase outside the mall, the teddy-bear scandal with the superhero posse. I can’t imagine John just letting someone who was invisible sneak up on him and Seraphina and just not give them another thought. I know, times have changed since then, but still… It seems like something you would remember. Same with the mall thing. Isen and Blyke got kind of into the whole EMBER is authorities thing, but I mean they just were surprised. Neither of them has really delved into it. They didn’t even give another thought to the invisible guy on the motorcycle… 
So yeah… I get excited whenever Terrence is involved because he represents the ultimate climax that Uru-Chan’s been building up to for years. I don’t even think he’s going to play that big of a role, it’s just his involvement in general that I’m intrigued by. I’ve explained myself above and now I’m tired so let’s just move on to what happened this episode sjkdjfghsjikdfh.
Okay Terrence isn’t all that important this episode actually lmao sorry for the big dramatic buildup. He just sits at a table with Seraphina and tells good lies. Honestly, it’s kind of scary how normal he looks while acting like everyone else. Terrence never says anything that directly contradicts what we know to be true, so it’s not that interesting, but stillllll. Terrence sitting and talking with Seraphina so normally??? I eat that shit up i stg. If you didn’t know that he’s been watching everything since the beginning, he wouldn’t stand out and even if you were given some inkling that he was, honestly, he seems too boring and innocent. I usually don’t like this, but the things that the readers know is too much and like I said, I’m living for this. Yeah I don’t know what I’m saying either R.I.P..
The more important part of what I wanted to say is in my explanation of the ultimate plot so I’m going to let myself move on now.
Seraphina on Joker:
Seraphina said something this episode that I guess really got me thinking. She said, “Is he [Joker] really that bad? He’s just climbing the ladder, isn’t he?”
I felt that.
This really intrigued me for some reason. Like… honestly. The low-tiers are scared, but what Joker’s doing is just climbing the hierarchy ladder. This happens all the time, so why be scared now.
When asked about this, the low-tiers said that Joker was scary because he covers his face, meaning he won’t face any consequences (okay this is understandable) and because nobody understands his motives.
Do… Do the low-tiers really believe that they understand every high-tier’s motive? Do they? I don’t know. That’s irrelevant right now lol. 
I made this it’s own section because I’m intrigued that Seraphina seems to be one of the first ones to consider Joker differently. She isn’t instantly scared of him like everyone else and even when she does find out about him and his actions, her immediate reaction isn’t horror. I liked this because it shows a person with a different perspective. With everyone scared of him, readers are limited in the way they see Joker, if that makes sense. Because everyone shown in the comic previously has been terrified of him, when we think of Joker, we think of a badass guy that’s kicking everyone’s asses for the hell of it. That holds so much appeal, don’t get me wrong, but I loved the new way of thinking about him that Seraphina really pointed out to me. Joker is  only climbing the ladder. Joker’s just doing what is acceptable and everyone is being so dramatic about it. I don’t completely understand or agree with Seraphina’s thoughts, but just their presence changed how I thought of something, so thank you for that :).
My new take on Joker: symbolism:
I don’t know what made me really think of this, but I did and I think this kind of makes sense…? I thought it was good enough to put in here so I mean y’all are going to have to read this either way lol.
Joker symbolizes EMBER. 
Let me explain. In UnOrdinary, Joker is this hidden antagonist who is defeating all of the high-tiers. Generally, none of the students know Joker’s motives or who is behind the mask (they said this is why they are scared of him). Joker leaves a trail of his victims bodies. Joker steals his victims powers. Some students know Joker’s true identity, and it’s not who’d you expect.
Now… consider this.
Replace Joker with EMBER (don’t actually do it, I’ll do it for you :))
EMBER is a hidden enemy defeating high-tiers.
The general public is not aware of who is a part of EMBER or what they want.
EMBER leaves a trail of bodies, all of which they brand with their symbol.
An early theory that one of the characters thought of was that EMBER had to be messing with high-tier’s powers to be defeating all of them. This was proved right with that whole Seraphina fiasco and everything that followed.
Remi, Blyke, and Isen all have pretty strong suspicions that EMBER and the authorities are one and the same, which all shocked them at first.
I don’t know what this means. I don’t know how else to elaborate. I’m just going to leave this here. Make of it what you will… But I’m living for thissss.
“John is Joker”:
I hate to say this, but… I just can’t… It-... It’s been a week already (lmao while writing this, the new episode came out) and all I can say is… awsihlkdaklshfjkslhfiuwghr87uivayiukrfhrwauyegvhrwqwc4zszvedrbfygutnymhi,i8ngt67rd64vbe5sw exb6dcnf7vt8m9by8,u09ji
I don’t really have anything to add to this scene so don’t be mad at me for not saying anything  ._.
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