#I legit teared up and cried today at work just thinking about it all I'm so excited I'm bouncing out of my skin
dcvotion · 2 years
❀ ||  Hi hello, I promise I’m still here-- I’m in the process of moving literally across the country this coming Sunday night (East coast to west coast, babyyyy~) so it’s been rough with picking up extra hours at work and getting things all prepped, but I promise in August, things will officially pick back up again ♡
I miss everyone here !! Hope y’all are having a lovely night, take care of yourselves, and I will see you soonish!!
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artxyra · 4 years
If your ever bored, (I'm sending 2 requests because they were too long) can you do one of my requests? The class goes to Gotham for whatever reason. Marinette and Lila have an argument when Two-face comes in. Mari is tired of Lila and grabs him to be her lawyer, the bats as judges, and some random people on the street as the rest of the 9 judges. Can have a ship but isn't necessary.
@i-is-mysterious, so I did this instead of doing my Japanese homework.
“Well, some of you wouldn’t believe this but somehow, a French exchange student managed to capture the attention and the hearts of many Gothammites today.” The News reporter states at the desk. In an OTS next to her, there is an image of what looks to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting in what looks to be in a courtroom setting and next to his Harvey Dent, better known as Two-Face. “Let’s just say stay tone as I tell you about this extraordinary tall tale.”
Marinette Dupain-Cheng could not take Lila’s bullshit anymore. At first, it was fun and dandy, humoring the poor Italian native as she goes on with her day-to-day life, but for some reason, today was not the day to tolerate the liar.
“Will you shut the heck up!” Marinette screeches to the horrid hairstyle that is on top of Lila Rossi’s head.
Lila stares at Marinette, tears swelling her eyes as if on-demand rather than genuine. “How could you say something like that to me, Marinette. I’m only trying to explain to our friends that I know Batman personally and have helped him saved Gotham a few times in the past.”
The class looks between the two teens as if waiting for something huge to happen. Well, that didn’t take long…
“No, you’re making this a bigger mess than it needs to be. The only people Batman work with are the Justice League and whoever the hell is the current and former Robins. What you’re declaring to our class is nothing but a load of shit.” Marinette seethes gesturing to the class and the number of confused pedestrians.
Well it is at this moment when Nino decides that listening to this problem was only going to lead to a larger mess and turns up the music playing from his phone into earphones.
“Well it’s true, it not my fault that your jealous, Marinette. I can’t believe you think that I am lying about stuff like that.” Lila places a hand over her chest and tries to look for sympathy.
“Yeah, right, and I’m Ladybug.” Marinette sarcastically retorts.
Just then the doors blast opens. Goons of all heights swarm into the room, with guns blazing. Everyone not apart of the shutting gets down onto the floor. Lila begins to squirm saying all sorts of nonsense about the Bat-family and how they will save her. Marinette rolls her head and examines the room.
The goons, now forcing those into a concern talking into an earpiece, all of it was something that Marinette could understand nor hear. She sees that Nino’s was fumbling with his phone as Alya tries to take it away to film this drastic situation. Only for the earphones to unconnected from the phone. Loud music burst out from the speakers. It’s Teeth by 5 Seconds to Summer.
Marinette, feeling the beat, gets up. The goons turn to her aiming their guns at her. They yell at her to get down on the floor, sending a warming shoot, it misses. Her classmates call for her to get back down, but Marinette was already dancing to the music.
“Fight so dirty, but your love’s so sweet.” She winks at the goons before sending one to the ground by a kick in the stomach. The gun goes off, sending bullets into the ceiling. She shrugs her shoulders, before twirling to the next goon. Three bullets fly past her, not even one hitting her but the wall behind her.
“Late night devil, put your hands on me.” Marinette sings another line of words. More goons’ advances on her.
Nino seeing what she was doing grabs his phone back and turns the volume up. Marinette’s feet tap to the beat as she song continues so does the speed of her defensive attacks.
Another goon down.
Marinette dives low before swinging her feet into another goon’s legs.
“Blood on my shirt, rose in my hand. You’re looking at me like you don’t know who I am.” The song rears closer to the end, when everything suddenly stops.
There standing at the large opening of the newly made entrances stands Two-Face with his hand on a cigarette. He puffs out the smoke.
“You girl.” He calls out.
The music comes to an abrupt stop. Marinette’s body staggers with the sudden loss of rhythm. She turns around and points to herself. Narrowing her eyes, she purses her lips, before a smirk sneaks its way onto her face.
She stalks towards him before roughly grabbing his wrist.
“You’re a lawyer, right?” She asks motioning for her classmates to get up.
Two-Face is taken back, he stares at the teen girl before him. “What of it?”
“I have a problem that doesn’t want to go away and seeing as we’re in a courthouse…” Marinette’s eyes twinkle with mischief.
“Two-Face, let the students go…” There you have it, people, the Batman himself and the rest of the family have arrived. Just a little later than normal.
What happened next, no one knows how a small teen from France manages to get everyone inside a courtroom with Batman as the judge and the rest of Bat-family being the jurors. Lila stands shitless with Mlle. Bustier as her supposes lawyer.
“Order in the court. This evening we will be going off the case of the plaintiff Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the defendant Lila Rossi. Today’s trial is about slander and defamation. Overseeing this case is Judge Batman.” Nightwing states to the court.
Hush whispers echoes within the room as the views watch in anticipation.
“Your honor, my student is not at fault with any of these charges.” Caline Bustier says, pleadingly.
Batman’s response to that was a grunt, nothing more, nothing less.
“As you can see, B-man, my client has documentary proof that the defendant Ms. Rossi has claimed to in contact with various amounts of celebrities and superheroes, you included on that list.” Two-Face states pulling out a large file that magically appeared from nowhere. Let’s not talk about where.
Two-Face hands the Judge the file. Batman looks over the file. He sees names that he too is personally familiar with such as Jagged Stone and his own sons’ names.
“Objection, your honor, my student as a lying condition. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.” Caline cries out as Lila grips the edge of her seat.
“Your honor, I would like to call Lila Rossi to the stand.”
Lila takes her place on the stand. She could have sworn that Nightwing was smirking at her as she lied her way through the bat-a-rang. Yes, a bat-a-rang was used instead of a bible, where’s in Gotham here people. That and this is no regular court appearance.
“Lila Rossi, was it? Don’t answer that, you claim that Marinette has been bullying you since your return to school.”
“Well yeah, Marinette threatens me in the bathroom, she even slapped me in the face. Then it started to go all downhill from there.”
“I don’t believe you, seeing as there are no health records stating that you had any physical injuries to your being. My client, on the other hand, has multiple claims about being injured on school property. Why is that?”
Two-Face then hands Nightwing a different file containing evidence regarding medical information. Once again don’t ask how they manage to obtain that information.
“Objection!” Mlle. Bustier calls out. “This information was never made public. How did they even get their hands on it?”
Once again Batman only grunts.
“Hey B-man, this information is legit, Ms. Rossi never had any claims of a physical injury only Miss Dupain-Cheng,” Nightwing whispers to the judge.
Batman turns to his jurors and raises the gavel.
“I have heard enough. Miss Rossi, you claim that you have helped me and my partners when you have never set foot in Gotham before this trip. Jurors, you have less than five minutes to decide her faith.”
Lila begins to protest. She calls to her teacher for help. The class, bless their naïve little minds, only sit down with popcorn in their hands.
Marinette turns to Two-Face with a smirk on her face and holds out her hand. Two-Face hits it, causing the teen’s hits to widen as she tries to hide her discomfort.
Five minutes later, Red Robin stands to the judge with a piece of paper in hand.
“We,” he yawns, “the jurors have decided that Lila Rossi is guilty of all counts of charges against her.” A random person hands the vigilante a cup of coffee. He sips it longingly.
Lila screams in shock. She tells them that she has immunity only for her claims to go on death’s ears.
The day ends with Marinette sitting on her balcony with a cup of coffee in hand with Adrien beside her.
“Did you have to dramatic today?”
“It was fun, wasn’t it? Watching her dig her own pit, but little did she knew was that the class was only humoring since her return. Everyone knows that I’m the queen of the school.” Marinette proceeds to drink her drink all while Adrien stands there eating a croissant.
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airasora · 3 years
Saw your vent post about your recent relationship. I want to let you know I'm going through the exact same thing, the only difference is that when we were doing a fwb relationship he suddenly out of the blue started acting stand offish and decided to end things, when I had asked if something was wrong and why he changed his mind because the way he acted before made it seem like he still had feelings for me and that there may be a chance for us to be together again as this was his idea in the first place, he then just got frustrated with me and stopped talking to me for the rest of the night.
The next morning I got fed up as this was just a total 180 and I felt like my feelings and emotions were being played and not being appreciated. Told him I couldn't talk to him while I'm still healing from our breakup and being friends rn isn't possible for me as I still love him. I thought he would have said something to keep me in his life because he was the one after we broke up to reach out to me saying he still had strong feelings for me despite the fact we didn't work as a couple, Christ he even sent me a love letter and everything, but he let me go saying sorry he lead me on and didn't think pursuing a relationship with us again would work. Tbh and idk why but this week has been especially hard for me, I thought I saw him yesterday when I was coming back home from work and I burst into tears on the bus!
I miss him everyday but I know I have to move on now. I think I loved him more than he did me and I need to find someone who can match those feelings with me. I hope maybe one day me and you both can move on and find the person who we deserve.
I am so sorry for what you're going through, I really hope you'll heal soon ♥
Personally though, I'm not sad. I was angry and ranted to my mom, some friends and made that picture as my personal closure.
I've cried my salty years over him in the past, tonight was the last time I'll ever do that. He wasn't worth it then and he isn't worth it now.
I have never, not once, after we broke up, wanted to get back together with him. Hell, we were better together AFTER we dropped the title of boyfriend and girlfriend.
Like, just today at work before all this shit, I was telling my coworker about a pregnancy scare I had with him LOOOOOONG after we broke up and I said: "I would never ever want to be the mother to his children."
I just got pissed tonight. And I finally let him have it. My mom even told me how proud she was of me. She, more than anyone else, knows how he changed me for the worse.
He made me insecure, he made me reconsider all my opinions and even my personality, and when we broke up? I legit said:
"Please don't give up on me yet."
I shudder every time I remember that. THAT was my first instinct; that I needed to be fixed. That alone proves how fucked up we were together.
This is absolutely final I-am-really-leaving goodbye 👋
Like one of my friends said: "The girl dating him now should thank you for training him."
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