#I like to think Gregory talks to Cassie with the tv like in the first teaser
comradesummers · 5 years
Top 5 single-episode characters on Buffy? Top 5 shows you would recommend to a Buffy fan?
Top 5 single-episode characters on Buffy:
5. Dr. Gregory and Mr. Platt - I’m making this one a tie, which is sort of cheating, but I think it’s ok in this instance because these characters serve very similar purposes. Both are good authority figures who could have had positive influences on Buffy were they not immediately killed off. I like them basically because I think the Scoobies deserved more good adults in their lives, so I wish they had survived their respective episodes.
If I had to choose between them to keep it down to five, I would probably go with Mr. Platt, just because he’s played by Mr. Moseby. But I don’t have to do anything, so I’m making it a tie anyway.
4. Holden Webster - I’m just really obsessed with the Buffyverse demons who are simultaneously objectively evil, and also just kind of chill. I don’t why, but there’s apparently nothing funnier to me than lines like “I’m here to kill you, not to judge you.” I also like that he gave Buffy the opportunity to finally talk about her issues openly, because my real OTP is Buffy/therapy.
3. Sunday - She was just a really cool fun villain. She was charming and funny and the actress did a great job. I wouldn’t have minded if she stuck around for a few more episodes, but she made a real impression with the little screen time she had.
2. Cassandra Newton - There are very few one episode characters that have as much time and effort dedicated to exploring them as Cassie does, and that time and effort pays off. Cassie is the only character on this list that I would describe as well rounded, and that really comes down to just how much of Help was dedicated to her characterization. I also really liked her role as another one of Buffy’s shadow selves. She’s sort of like Ampata from season 2 (but better, because she’s not bogged down by racist stereotyping) in that her tragic death mirrors all of Buffy’s sacrifices, which really works well with the themes of the season (but that’s a tangent for another day).
1. The demon Sweet - In addition for providing the plot justification necessary for Once More With Feeling, which imo would already qualify him for the top spot, he’s also played by Broadway legend Hinton Battle, who is just fucking awesome. I honestly think that his song is extremely underrated by the fandom because he’s not a main character. On a quality level, I think it might be the best song, although that might just be because Battle is obviously the best singer. Also, I love his design, I love that he wears a suit, I love the whole charming businessman thing he’s got going on. He’s truly one of the best villains ever on Buffy.
Top 5 shows you would recommend to a Buffy fan (in no particular order):
Ok, so disclaimer, I haven’t seen the Magicians, or Lucifer, or Crazyhead, or Wynnona Earp (god I suck) but I know those are pretty common answers to this question, so this is why they’re not on the list.
1. Legends of Tomorrow - Specifically if you’re a fan of the general batshit craziness of season 4, Legends is perfect. It’s insane, and weird and fun. It has a found family narrative, it’s incredibly gay, and is significantly more diverse than Buffy ever was. Another thing it has in common with Buffy is that the quality of the first season is pretty iffy, and if you give it a shot, you’re just going to have to power through season 1. But still, highly recommended for any Buffy fan looking for a fun time.
2. Veronica Mars - I was kind of hesitant to even mention this one because it’s so obviously the show you watch after you’ve finished Buffy. That’s what I did at least, and it filled that void very nicely. It’s a great show, and Veronica Mars is one of the best TV characters of all time. But I’m sure everyone reading this knows that already.
3. Carmilla - It’s a web series but I’m counting it. The show was very obviously made by a bunch of Buffy fans. Beyond just the constant Buffy references, there are also word-for-word quotes lifted directly from Buffy. So pretty much made for Buffy fans. It’s also the lesbian vampire romance of your dreams, even if the writing is sometimes a little fanficcy (which I see as a positive, but it’s not for everyone) and it was made on a budget of like two dollars. But everyone involved was clearly very passionate about the project and that really comes across.
4. UnREAL - For season 6 fans. It’s a Marti Noxon joint, and it’s basically an entire show built on the premise of exploring complex mentally ill female characters, toxic relationships, and addiction. (Also reality television, but that has less to do with Buffy.) I think it’s a really good show, although I only got through two seasons before the drama of it all got to be a bit too much. But I do think that has more to do with me than it does with the show. If you’re looking for a season 6 sort of vibe, Marti’s got you covered.
5.  Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Ok, I’m kind of struggling to justify this one beyond just pointing out that I’m a Buffy fan and I like it. But ok, a lot of Buffy fans love Once More with Feeling and Crazy Ex is a musical show. Also, more exploration of complex, mentally ill female characters, so again, good for season 6 fans. But the real reason I put it on here is that watching it makes me feel the same way that watching Buffy did, and I don’t really have a concrete explanation of why that is, but it’s there.
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archxngxl · 2 years
domestic meme! do all or whichever you have muse for! <3
Sonny & Cassie
big spoon/little spoon: Sonny is usually big spoon, but likes to be little spoon when he needs comfort. 
favorite non-sexual activity: Probably either swimming or hiking
who uses all the hot water: Cassie 
most trivial thing they fight over: I don’t think they would fight over trivial things
who does most of the cleaning: Cassie 
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: They watch the same shit and most of the time together, so both 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Both of them take care of it, usually one after the other
who steals the blankets: Cassie
who leaves their stuff around: Sonny
who remembers to buy the milk: both 
who remembers anniversaries: both, sonny is making an effort to remember everything
Leila & Gregory
Who cooks normally? - Okay I know Gregory has restaurants but I think Leila would try and cook home once in a while 
How often do they fight? - Not a lot, they seem like very calm and understanding of each other. The only time i could see them fighting is about Greg’s business
What do they do when they’re away from each other? : Both are either working or with friends. 
Nicknames for each other? Leila either calls him carino, mi amor or mi alma 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Leila tries but Gregory is not having it!!!!
Who steals the covers at night? Leila
What would they get each other for gifts? Leila would get Gregory tickets to a classical concert or if we are talking materially, she would get him a nice watch or some sort of jewelry., 
Who kissed who first? Gregory 
Who remembers things? Both
Who started the relationship? After Gregory kisses her and all that, i think they would both make the decision to be in a relationship 
Who cusses more? Tied, these two are the encyclopedia of swearing both in English and in Spanish 
What would they do if the other was hurt? Leila would comfort him and work on tearing whoever did it apart (and kill whoever if the case was that bad)
Lana & Ryder: 
Who cooks normally? They don’t really cook but I would say Lana 
How often do they fight? Not often, but when they do, it’s more about kills or one of them doing something reckless
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Nicknames for each other? Lana would start calling Ryder ‘Mon coeur’ and nothing else, i think Ryder would call her baby or some other common nickname 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? They don’t go out to restaurants LOL
Who steals the covers at night? Lana
What would they get each other for gifts? Lana would get him something like a watch or some other cool thing 
Who kissed who first? Lana 
Who made the first move? Lana
Who remembers things? Both 
Who started the relationship? Both 
Who cusses more? Both cuz they are very angry individuals
What would they do if the other was hurt? LITERALLY KILL AND I MEAN LITERALLY
Lorenzo & Catalina: 
big spoon/little spoon: Lorenzo is big spoon, he likes wrapping his arms around Catalina 
favorite non-sexual activity: uhhhh hunting hunters? 
who uses all the hot water: Catalina XD
most trivial thing they fight over: Probably planning or scheming 
who does most of the cleaning: Both, i feel like they are very clean and meticulous people 
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: They don’t watch tV 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Neither 
who steals the blankets: Lorenzo
who leaves their stuff around: Neither 
who remembers to buy the milk: They don’t drink milk 
who remembers anniversaries: Both
Caroline & Brody: 
big spoon/little spoon: BRODY BIG SPOON FOR THE WIN 
favorite non-sexual activity: Talking about tattoos/late night smoking on the roof 
who uses all the hot water: Caroline 
most trivial thing they fight over: Brody leaving the toilet seat up 
who does most of the cleaning: Caroline, she’s very picky at times 
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Brody 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Both
who steals the blankets: Caroline 
who leaves their stuff around: Brody 
who remembers to buy the milk: Both
who remembers anniversaries: Both
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