#I love Ri. I rotate her often
selfcontainedunivcrse · 8 months
my beautiful wizards . i am thinking about them. well . there is one guy who isn't a wizard but he hangs out with them and his name is Kyle and he believes that he's Evil and Irredeemable due 2 a pile of trauma and then there is Ri who does not actually have time for his dark and twisted mind because she's like, trying to be a doctor over here? if you don't mind?
she is explicitly Not trying to fix him except for occasionally medically. but their mutual best friend is busy being problematic gay rep so he ends up kind of being her assistant/non-magic guinea pig out of a lack of self preservation and nothing else better to do. and they become buddies :) And then the world's only straight people
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag Game catch up ✨️
I was tagged to do these awesome tag games made by our shining star Macy @celestialmickey & was also tagged by these angel pies Evie @energievie Julissa @heymrspatel Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Willow @ian-galagher Kaka @stocious Auds @auds-and-evens Michelle @michellemisfit Leah @whatwouldmickeydo Vey @look-i-love-u Julia @juliakayyy Ri @tanktopgallavich thank youuu 🥰
Name: Myn
Age: 26
Where in the world are you? Sydneeeyy
The meaning behind your URL: the mash up of pretty words & when i began this blog i had aspirations of being a pretty vintage type aesthetic blog lmao
Your second favourite color: Periwinkle
Any pets? My doggie Roxy
Favourite season: Currently, I'll say it's autumn but it varies bc I barely have any distinction with the season living in Australia lol so I'm happy as long as it's sunny & not blistering heat with a light breeze haha
Last thing you read:
Got fics in rotation at the moment haha but I'm rereading
Let the bodies to the talkin' by the magnificent Jane @captainjowl
My Nine Lover by the sensational Anna @annatrow
Last of a Dying Breed by the terrific @wildxwired
For a book I've started Be not Afraid of Love by Mimi Zhu that is a collection writings about the author's journey of relearning to love again after experiencing a violent relationship
Last song you listened to:
I'm getting familiar with the new FOB album 💕
What are you wearing right now? Black cardigan, brown pleated mini dress with pastel green low heels
A hobby of yours: Paper quilling
Your comfort show or movie: Currently Shadows and Bone (gotta get that Six of Crows spin off lmao)
and finally, what are you up to today? Dinner at restaurant I planned to catch up eith my old workmates bc I didn't get to do a farewell dinner when I left in December 🥰
Your Name: Myn
Your Age: XXVI
Your First Fandom(s): I think Violet x Tate from American Horror Story
Your Current Fandom(s): Gallavich & Wesper (my book babies got adapted to tv y'all 🤧💕)
How did you first get into fandom? I think i got i more into the fandom culture in 2012 but i did take a break for like maybe 3 years bc I had no idea how the site worked or how to make friends haha. So i missed many of the iconic tumblr moments.
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? I remember reading animr fanfic since year six or year 7 so in 2008/2009 & I joined tumblr in 2012 as a more passive participant spam reblogging bc I had no idea how the site worked at first lol. Then I became a more active participant in the gallavich fandom in 2022 when I decided to post my first gallacrafts in feb 🥰
How often do you read fanfics? Every single day & every spare hour I can spare
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s):
Mickey my beloved Milkovich, Ian sweetface Gallagher & Sandy darling Milkovich
Wylan Van Sunshine, Jesper hotshooter Fahey & Kazzle Dazzle Brekker
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Not yet, but I oh so plan to I got wips summaries coming out the wahzoo
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Yess i am so happy to have made some fanart for our lovely Macy's fanfic Your Message Has Been Received, Gallavich × Good Omens fanart for Gallacrafts & other art found in the tag #Myn's art
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Ian gets the fucking Monica boobs tattoo fixed omfg it'll be a touching tribute to her not whatever the fuck that was. Also Mick gets Ian's name fixed too. They could do it together & then get tattoos that symbolise each other on their bods
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Ohh CLUB KISS CLUB KISS CLUB KISS
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Shadow and Bone
Under carriage scene! Recognised his man by being on top of him. The muscles memory of it all 😏
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And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Fandom gave me back my creative passion back. Something I thought I had lost & desperate wanted back but had no idea how, but by finding all of you beautiful, amazingly sweet & brilliant minds that came together out of the love our soft & sensitive husbands I found a safe place & a home where I can share what I create which is my love. So thank you all forever for being in my life 🥹
Also this Picrew too & this is basically my outfit for dinner just a lighter brown dress with plaid & minus the frog hat sadly 😔🐸
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I'll tag these dearhearts if they wanna play @scarcrosseduntouched @andthatisnotfake @adakechi @skies-below @ lingy910y @imikhailotakeyouian @babygirlmickey @too-schoolforcool @gardenerian @creepkinginc @demontargaryen @chicanomick @suzy-queued @tomorrowillmissyou @ intotheblindinglight @lalazeewrites @tellmegoodbye @jomilky @darthvaders-wife @flamingbluepanda @crossmydna @depressedstressedlemonzest @gallavichgeek @gallavichsbitch @shameless-notashamed @callivich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @bravemikhailo @7x10mickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @ deathclassic @grabmyboner @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk
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betweensceneswriter · 7 years
Island Hopper-Chapter 5 :  Telephone
Jamie does a science project with his students
Click Here to Hop to the Table of Contents Or Read the Entire Work on Archive of Our Own
Previously on Island Hopper: Chapter 4 : Skinny Dipping Exactly what it sounds like. . .
    “Save that can, will ye, Claire?”  Jamie called from the table where he was, again, grading papers.  I was beginning to see a trend of what the life as the wife of a teacher would entail.
     “What for?” I asked, deferentially cutting off the label and rinsing the can out before setting it on the counter, instead of mashing it and tossing it in the trashcan.
     “I’m teaching the fourth through sixth graders about waves in Science class,” Jamie said, “And we’re going to make tin can telephones.  With that one, I think I’ll have 12.  Not enough for everyone, but I dinna have enough string, anyway.”
     “Tin can telephones?” I asked, incredulously. “We really have stepped back in time!”
     “It’s a fun way to teach them about sound waves,” Jamie said.  He furrowed his brow.  “You wouldna be available to help in my classroom for a few hours tomorrow, would you?”
     “Sure,” I responded.  “Clinic is never that busy, and I can leave a note on the whiteboard.”
    Jamie sighed in relief.  “That’s the one awful thing about active projects.  They can be fun, but trying to help the kids, when they all have questions at once, can be really overwhelming.”
    The next day, I strolled down to the school to arrive there at 10 o’clock. Jamie was perched on the edge of his desk at the front of his classroom.  Unlike the last time when his back had been turned and I snuck into the room, this time he looked up and smiled as I entered.  “Ah, here’s Miss Peach.”  It amused me that everyone still called me by their version of my maiden name, but it sounded especially funny coming out of Jamie’s mouth.
     “Iiokwe, Miss Peach,” the happy faces chorused as all the kids turned to me.
     “Okay,” he said.  “Patrick, will you take one end of this Slinky™?”  Patrick responded obediently, and I peered at him, wondering why his Marshallese parents had decided to give him such an Irish name!  After Jamie had another student on the other end (I think his name was Telnan, which sounded like Telling-on),  Jamie had the boys take turn shaking their end of the Slinky™ to see if they could get a wave to travel to the other end of the metal spiral. I loved the adorable peals of giggles as the kids watched.
     Jamie had several pairs of students rotate through, getting a chance to hold an end of the Slinky™ and both beginning and receiving waves started by others.
    After all who wanted to had a chance, Jamie got the students corralled in their seats again.
     “So, wee ones,” he said.  “We’ve been talking about waves.  Can any of ye raise your hands and tell me an example of a kind of wave?”
    Lots of arms waved furiously in the air, and Jamie heard from several in succession. “Ocean waves!”  “Sound waves!”  “Seismic Waves!” “Light waves!”  “Radio waves!”
     “And then,” Jamie asked.  He was totally adorable, I thought, wondering why I didn’t watch him in action more often.  Teacher Jamie was mesmerizing, with his copper waves falling over his forehead, his expressive face engaging with the kids and showing pleasure when they got an answer correct.  I would have had such a crush on him as a student, I decided.  
     “What are some of the things we have here on Arno that use waves?”  Jamie  asked, accepting a number of answers.  “Ocean waves?  Of course.  Short wave radios?  Satellite phones?  Have any of you even seen or held a cell phone?”
     “Yes,” Hemity Ogawa, the store-owner’s daughter responded first.  “My cousin Ruben in Majuro has his own cell phone.”
     “Do ye think that a good thing or a bad thing?” Jamie asked.
     “Well, emmon and enana,” Hemity responded.  “It’s good and bad.  It’s good because he can call his auntie who lives in Hawaii and talk to her.  It’s bad because sometimes he just wants to play games on his phone, and he doesn’t play outside with us.  He’s getting really pig.”
    It made me smile to hear Hemity’s pronunciation of “big.”  Sometimes I would forget that the Marshallese pronounce b’s and v’s and f’s all with the same sound.
    Hemity liked the response of her classmates, who had giggled at “pig.”  “Ayet,” she continued.  “He’s lukuun kilep.  Very fat!” All the kids giggled.
    One little guy had been raising his hand for a long time.  
     “What are you wondering, Carlson?” Jamie asked.
     “In Amedka, they have many phones, don’t they?”
    At Jamie’s glance in my direction, the kids all turned to look at me.  “Um, yes,” I responded.  “Almost everyone had their own cell phone that they carry around.”
     “Ri-pālle are bery rich,” one child remarked.
     “Oh, is that why Amedkins get so fat ?”  One little girl asked, earning a response of giggles across the classroom, but lowered eyebrows and a head shake from Teacher Jamie.
    Carlson had his hand up again.
     “You weren’t finished, Carlson?” asked Jamie.
     “No,” he responded.  “If all of those waves are traveling everywhere in Amedka, isn’t that a dangerous thing?  
    Jamie nodded thoughtfully.  “Well, we dinna ken for sure.  But I think it’s healthier in many ways to not have phones.”  He grinned over their heads at me.
    With that, Jamie went through a quick demonstration of what we were going to be doing.  Each student would work in a group of three.  Two of the group members were to come up and get a tin can.  The third group member was to grab a string or a piece of wire and a nail.  Jamie showed an example of two tin cans with a small hole in the bottom, and the string threaded through and knotted.
    Jamie quickly realized it would take forever to pass the hammer between the groups of students, and that it was quickly going to get too loud in the classroom.
     “Meester Shamie,” Riti said.  “If we go outside, it willna be so noisy, and we can use rocks as hammers.”
    Was that really possible?  I wondered with a grin.  She had totally just done a Scottish shortened verb.  I was curious how many Marshallese students were running around the island telling people they “dinna ken” things and that they “didna” “couldna” “wouldna” or “shouldna” do that!
    Once the students had gotten their supplies, we headed out to the grassy play area, where the groups spread out.  They needed less help than Jamie had imagined they would, but he and I meandered from group to group, offering assistance as needed.  
    Within ten minutes, all of the student groups had spread even further apart, and were happily putting their ears or mouths to the cans and trying to send and decipher messages.  True to what Jamie had said, the groups didn’t stay separate for long.  They traded telephones, trying out the sets with different lengths of string or with wire, and experimenting with different tightnesses of line between the cans.  
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    When we were done, Jamie could tell the kids were a bit excited, so he had them set the telephones down a play a round of soccer before returning to the classroom to debrief.
    I found the din of excited voices overwhelming, and it was interesting to hear the mix of Marshallese and English during the discussion.  Even Riti seemed to fall into Marshallese when she was trying to describe her response to the experience.  In times of emotion and excitement, it did seem like it would be natural to return to your native language.  
    With a grin and a wave, I tiptoed to the door, but Jamie made sure to stop his students in time to have them call out, “Thank you, Miss Peachay!” as I left the room.
      That afternoon when Jamie got home, he seemed rushed and breathless.  
     “Meto is taking his fish to Majuro to sell,” Jamie panted.  “He’s leaving from the dock in a half hour, but he’ll be coming back early tomorrow morning, so we wouldna miss any work or school.  Do you think we can make it in time?”
     “Why do we need to go to Majuro just for a night?” I questioned, though the idea of an adventure appealed to me.
     “Dinna we need to buy plane tickets to Guam for Christmas?  Ye can talk to yer family.  And I really need to call my sister, Jenny.”
    I didn’t have much time to consider it, but Jamie’s reasons were good enough.  However, at the thought of a boat ride, I instantly went to the clinic to grab a package of motion sickness pills and quickly administered the maximum dosage for Jamie.  Within ten minutes, we’d thrown some clothes and simple toiletries into Jamie’s backpack, along with my cell phone and charger, and we were jogging down the road toward the oceanside dock in Ine.
      Although Jamie still did get a little bit queasy from the fishy smell of Meto’s boat, generally the motion sickness pills did their job.  Jamie and I sat together on a stack of pallets during the 90 minute boat trip, and for a part of the time, at least when Meto wasn’t watching, Jamie lay with his head on my lap.  When he had his eyes closed he could ignore some of the movement of the boat, he told me, and I enjoyed the comfortable monotony of running my fingers through his curls.
    The island of Majuro came into our sights quite quickly, but in order to dock Meto’s boat, we had to travel around the south side of the atoll, pass under a bridge, and then travel north to the Shoreline boat dock, which was right next to the MIMRA Outer Islands Fish Market.  Meto told us that he would sell his fish and spend the night with his brother’s family, who lived on the island.  We would need to meet at four the next morning at the boat dock to head back to Arno.
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    And with that, Meto headed off toward the fish market, leaving Jamie and me standing on the dock.
     “Shall I call a taxi?” I asked.
     “I dinna want to ride in anything else,” Jamie responded.  “Anyway, the hotel is just about a quarter of a mile from here.” He gestured down the road to the left.  
     “Hotel?” I asked.  “You don’t want to call Dougal and see if we can stay on their couch?” I had turned away from him while talking, so when I turned back to him I could still see the slight look of confusion on Jamie’s face as he thought through the logistics of staying on his uncle’s couch as a married couple.  When he saw my teasing expression, he narrowed his eyes as me jokingly.  
     “You’re a cheeky one,” he said to me, drawing me to him with his arm around my neck, pulling my ear close to his lips.  “Ye ken verrry well exactly why I dinna want to sleep on my uncle’s couch tonight, Ripālle.  Ye arna very good at keeping your noises in check, wee one.  And I mean to make ye squeal tonight, that I can tell ye.”
    Then Jamie looked away from me, but not before I could see the smirk on his face as he recognized my visceral response to his words.
     “We’re such newlyweds,” I scoffed, shaking my head.
     “Well, it’ll only have been three weeks tomorrow,” Jamie said.  
     “You’re kidding,” I responded skeptically.  “I could swear it’s been a year.”
     “No.  Just three weeks ago,” Jamie assured me, as he started walking in the direction he had indicated, reaching back for my hand.  Instinctively I almost pulled away, then realized we weren’t on Arno anymore. “Anyway, I thought it would be good to check in at the hotel first.  I was thinking we could drop our clothes there and take just the backpack to do some shopping.  There are plenty of stores right here—a hardware store, a supermarket, and if we want to go to a Taiwanese restaurant for dinner, we can stop in at the Office Mart store, which is also in that direction, to pick up paper and pencils, things I need for school.”
    It had already been a long day, and the thought of shopping, at real stores, was almost overwhelming to me.  “But I thought you wanted to call Jenny,” I said.
     “It’s only 5 am in Scotland, so I shouldna call Jenny right now.  No if I want to catch her in a good mood, anyway,” he said, a hint of some emotion in his voice. I could tell something was going on; what, I wasn’t sure.
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    In a few minutes we had arrived at RRE Hotel and restaurant.  By States’ standards it was quite a plain building; in comparison with Arno, it seemed a palace with electric lights, and even a little air conditioning in the lobby.  When Jamie and I stood at the counter waiting for assistance, I looked over at him.  He had a very thinly-veiled look of excitement on his face.  At the question in my eyes he leaned over to whisper.  “It’s my first time.  At a hotel.  Wi’ a woman.”
    We decided to stick with a basic room instead of a beachside bungalow.  I had an idea that flying to Guam wouldn’t be cheap, and simple was quite sufficient for a single night stay.  After retrieving our keys from the desk, we headed to our room to drop off our clothes.  Realizing that they provided free internet, I also thought I might try to make our reservations for flights to Guam at Christmas.
     “D’ye mind if I take a real shower, Ripālle?” Jamie asked.  “It’s been a long day and it’s been several weeks since we were at Dougal’s house.”
     “No worries,” I said, from my spot at the desk where I was charging my phone and signing into wifi.  “It’ll give me time to figure out flights for Christmas.”
    It was good that Jamie was enjoying his shower and took a long one, because it gave me a chance to recover from sticker shock.  The per person price for the “Island Hopper” to Guam was $1056 per person.  I knew, from my dad’s experience going on a diving expedition, that the Island hopper was called that because it landed on Kwajelein atoll, Kosrae, and then Pohnpei (Ponape) in between Majuro and Guam. With short stops at each island to refuel and for passengers to get off and new passengers to get on, the travel time was just over 8 hours. ��I could only imagine how green Jamie would be after four take-offs and four landings.
    Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make payments if I used my credit cards, I had set up an automatic payment to come from my checking account.  I’d left several thousand in there when I left home, but thanks to online banking, I was able to transfer the amount from savings into checking, and charged both tickets by the time Jamie got out of the shower.
    He walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his hips, drying his hair with a second towel, and came to stand behind me at the desk.
     “Holy Hell!” he exclaimed, when he saw the price on the phone.  “A thousand dollars for the two of us?”
     “Um, no,” I replied.  “That’s a thousand dollars for one person.”
     “We canna do it, then, can we, Ripālle?” he said. “I guess I can just have you go to Guam for Christmas.”
     “Too late,” I said, switching off my phone.  “Already purchased both of them.”
    I turned and smiled up at him, but was surprised to see that he looked irritated. I was taken aback at the flash in his eyes.  I knew he had red hair, but there hadn’t been many flares of temper in our short marriage.
     “Are you kidding me, Ripālle?”  Jamie asked, in a low, intense voice. “You spent two thousand dollars while I was in the shower?”
On to  Chapter 6 : Siblings Between money and marriage, there’s plenty to argue about.
Chapter Notes:  It was quite fun to research the stores and hotels, look up the menu, and find pictures and descriptions.  I didn’t spend much time on Majuro when I was there, but it was definitely way less primitive than Arno.  The thing I liked more than anything was that the fishing dock turned out to be within walking distance of pretty much anything Claire and Jamie needed.
And the other research was the cost of flight.  Yeah, it costs $1065 to fly to Guam.  The cost to go to Scotland is over $3000 per person.  I really want Claire and Jamie to visit his family, but logistically, I think they need to win the lottery...
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pgsweetdee-blog · 8 years
States 12 & 13: A Tale of Two Donuts
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Greetings from the Internet Trail!
Okay, so let’s get it out of the way first: I’m getting tired. As of the writing of this post, I have one- count it- ONE- residency interview left. After traveling to 15 cities in 13 states over four different months, I will be able to resume some kind of normalcy... well, you know- relative normalcy, as I attempt to plan multiple fundraisers while training in between my remaining medical school rotations. But at least there will be so much less driving.
With that being said, I’m cutting a corner and consolidating two different states in one post- and not because I knocked them out with one run. No, it’s because I’m tired, and writing these blogs take more work than I’d like you all to know. Unfortunately, they’re both New England states, and as such I am unhappily contributing to the idea that New England states, due to their relative small size, should be lumped together and treated the same. Which is NOT true. I love my New England roots, even if I poke fun at Connecticut often for being boring and unfriendly and... well you get the idea.
No, I actually visited two young, unique, fun cities these past couple weeks: Portland, Maine and Providence, Rhode Island. And while these cities certainly differ in terms of culture, climate, and beer scene (sorry RI but Allagash and Bissell Brothers >>> Narragansett) they are both cities with vibrant music scenes, miles and miles of beautiful shoreline, and most importantly- fantastic donuts. So without adieu:
I. Portland, Maine: “The Way Life Should Be”
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[The Back Cove... and a bunch of ice]
- So, whether or not I end up in the East Coast Portland, I’ve certainly started planning on eventually settling down in this small, quirky New England city, if just in my head. Portland retains the beauty and charm of New England, including easy access to beautiful beaches and abundant hiking, but is just a little bit slower and easier going than its more uppity New England neighbors (cough- Mass- cough). There is a high premium on good food (Duckfat!), great beer (Austin Street! Oxbow! Bissell Brothers!), and plenty of places to see nationally renowned musical acts, despite the city’s small size. It’s a relatively hidden gem, and you should go visit right now. Because, in the world of donuts they have:
1. The Holy Donut:
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[I heart Holy Donuts]
-That’s right: Heavenly approved donuts that are actually made from potatoes, The Holy Donut have a slightly heartier, chewier feel while sacrificing none of its tastiness. I had a couple (yes, more than one) cinnamon sugar donuts, a simple but well-crafted example of excellence immediately after my run... and then I was able to sample a bunch more later that evening at my pre-interview dinner. God bless residents who love donuts. Needless to say, there isn’t a bad donut to be found in the bunch.
2. The Run: Ice, Ice Baby
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- That’s right. I’m still training for a Marathon. Well, thankfully on my Maine day I had a shorter run slated, as I discovered that my favorite run in the City, a trail circling around the Back Cove, was almost entirely encased in ice. Because sometimes you might almost be a doctor but you forget that a run around a body of water... in Maine... in January just might be impeded with ice. Anyway, I made it around without falling on my face, but it was a pretty dumb idea and a lousy run. You live and you learn!
II. Providence, Rhode Island: Li’l Rhody
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1. Names: 
-Did you know that the smallest state in the country has the longest name? In fact, RI’s actual name is: State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  Hopefully some day we can say R.I.P to R.I.P.P. (yes- I thought that was clever). Otherwise, did you know that a state that measures 48 miles long by 37 miles wide has over 400 miles of shoreline? Yeah, I don’t really understand how that works either. Speaking of coastline...
2. The Run: Early Thaw
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-So the days I spent in Rhode Island were unseasonably warm, as I ran in 50 degree weather in the middle of January. I was staying in Riverside, an enclave just south of East Providence, which is home to the Looff Carousel, which, having been built in 1895, is one of the few handmade carousels still in use. See, you learn new things every day! Anyway, as I ran by the Carousel, and down the shoreline through the melting snow, I was able to appreciate Rhode Island’s proper nickname of “The Ocean State”
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3. Donut Round Two:
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[That donut technically belonged to someone I’ll never meet]
- If you follow me on social media, you will know that I was recently stood up on a date with a young lady I met online. However, what made this event more notable was that I had bought this ultimately unseen woman a donut that she had recommended I try from PVDonuts, a fantastic shop located in the Fox Point neighborhood of Providence. In friendly retaliation, I sent my date ditcher a couple pictures of yours truly devouring her donut with glee. Because let me tell you, the giant gourmet donuts of PVD are in a league of their own, a big, bready creation slathered in sugar and an array of topping choices (I tried both their Caramel and their Coffee Milk flavors- both highly recommended). So while human connection was not in the cards, I would argue that I still walked away a little bit in love... and a little bit rounder as well. 
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[Life motto]
So there you go- two awesome New England cities that start with “P” for the price of one! Thanks for sticking with my rambling, sleepy post. I’m off to take a nap, but I’m excited to introduce the last state of my epic interview trail season with you next week!
Lastly, as always, please check out my fundraising page at https://www.crowdrise.com/galen-hitwboston2017/fundraiser/galendidomizio and thank you so much for your generosity in providing a beautiful unique experience to chronically ill children who deserve it the most! Until next time,
Onward & Upward,
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