#I love my Zelda's okay and i dont have anywhere else to spit out my ideas
science-lings · 2 years
I wanna openly brainstorm about my Zelda’s, so that’s what I’m gonna do. So in HSFR the whole point is that everyone is over their adventures and getting on with their lives, meaning that its more than possible that a queen who canonically has to produce royal heirs, would be in some stage of  motherhood, whether that be going on the time traveling adventure while pregnant or carrying a baby around bc she literally can’t leave it behind or actually having a child that they did have to leave behind. The problem is deciding which one to inflict this on, Queen and King (sksw) are already trying to deal with creating a kingdom and it seems like a lot to add a kid to that, Athena (hw) is in a sapphic relationship so It’s unlikely for her to be the one.
I’m thinking it will either be Artemis (tp) or Shade (oot), as they’re the older duo anyway, I haven’t decided if Artemis is going to end up with Hunter or what’s going on there, but she would be the type to hold a baby in one arm and a sword in the other, she would carry the kid next to her quiver lmao. I also think it would be interesting to make the -princess that’s the most ‘cold’ and ‘stone-faced’ the one that carries her kid around. It would be fun to show her soft side and her humanity. On the other hand I already love Shade having a motherly/mentory relationship with Tetra and the idea that she has a kid already would be a Dynamic. She’s the most likely to leave her kid at the castle though as her Hyrule is kind of as stable as it gets. Artemis could still be distrustful of other people taking care of her daughter so she would bring her along on an adventure, even if there’s a chance of violence. She would hate having to prioritize her kids possible injury over actually being able to help out in a fight, which would mirror how she had to surrender to save Hyrule. Bc of course she loves her daughter but she hates being useless and endangering others. She’d be able to make Hunter babysit though, he’s really good with kids despite looking like a big (debatable, he’s still like 5′4) goth werewolf man. 
I also feel like some of the Zeldas would parallel their Links and their relationships with each other. Heir (aoc) and Scholar (botw) were a little weird around each other at first but they pretty quickly would become an inseparable duo, like twins separated at birth. Athena and Artemis would have a bit of an older sibling rivalry with lighthearted teasing constantly, Heir and Scholar are both a little wary of Queen and feel like she’d be disappointed in them, I think lore wise Shade and Artemis are the closest in the timeline so like, Artemis has seem paintings and heard stories of Shade so that makes it weird when they actually meet. Also Scholar (along with Sage), know about the legends of all the others, though it’s highly likely that time has missed or changed many of the details. 
okay I should be done ranting I doubt anyone read this anyway but if you did I would love to talk about them more
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