#I love the idea of Mick being a bottom
lumi-nescentt · 7 months
And When I'm Feeling Alone, You Remind Me Of Home
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Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Wolff Reader
Warnings: a lot of fluff, like first christmas with your boyfriend and your family vibes
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Going home with his girlfriend should scare him, especially when your dad is a very intimidating Austrian giant and his boss but it's the last thing on his mind when you show signs of a cold.
A/N: I've been in a Christmassy mood since the first snowfall so I felt like writing something with Mick that happened in a cabin in Switzerland bc that's exactly where I'd like to be for the holidays
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Spending the holiday season in a cabin in Switzerland with your family and your boyfriend had been Susie’s idea and you couldn’t have been more grateful for your step mom’s idea. You loved this time of the year and spending it without all the people you loved had simply been out of the question. You loved the winter ambiance too much not to share it with all of them. 
It took a bit of sweet talking your dad for him to accept having Mick over for two whole weeks and even more to let him stay in the same room as you but after a little scolding from his wife, Toto had caved in.
It’s not like Toto didn’t like Mick, in fact he cared about him a lot. The relationship he had had with his dad was very strong and he could see a lot of Michael in the younger German. However, he couldn’t help but feel a little protective of his only daughter, even though you were already 23 years old.
With Mick being here, your little brother Jack had someone else to obsess over and the poor Mick had had to deal with Jack following him everywhere he went and asking him a million questions. Mick didn’t seem to mind in the slightest and happily answered every question and even played with him whenever he could. 
It felt a little weird to have one more person joining your family for all your traditions but you loved how dedicated Mick was. Having him here meant that for once, you didn’t have to build your gingerbread house with Jack. As much as you loved your brother, his taste in decoration didn’t really match yours so you were happy to let him do his thing while you and Mick decorated yours. 
Baking the vanilla cookies had been a bit messy because as hard as he was trying, Mick wasn’t the best baker. He always managed to pour half of the ingredients on himself which ended up with Jack throwing flour everywhere because he thought that was what Mick was trying to do. It took twice the time it usually did to make a whole tray of crescent biscuits but they were still very tasty. 
Out of all the things you had done together, your favourite thing had been decorating the Christmas tree. Seeing your dad sway around to festive music with Susie in his arms while Mick chased after Jack who had stolen a Christmas ornament right from your boyfriend’s hands, everything felt just right. The tree was beautiful and next to the usual four stockings now hang a brand new one embroidered with Mick’s name in thin golden letters. 
As Christmas approached, you could see the stockings get more heavy and the way yours was practically overflowing already didn’t go unnoticed. You knew it was Mick’s doing, your stocking was always pretty full the previous years but never to that point so you made sure to thank him as best as you could by giving him a lot of attention and spending most of your time close to him. 
When it was finally time to open the presents that were at the bottom of the tree, you and Mick were woken up by the screams of joy of your brother bursting into your room and tugging on your hand while you stirred awake.
-“y/n ! Come down please.” Jack whined, tugging on your hand with both of his
-“ Mick, make him stop.” you groaned with a laugh, turning around and burying your face into your boyfriend’s chest while Jack climbed onto the bed between the two of you, looking at Mick with a big toothy smile
-“ I got it.” he assured you before turning towards your little brother “Good morning, Häschen. What do you say we go downstairs and bring your sister her coffee ?” 
-“ Will that make her come with us faster ?” he asked, not totally convinced
-“ I promise you it will.” 
-“ Ok let’s go now.” Jack exclaimed before running downstairs as fast as he came in
-“ We’ll be right back, Liebling.” Mick assured you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek, following your brother who was now asking Toto to show him how to make coffee
Ten minutes later, you were sitting on the couch downstairs, all cuddled up against Mick with a blanket wrapped around your shoulder while Jack ran back and forth between the tree and the couch to give everyone their presents so you could all start opening them together. With the snow lightly falling outside, it was the perfect moment to do so. 
Since Mick hadn’t asked you for help with picking gifts for your family, you simply assumed he hadn’t bought anything but from the look on your parents’ face when they opened their presents, you could tell that half of what was under the tree had actually been bought by Mick. 
It had been Mick’s idea to go ice-skating with you on the frozen lake after having lunch and while it stopped snowing. The thought was very sweet, Mick wasn’t the best at it but he knew you enjoyed it so he gladly went with you. You spent the entire afternoon spinning around, holding Mick’s hands so he wouldn’t fall and trying to race him, knowing damn well you were way faster than him. Mick played like a gentleman and was never a sore loser, only giving you a quick kiss when you won before asking for a rematch.
The rays of sun piercing through the clouds had tricked you into believing it’d be warmer but the December cold was seeping through the few layers of clothes you had decided to wear. Your beanie was a little too thin so, despite wearing it, you could still feel the cold air hitting your head. 
You had also decided to leave your scarf inside, even though your dad had tried to convince you to wear it. All you had to do was smile and make puppy dog eyes for Toto to leave you be. He was convinced you’d be sick later but he was truly helpless when you asked him something with your pleading eyes.
You had seemed fine when you came back a few hours later so Toto stopped worrying about it and focused on the Harry Potter movie marathon you had started after coming back. Jack was sitting on Susie’s lap, half asleep already despite the fact it wasn’t really late. It seemed like tiredness was also hitting you as you fell asleep halfway through the second movie, nuzzled against Mick who was softly playing with your hair, lulling you to sleep.
You woke up a few hours later in your bed as Mick turned off the lights, settling next to you. Using the remaining strength you had, you shuffled closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
-“ Thank you for carrying me, baby.” 
-“ You looked too cosy for any of us to wake you up and your dad was going to do it anyway so I just told him I could do it.” 
-“ You just earned brownie points with him then. He never complains about it but I know I’m not as light as Jack.” 
-“ I can assure you, you weigh nothing angel.”
-“ Thanks, Mickie.”
The two of you fell into comfortable silence and soon enough fell asleep. Mick was usually a pretty heavy sleeper but after feeling you turn around for what felt like the hundredth time, he slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see you awake. However, you were still asleep but your previous relaxed face had now been replaced by a frown as a drop of sweat slid on your forehead. 
Thinking you might have been having a nightmare, Mick turned on the lamp on his bedside table, casting a dim orange light in the room before trying to wake you delicately. He called your name several times without a response before he tried caressing your shoulder over the cover, finally making you open your eyes.
-“ Are you okay ?” Mick asked worriedly
-“ My head hurts and I’m cold.” you complained, wrapping yourself in the cover and getting closer to Mick
-“ You’re burning up Liebling, do you have any medication you could take ?” 
-“ I didn’t bring anything but Susie probably does, Jack usually gets sick pretty easily so we never leave without it.” 
-“ Alright, I’ll be right back.” Mick tried to move before you tightened your grip around his waist
-“ It’s the middle of the night Mickie, stay here we’ll ask in the morning. I don’t want to be a bother.” 
-“ You’re in pain, I’m not just going to sit back and do nothing when I could help. Also I’m pretty sure if I let you be and Toto found out he’d be pretty pissed at me and I’d actually like to keep my job and my girlfriend.” 
-“ He wouldn’t do that, he’s a big softie and he loves you deep down.” you mumbled, screwing your eyes shut as a chill shook your entire body
-“ That’s it, I’m going to ask Susie. I’m sorry Liebling, I know you’d rather not but I can’t bear to see you in pain.” 
-“ Come back soon please, you’re warm and I’m freezing.” you caved in, knowing you didn’t have enough strength to actually argue
As quietly as he could not to wake up Jack who was sleeping in the other room, Mick knocked on your parents’ door waiting for either of them to open the door or to tell him to come in before entering. After a few seconds, the door opened with a sleepy and confused Toto behind it.
-“ Is everything okay, Mick ?” 
-“ Yeah, sorry to bother you but y/n’s sick and I’m pretty sure she has a fever but I don’t have any medications with me. She said Susie might have brought some.” 
Hearing some noise and feeling the warmth of her husband gone, Susie got out of bed and stood next to Toto catching the end of Mick’s answer. 
-“ I’ll go get them for her, in the meantime, Toto could you make her a cup of hot water with honey and lemon juice please ?” 
-“ I’ll do it Susie, thank you so much.” Mick jumped in, hurrying to the kitchen with a stressed look on his face
-“ He feels guilty…” Susie said, shaking her head
-“ What ? How do you know ?” 
-“ He kept glancing towards you worriedly with a kicked puppy look on his face and he’s been fidgeting with his fingers this whole time.”
-“ I didn’t notice.” Toto admitted with a sigh, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck
-“ It’s okay, you always go protective dad mode whenever any of them is sick and you usually don’t snap out of it until you’re sure you can’t do anything else to help. It’s pretty sweet.”
-“ I feel a bit bad now, I’ll go talk to him.” 
-“ Perfect, I’ll go down with the medication in a bit.” Susie said, kissing her husband on the cheek before starting to look through the bathroom’s cabinets 
When Toto arrived in the kitchen, Mick was pacing, waiting for the water in the kettle to boil. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even notice he had company until Toto cleared his throat, making him jump slightly. 
-“ Are you okay, kiddo ?”
-“ What ?”
-“ You look stressed, are you okay ?” Toto insisted, resting against the counter as Mick stopped in his tracks
-“ I’m just worried about her.” 
-“ I know, trust me I am too but she’s going to be fine. It’s just a little cold, she’ll be okay in no time. You shouldn’t make yourself sick with worry about it.” 
-“ So you’re not mad at me ?”
-“ Of course not, why would I be ?”
-“ Because I’m the one who convinced her to go ice-skating for hours when it was still cold so it’s my fault if she’s sick now.” 
-“ You’re not the one who refused to wear warmer clothes, Mick. It’s not anyone’s fault but if it was it’d be mine. I’m her father, I should have insisted that she wear her scarf and a thicker sweater too.”
-“ Even if you had, I'm sure she wouldn’t have listened. She’s too stubborn to do so. It’s not your fault either.” Mick smiled as the kettle made a sound signalling it was
Toto watched as Mick carefully filled the cup with water and gently mixed the whole drink, taking a sip to make sure it wasn’t too hot as Susie came in holding pills in her hands. 
-“ Here you go Mick, she can take one now and another in 4 hours if she’s still in pain.”
-“ Thank you, Susie.” 
-“ No problem, now go and make sure the both of you get some sleep.” Susie smiled, giving Mick’s arm a squeeze before going back to her room with Toto following close behind. 
When Mick came back to your room, you were dozing off, barely awake enough to open your eyes and smile weakly at him. Mick sat down next to you and brought you closer to him, making you sit up a bit so you could drink. The two of you sat in silence as you slowly drank the whole cup while Mick played with your hair. 
-"Are you ready to go back to sleep ?” Mick asked, kissing the top of your head
-“ Yeah I think so.” you answered, lowering yourself under the covers 
-“ Come closer, you said you were cold and I want my good night kiss, angel.” 
-“ I don’t want you to get sick because of me.” 
-“ I don’t mind you not kissing me if you’re worried about that but I’m not letting you freeze.” Mick smiled, pulling you towards him so your back was resting against his chest
-“ Good night Mickey.” 
-“ Good night Liebling, wake me if you need anything.” 
Luckily for Mick, the rest of the night went without another incident and you ended up sleeping like a baby. Being sick had tired you out quite a bit so you slept for most of the day, only waking up when your dad knocked to bring you a tray full of warm food and some more medication he had picked up at a nearby pharmacy. 
When you finally got out of bed, it was time for dinner and you just sat down on your chair waiting for the rest of the family to come sit down, watching how Jack immediately ran towards you and gave you a delicate hug, almost afraid to break you if he squeezed you too hard.
-“ You’re not going to hurt me, you can squeeze me a bit harder, Bunny.” you smiled, ruffling his hair
-“ Dad said we had to be very nice to you because you were sick.” 
-“ Dad’s just exaggerating because he doesn’t like seeing me sick but I feel much better already.”
-“ You promise ?” Jack whispered, looking at you with worried eyes
-“ I promise, you’re not getting rid of me this easily. Who would tickle you until you’re screaming, huh ?” you teased him wiggling your fingers against his ribs until he was laughing freely
-“ Well what do we have here ? Is somebody getting attacked and no one’s here to defend them ?” Mick taunted you with a smirk as Jack screamed for help
Before you could stop him, Mick was coming towards you, tearing you away from Jack and pulling you onto his lap as he sat down on his chair.
-“ How do you want to take your revenge Jack ? Should we tickle her too ?” 
-“ Yes !!!” Jack screamed in delight watching as Mick starting poking your ribs, joining in quick after 
-“ Please have mercy.” you said in between laughs, squirming to get away from the two pairs of hands tickling you “ I won’t tickle you again Jack.” 
-“ What do you say little buddy ? Should we stop ?” Mick asked your brother who thought for a second before nodding
-“ Thank you boys, I was starting to run out of air.” 
-“ You can thank Jack, I wouldn’t have stopped if it wasn’t for him.” Mick joked, placing a soft kiss on your cheek
-“ You’re getting confident Mickey.” you smiled at him
-“ Is that a bad thing ?” 
-“ No, I like it. It looks good on you.” you said, turning to face him so you could kiss him properly this time earning a groan of disgust from Jack who ran to hide behind Toto’s legs
Toto and Susie were standing in the archway, Susie’s head resting against Toto’s arms with soft looks on their faces. 
-“ Inviting him was a good idea, Süße.” Toto smiled, bringing Susie closer to him
-“ I know, that’s why I brought it up in the first place. I knew seeing him with her would win you over, you big softie.” 
-“ It would be lying to say I can’t see how in love they are. It’s just weird seeing her so grown up, I still remember how tiny she was when she was born. Mein süßes kleines Mädchen.” he whispered the last part, picking up Jack in his arms
-“ Don’t get all emotional now, she still needs you in her life so come on let’s get dinner started before you start crying.” Susie smiled
The dinner went peacefully, Jack was on his best behaviour, making sure you were alright every five minutes despite you reassuring him which made you smile, he really was a sweet kid. For the whole dinner, Mick’s hand never left you, it was either on your thigh or resting on the back of your chair, tracing circles on your shoulder. 
Despite sleeping all day, you were still tired so instead of watching a Christmas movie with the rest of your family, you and Mick went back to your room to rest. Now that you felt a little better, you let Mick get closer to you and the boy happily snuggled against you and kissed every part of your face with the kind smile that had made you fall for him in the first place. 
You both knew that if he became sick too, you’d be there to take care of him and that was all that mattered. You could be anywhere in the world, stuck in any foreign place, as cliché as it sounded, you knew you’d be alright if you had each other. He made you feel safe in the most uncomfortable situation and you did the same for him, everyone around you could see it. 
The rest of the trip went normally and before you and Mick went back to his family’s cabin, your dad pulled him aside and gave him a hug, surprising the younger man. Before he could say anything, Toto thanked him for taking care of his daughter and said he was glad you were dating someone as nice and thoughtful as him. 
If Mick had been a little less stunned, he would have probably hugged him back but all he was able to do was smile and nod. Without knowing it, your dad had just given Mick one of the best late Christmas presents he could have wished for and Mick was now more sure than ever about the future of your relationship.
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
Summer break (Mick Schumacher)
Small bikinis, new outfits, loud parties with alcohol to spare are some of the memories you get from summer break with Mick
Note: english is not my first language. this is a long piece that I hope will keep the interactions back up (I love getting your requests and overall having you interact with the posts and having some random thoughts shared too!), so I hope you enjoy this piece as I tried to combine to smaller requests into a big one
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: mentions reader's insecurities (scars, stretch marks), some smutty comments
"Come here, pale boy, I need to put SPF on you, otherwise you'll turn into a lobster by midday", you urged your boyfriend, grabbing the sunscreen bottle from your bag and seeing him comply with your request.
You started applying the cream product to his arms and shoulders, massaging it all along his back ensuring every bit of skin was covered and protected, "turn for me", you whispered on his ear as you noticed his spine shiver despite the warm air around you. Slowly, your boyfriend complied and you sprayed the product on his chest, circling his nipples and then moving to his tummy before heading back up to his neck and then his face, taking the opportunity to appreciate his handsome facial features. Your thumbs travelled from his forehead to his cheeks and then his lips, memorising every dimple.
"Can you do my back, please?", you asked him, handing him the bottle so he could do your back, the only place you hadn't been able to reach on your own. Mick was quick to u fasten your bikini top, making you place each hand on your boobs, hoping you wouldn't flash anyone, "Mick! You could've warned me!", you swatted his arm, not missing his smirk, "I just want to you to be protected everywhere, liebling", he said nonchalantly, rubbing the product before spraying it on your butt, "you have this really tiny piece that I love, but I can't risk you getting burnt either", he said, looking around as he bent down to kiss just over your bikini bottoms.
You were laying on the lounging area of the yacht, faintly hearing Esteban sing loudly (and terribly) to some song you couldn't point, your head on Mick's chest while your leg was hoisted up on middle section, his fingers tracing the stretch marks on your thighs wirh a soft touch, "it tickles", you giggled, running your hand on his chest, "but it doesn't hurt you, right? I quite enjoy to do this, but I don't want to make it uncomfortable for you", he muttered, kissing the top of your head, "it's fine, just thought they would be bumpy and weird for you", you mumbled, receiving a weird look from your boyfriend, "Y/N, I love you. I love all of you, and I love how your moles and stretchmarks and birthmarks make you you. And these", he traced the stretchmarks again, "they always go lighter in the summer, or the rest of your skin darkens I guess, and they glisten in the sunlight, and you look so beautiful. It's just another point that proves that you are, in fact, an angel that was sent to me and I couldn't be more grateful".
"Here you go", you said, holding Mick's cup on your hand while you poured the alcoholic mixture on it, handing it to him so you could share the drink once you reached your previous spot on the yacht.
Esteban had some friends over and the party was on a roll, dancing and drinks being refilled as they yelled random lyrics you wouldn't be able to understand even if you wanted to given the mixture of accents and foreign languages. And you and Mick had been in the middle of all of it for a while, deciding now to hang out in a quieter part of the yacht, sitting in the lounge sofa and enjoying the sunset, "you look beautiful, liebling", Mick began, his hand coming near your face to tuck a strand of your curly hair behind your ear, "so do you, my love", you mumbled, a little bit tipsy, kissing his cocktail flavoured lips and keeping your hand in his cheek, craddling his face to take in all his beauty. It didn't matter that you had been dating him, like many people often joked about, since you were in diapers, you could never get over how delicate and expressive his eyes were, how soft his cheeks were, how living his smile was. To you, he was simply the most handsome, and you thanked your lucky stars everyday that he was yours to appreciate like this.
"You're really tanned, my love", you mused, rubbing your thumb on his cheeks, "You look like a golden chicken nugget", you giggled, bringing a smile to your boyfriend's face, "perfectly crispy outside and chewy soft on the inside? I thought you preferred when I was har-", he blurted, only stopping when you clasped your hand on top of his mouth, his dirty comment muffled on your palm, "Mick Schumacher! You kiss your mother with that mouth?!", you scolded, "liebling, you know how I can do a lot with this mouth, especially when it comes to you", he teased you, his hands pulling you to sit on his lap, peppering your neck with kisses, "since you're so eager, care to show me those skills tonight?".
"I'm going to brush my hair and then we can leave", you announced to the rest of the group, Mick coming right behind you so he could get dressed to go out too, having decided to stay in comfier clothes until everyone was finally ready to leave.
You were brushing your hair and putting some product in it, the constant sun and salty water combination needing some extra products that usual so your hair wouldn't dry out, splitting your hair to your usual parting and heading to the room so you could grab your sandals, seeing Mick in his outfit for the evening. You gulped, and probably louder than you anticipated since your boyfriend looked at you with concern, "are you okay? Did you have something that didn't settle well in your tummy?", he said, his ring cladded hands coming to rub your lower stomach, not knowing the impact it was clearly having on you, "I'm good, I'm good", you muttered, managing to put your sandals on while you looked at your boyfriend, the black and white outfit complimenting his tanned skin in the most perfect way, the added silver jewellery catching your eye.
Mick was heading for the bathroom, brushing his hair with his fingers and you just about caught him about to grab some hair gel, "No!", you blurted, "can you leave it soft? Pretty please?", you pouted, fumbling your fingers around his blond hair, "do you like it?", he said, looking at the adoration in your eyes, "what? The hair? Or the outfit? Or the fact that my boyfriend looks insanely good and I have to go out with his friends for a bit before I can get you all to myself?", you questioned, lacing your hands around his neck and kissing his jaw, "c'mon, I want to take a picture of you looking like this. Me and your mother need to gossip about how handsome you look and I need to have this materialised forever in my phone", you urged him, holding his hand and making him go and take pictures at sunset.
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Nsft answer under the cut :)
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom.
Ooooh this is already a really hard one for me to put into words in the right way, but I'll try for your sake anon <3
Okay so my fave is Mick and I think he's a bona fide top, only because he is a very old man that was raised in a very homophobic culture in the south of all places and he sees any amount of bottoming, even if it is with a woman as “gay” and not that he thinks there's anything wrong with being gay he is just dead set on the fact that he is heterosexual because he grew up with the idea and still thinks being gay is something to be made fun of for. (Mick also subconsciously thinks he's far to ugly to bottom and that the person topping him wouldn't find it to be an enjoyable experience at all and that sets his nerves on fire too)
So sorry to all my Mick is a bottom truthers, I think canonically that old man needs to be on top otherwise he gets masculine self esteem issues, which he already has enough of due to being in just the most toxically masculine bands on the face of the planet.
However!!! this does make a fun flavour for fics in my opinion because I feel like Mick sees bottoming as totally handing over control to your partner and that it's the duty of the top/ “the man” (fuck these guys have out dated opinions) to take care and serve the bottom and please them in every way they can, so if Mick were ever to bottom, which would take a lot of convincing I think, he'd be super awkward about it and cluncky in a way that's very not sexy, as in he'd make weird faces at different sensations and try and crack jokes at inappropriate times to make himself feel better and more in control. But, but, but!!! If he was with the right partner that set him at ease and made him feel wanted and loved, this man would become absolute putty in their hands, he'd also be totally shocked by just how good it felt to hand over control in this kinda context I think.
Sorry for the long answer and the kinda contradictory things I had to say about it, I just have contradictory feelings on this topic.
Tldr : old man is a top because he's got to much internalized homophobia to feel comfortable bottoming, but if someone were to convince him to try it, I think he'd like the experience a lot.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Your thoughts about poly!Mick/Toto were amazing, I’m in love with this AU. And I did promise sexy times so…
I love the idea of Mick sitting in Toto’s lap because Mick is actually pretty big but Toto is massive, so he towers over him and makes him feel small in the way he had craved the last few years. He could spend the entire day grabbing your hand from Toto’s lap. Or the entire night.
Mick likes to be restrained, but it has to be a slow introduction. Because of his past Dom, he would not be ready to practice full-on bondage, even if he has tried it before. But he loves the feeling of being held.
Toto has him sitting on his lap, grabbing his wrists with enough pressure to leave finger marks but not hurt him. You’re kneeling in front of Mick with a vibrator in hand, putting pressure on his hard dick (small dick!Mick?) while sweet Mick is moaning and squirming against Toto. You’re edging him for hours and at some point, Toto gets inside of him and doesn’t move, just lets Mick cockwarm him and gives lots of praise.
Alternatively: while one of you fucks him, the other has to hold him. He craves attention, and that includes physical touch at any time possible. You could be milking his prostate while he rolls his eyes, but Mick needs Toto to hold his face (with Micki’s face on his lap, praising how Micki’s a good boy? Or while he fucks into his mouth?).
Now Toto/Reader having feelings for each other was such a great touch (because I’m in love with that man), and it definitely stems from having intimate and vulnerable moments with Mick and therefore, with the other! Doms need after-care too, and even when Mick wants to service and take care of you, he’s always in a daze after being fucked by you and Toto. That’s when both of you make sure the other is in the correct mind-space and taken care of too, it doesn’t matter if there’re two of you now, knocking Mick out with mindblowing sex takes a lot of energy. The familiarity and intimate moments make you get closer to Toto.
I need a to-do list of ask: little!Mick in this AU, feminization (sweet Mick in a cute skirt sandwiched between you and Toto?), size kink (SMALL DICK!MICK !!!)…
This is insane. I love it. And yes please please send me asks about the list at the bottom!! Especially small dick or little Mick…. PLEASE ANON THIS IS A FORMAL REQUEST.
Firstly, I think Mick’s desire to be small comes from the fact that his Haas Dom always made him feel so out of place? He felt like he never fit in, like he was never desired and never felt comfortable.
All he wanted was to feel safe and small, like he was being protected and nothing could reach him. His old Dom didn’t even try to do that, and of course you try but you aren’t as big and tall as Toto.
The first time Toto hugs him, long before Toto joins the dynamic, Mick just feels so so good? He wants to stay in Toto’s arms forever and ever. He just feels so nice and so safe.
The first time he sits in Toto’s lap, he practically melts against his chest. That’s actually the first time Mick expressed what he wanted when he knew it wasn’t confident. Someone left the room so there was an open seat for Mick and he just refused to move, cuddling against Toto and whining when Toto asked if he wanted to move to the free chair.
And then when you join him and let Mick hold your hand, he’s in heaven. He never intends to move ever again. This is his home now.
And Toto, of course, will never be able to say no to Mick. If Mick wants to sit on his lap for the entire meeting, then Mick can sit on his lap.
And fuck lightly restraining Mick? Incredible.
You discover this very early on in your dynamic with Mick. He had freaked when you asked him about bondage, and you had your suspicions that the Haas Dom would tie him and leave him alone as punishment. So obviously you don’t use bondage with him.
But then you back him up against a wall a few weeks later and he just melts? So much so that he whines and shakes his head when you ask if he wants to move to the bed. He doesn’t want that!! He wants to stay right here, safe between you and the wall.
A little later you’ve got Mick sitting between your thighs, stroking his cock softly and then you decide to tell him to hook his feet around your legs, so that your legs can keep his open. And holy fuck he comes so quickly, completely melting against you.
You don’t mention this to Mick, because you know he’ll get all shy and try to stop those instances from happening anymore because he doesn’t want to be too needy.
Until you’re with him and Toto for the first time and he’s on Toto’s lap, kissing him and grinding against him. You lean over and whisper to Toto to grip Mick’s hips extra tight and move them against him, that Mick loves to be restrained a little.
So Toto does and Mick nearly cums on the spot. He relaxes against Toto, letting Toto control all the movement.
Obviously you and Toto have to work together and use this kink of Mick’s regularly.
And because of how small Mick is and how big Toto is, having Mick on Toto’s lap while Toto restrains him and you play with his cock is perfect. Mick is having the time of his life, whining and moaning so prettily for you and Toto, loving every second of this.
You can edge him for hours there until he’s just a sobbing mess, not even able to form words anymore as he cries against Toto’s shoulder. He loves being pushed like that so much, and cockwarming Toto?
Maybe originally you’re playing with Mick’s ass while you edge him, and he’s loving it of course. But he’s also starting to get a little overwhelmed? It’s so much for your sweet sub.
But then Toto is kissing Mick’s cheek and asking if he wants his cock, if he wants to be nice and full while you edge him.
And that’s exactly what Mick needs.
He’s so happy then, sitting on Toto’s cock like the good boy he is and letting you edge him.
And yes he MUST be held while being fucked. If only one of you are there, then he can’t be fucked hard. The poor thing needs love and comfort if he’s gonna be fucked hard.
So when it is the two of you, then one of you holds him and the other fucks him. His absolute favorite though is when you fuck him doggy style while he sucks Toto. To be entirely honest, it’s not a very good blowjob because Mick is far too distracted. It’s more like he’s just got Toto’s dick resting on his mouth. But Toto doesn’t mind at all, since Mick is clearly very happy.
And yes I love the idea of you and Toto slowly falling for each other. For a long time you both tell yourselves that your protectiveness over each other was just because you wanted to make sure Mick had both his doms. Which is objectively hilarious.
Toto was really out there convincing himself that he doesn’t want you domming with anyone besides him for Mick’s sake.
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jamtoasties3316 · 2 years
In the all omega F1 series the FIA uses hypnosis on the drivers to keep them in a state that is most sponsor appeasing. Each night the drivers put their headphones on, while they sleep the FIA plays a track telling them; their pussies should always be wet and loose, they cannot say no to alphas, they can only wear panties if given permission, they bottoms they wear must give easy access to their pussies (this of course varies by what each omega looks best in, some aren't allowed any bottoms at all).
Some drivers however, have special programming.
Max: as part of the FIA turning him into an omega they put him in a rigorous program to make him believe he has always been an omega with a pussy, clit, and tits full of milk. He's conditioned on how his pussy is supposed to gape and be able to take huge dildoes and objects, no matter how much it hurts.
Lando: at Mclaren's request the FIA puts him on one of their most intense treatment plans. After he is no longer scared of penetration, instead he is eager for it and hurts when he is not fulled, and he is able to take large dildoes as an omega should. He also forgets how to use the toilet, the FIA making him believe that he has to use diapers and ask alphas to change him.
Charles: the FIA is cruel. Some days he can no longer hold his bladder. Other days he is only allowed to go with permission from an Alpha.
Carlos Jr: having his papa fuck him is good for him, it strengthens their pack bond and makes him a better omega.
Daniel: he doesn't need any conditioning he enjoys the pleasure of pleasing sponsors and having his holes stretched out that much. Even after Mclaren admits they let him train Lando the FIA decides having a more dominant Omega is useful.
Mick: he has to kneel at the feet of whichever Alpha is currently in charge of him, the chastity belt on his pussy is only to be taken off for washing and racing, his mouth may be used by anyone at any time and he must make that person cum on his tongue.
Alternatively lando and charles get their minds broken and are turned into baby omegas who need to be looked after. Or maybe thats someone else on the grid? Lance or George?
kinda went overboard with this one but i got really into the idea. best part of my day is waking up to all the new asks
I love this, thank you for going overboard haha
Even when they sleep, fia owns them, and they don't know they are being hypnotised during the night and it is so effective. It firstly helps them be horny when they wake up, so they put on a little show for the live streams like good, wet whores, and the ache in their pussies helps them stay docile. No one complains about wearing skirts anymore, snd barely anyone wears panties or cute frilly ones that are easily pushed aside and everyone responds eagerly to Alphas even if they don't want too, slicking up instantly.
Max being turned from an Alpha is ofcourse a cause for more training. Max has a pretty pussy but it doesn't slick up as easily at first, but the training leaves him wet and leaking and so desperate to get fucked! His little clit is always puffy and he has no memories of ever being a big dick Alpha. His tits grow too and he starts lactating which is embarrassing but feels really good too. He takes the biggest dildos because he needs to stretch himself open, loves the feeling of gaping and will proudly show off his gaping pussy to any Alpha.
Little lando getting past his fear for penetration due to the hypnosis too, they accidentally cure the vaginismus lol. Bur now he is just hurting and aching if his pussy isn't stretched and is even bouncing on dildo's or Alpha cocks in the garage. And silly thing needs to wear a diaper because he pees himself and only Alphas know how to change him! And ofcourse hw thanks them with his pussy too! Maybe they sometimes hypnotise him to feel tight and small again so barely a finger fits in him
Charles being conditioned ti being a clueless sweetheart, unable to hold his bladder but not getting diapers. He often wets himself but Alphas watch that eagerly. He can ask Alphas foe permission to go to the bathroom but often they just watch him struggle and tell him to lift his skirt to let them see.
Carlos gets so happy when his papa fucks him! He knows it means he loves him and strengthens their bond and he will happily bounce on his dad's cock in the garage and bend over so his dad can fuck his hairy pussy anywhere and everywhere. He loves being his dad's little slut!
Daniel not getting hypnotised because he already loves all of fia's little games and takes dildos and cocktails willingly, and plays with his urethra and cervix too without needing to be pushed to do it. He is in charge of some other Omegas too, especially lando. Maybe he even fists Lando sometimes in the garage so when they are racing, the dildo won't stay in lando's ruined hole.
I like the idea of mick in chastity, leaking do much because he wants to get fucked so bad but he can only take Alpha cock in his mouth. The moments where his chastity is taken off is very popular, watching someone clean the tight pink pussy and ease a dildo into it for the race. Poor mick needs to wait so long before he finally gets a real Alpha cock in his pussy
I like this idea a lot still, even more so with this addition!
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moltage · 9 months
Hi it's me again
So imagine that scenario. Mick is a player we all know it. But now he is committed. He loves his partner but is still flirty and still receives a lot of attention. Ofc he would never cheat but imagine that at some point his partner gets a bit insecure and is in a bad mood when they notice that. Become sort of distant and quiet and Mick has no idea what's happening. His partner refuses to talk about it. And at some point he is like 'when i ask you a question you will answer understood' and is so erotic and dominant *cuz let be honest he is a softy but here he is all in control.* And ofc they talk.
Or the mare idea that he becomes a lit bit not that much agressive but really annoyed when he notices that his partner tries to keep a secret. He starts to act like a detective and is constantly thinking about it. Till we get to the situation above.
ok but no i love this fr. mick shines under attention and being in a relationship wouldn't change that, he still enjoys it and he's still a very much charming gentleman. BUT. BUT ALSO. when this dude commits, he commits fully. so even though his partner has got nothing to worry abt on micks behalf, i understand why they'd feel that way sjshkddj. and ur so right, he would try to get to the bottom of it. first he notices that something is off, from the slightest change in behavior, doesn't say anything, tries to figure it out on his own, and when he can't make anything of it, he'd ask, and we have the situation above. also anon, with the way you described that scenario, please write a fic of it KDHSKWHDKD god knows we need more of them here. (that and also i LOVE HOW UR BRAIN WORKS)
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mrmallard · 2 months
I heard the latest charting Justin Timberlake song, the one that goes "if I get jealous, I can't help it / I want every bit of you, I guess I'm selfish" - and I didn't know it was him to begin with. It seems like a sentiment that a young twenty-something twink-looking pop boytoy would come out with and get popular with. Justin Timberlake is in his forties.
It's a weird position to be in because like, dude is known for being the heartthrob. You have his NSYNC days, but then you have his solo music from Cry Me a River to Sexy/Back to Mirrors. This is his bread and butter. So maybe it's a bit ageist of me to come at it from this angle. You can also make songs about whatever you want y'know, so like maybe it's some sort of petty narc-like quality coming out of me.
On the other hand, there's just something weird about it. Even as a rich, well-connected musician who's just reading words off of a page, the idea of Justin Timberlake continuing to produce fuckboy jams into his middle-age just sits kinda weird with me. I'm not gonna sit here and discourse about jealousy and normalising jealous reactions from your partners, but I will say for the banter - if a guy in his late twenties, let alone his forties, brushes off his jealous streak with "damn I guess I love you too much haha"? FUCKING RUN THE OTHER WAY.
And even though his last album, Man of the Woods or whatever was a monumental fuck-up, dude is coming back hard - I think he built up some goodwill with the NSYNC reunion, which is kinda fucking weird to think about if the reunion was just a calculated stepping stone to get him back into the spotlight, and the cost of mounting a pop comeback like this can't be cheap. It feels very calculated and manufactured.
I'll give him this - at least as far as workplace radio goes? The song sounds incredible. It's contemporary to the point that I didn't realise it was him for a couple weeks. I feel like he's probably working with some of the best producers money can buy, and it sounds like something that a new flavor-of-the-month could take to the top of the charts. But something about it being Justin Timberlake just... throws me off. It doesn't feel like he's carrying on his legacy of being the steamy heartthrob. It feels kind of like a regression, like he's working within the zeitgeist for optimal metrics instead of trying to shape the zeitgeist.
But I feel like it all comes down to whether people still find Justin Timberlake to be a sultry, attractive sort of act. People still talk about Mick Jagger's dick-swinging stage presence sixty years later; who am I to judge the guy who's pinned most of his solo career on selling idealised romantic fantasy through his music?
Again, maybe I'm just being weird and reactionary and a bit too ageist for comfort. The song sounds pretty good, even if I wanted to take umbrage with the messaging - but it's Justin Timberlake that specifically throws me off about this whole thing. I'd probably still take whatever this is over Harry Styles, but it's still kind of a disconnect to hear father-of-two Justin Timberlake crooning fuckboy lyrics like he's biting his bottom lip in the recording booth. I'd buy something like this from a Junkook, or a Kid Leroi, or even a Jack Harlow. I'm not so sure about Justin Timberlake.
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eutychus · 2 years
THE 5/25 RULE I’m borrowing this for the moment from Warren Buffett. Thank you, Warren for lending this rule to me. List the top 25 things you most want to accomplish in life. Now take the top 5, move them over *here*, and take the bottom 20 and move them over *there*. These 20 are still in the TOP 25 things you want to do in life. So they are special and important to you. Rule: NEVER look at those 20 again. Because you love them but they will always distract from the top 5. PLUS, MINUS, EQUAL To learn anything. You have to find a: PLUS: a real or virtual mentor who can teach you. EQUALS: people who can challenge you MINUS: people you can teach, because teaching solidifies learning. THE 1,000 HOUR RULE (OR “IDEA SEX”). It took the Beatles, Einstein, Bobby Fischer, Mozart, Michael Jordan, etc 10,000 hours of work to be the best in the world at music, math, chess, etc. But the 10,000 hour rule can be beat. Spend 500 hours getting pretty good at one thing. Spend 500 hours getting pretty good at something else. Now you will be the best in the world at the intersection. Matt Berry was a screenwriter in Hollywood. He was also obsessed with sports. He quit being a screenwriter, started blogging about fantasy sports, and became the best in the world. Now he’s the ESPN anchor for Fantasy Sports. He’s #1 in the world. Mick Jagger had a charismatic stage presence. He also loved a music style started in America called “The Blues”. Nobody ever says he’s the best musician ever. But he combined the two and he created one of the most profitable and lasting bands in history. Elon Musk was one of many people who sold a company in the Internet boom of the 90s. He also became obsessed with reading about rocket science. He wasn’t the best. But he knew enough. Now he’s the founder of the first private space company in history. The 1000 Hour Rule is the #1 rule for success. WELL BEING = GOOD RELATIONSHIPS + IMPROVING COMPETENCE, + FREEDOM At the end of the day can you check the box on those three things? Did I improve my relationships? Did I improve my competence at some area I love. Did I do something to increase my feeling of freedom? If so, then this is the best indicator of future well-being. Happiness is fleeting and often beyond our control. We’re happy when we hit a goal. And then it disappears. But well-being is something we build up. A giant well we fill that we can draw on for the rest of our lives.
James Altucher 
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