#I love this dumba$$ she's so flawed and I love her as a character for those flaws like yes my imperfect blorbo :D
girlyliondragon · 2 years
I think we can all agree Eggabell is some degree of morosexual sdfghjkl
Like Liz is sweet. Like one of the nicest characters, and does her best with things despite fighting her bad luck and not being great at helping others but also she makes some dumb stupid decisions and don't think things through and tries to do things on her own because she got this huge frickin' ego that is easily shattered like... dumbass (affectionate) and Eggabell deals with ALL that shit and still loves her dearly it's great and super sweet in hindsight.
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rubyfire13 · 3 years
Finally finished reading 50 Tea Recipes from the Duchess. I loved every minute of it. It made me laugh and smile from the sweetness between Chloe and Alphonse.
—— Spoiler alert ——
Not going to lie, I kind of cried for Prince Arthur when he was shipped off. Don’t be me wrong, he was a dumba$$ with how he handled his feelings for Chloe, but a small part - really small part- of myself felt bad for the guy. Like the moment between him and his dad before setting sail was brought me to tears. The fact that the Prince admits and owns up to his mistakes shows that he is starting to show some development.
I kind of wish for an epilogue with Chloe and Alphonse with a child. Or seeing how Prince Arthur comes back a changed man from his exile.
——Spoiler ends——
I went to see if I could find fanfic for this comic, but I only found one on AO3.
As I was reading the comic I had an idea for a fanfic as well. The problem is flushing it out. Typical idea of where Chloe meets a different transmigrator who is interested in crocheting and embroidery and baking yet she can kick a$$ with a dagger and her archery skills. Can’t use a sword worth crap, but a dagger or bow is fine. The character can’t be short or dainty either. More tall and not so curvy. It helps add depth as she is self conscious about it when going to parties hosted by nobles. It makes it harder to find a husband as well because I feel like men in that comic would want a more dainty wife. Her other flaw would be that she doesn’t know when someone is flirting with her as it rarely ever happens.
Honestly, I’m up in the air about writing the fanfic. I feel like it would change the story too much... Especially since I kind of want my character to end up with Prince Arthur. Is he toxic yes, but the way he would get all flustered and confused over Chloe made it him so adorable I couldn’t help but like him a little. Like I can’t fault him for falling in love, it’s something you can’t really control completely. The way he went about dealing for his feelings for her though was self destructive to himself and problematic for those around him. He was a dumb-a in love who didn’t know how to handle being rejected by a woman who said to have loved him before all this happened.
My idea is for the romance between Arthur and my OC is that he finds her interesting at first because she doesn’t fit in with how most noble ladies look being as dainty and ladylike. OC stands in the corner just watching everyone dance. Content to be a wallflower. He goes over to flirt with her, but she doesn’t think anything of it as he is known as a womanizer. She thanks him and excuses herself. She’s more confused on why he flirted with her. From two to want it to be a mix of meetings between them, at parties, or tea times with Chloe. I’ll have to flesh everything else out.
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nosferatyou · 5 years
New Tune: Chapter 6 (Jake Kiszka x Reader)
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WC: 6k (damn I went off)
Warnings: Cursing, Drug use, rock and roll, romantic tension, and a very sweet moment
Summary: Two guitarists meet at a Rock Festival, only having a week with each other before they have to return to their own lives. The bond they create is unfeigned and resolute
AUTHORS NOTE:I listened to an ungodly amount of John Denver while writing this. Also never written a scene like the last before soo that's fun.
 I wanted to try to give them two different styles that represented the characters, and I think I got it. I always saw Jake’s more of a mess, but its still in harmony. While hers is more like mine, a need for perfection, never fully happy with the final product. But there's my rendition of reader and Jake! I hope its satisfactory (also breaking away from your art style is very hard, but hella fun)
After she left last night all the boys couldn’t stop gushing about Y/N, well more couldn't stop making fun of me. Holding my newfound feelings for her above my head. Sam and Danny were acting out the night before, but wildly blew it out of proportion.
Sam and Danny were sitting incredibly close on the couch, each hand intertwined with the other boys.  Looking at each other with loving eyes, and the occasional dramatic, love struck sigh coming from Sam. 
“Oh Y/N, the way you wield your axe is just so sexy.” Sam said to Danny, trying to replicate my voice, but was so dramatic about it he was nowhere close.
“Not as sexy as you not making a move.” Danny said with a skewed high pitch voice.
The two boys pressed their cheeks and looked at me, batting their lashes, holding back a laugh.
“If only I didn’t have a mean old boyfriend holding me back from this sexy-” Danny was cut off by me standing from my spot and grabbing my lighter and Cigs.
“Real comedians you guys are.”
I was met with my twin, Josh, already out there seemingly enjoying the morning air.
I looked over and met his gaze, a bright smile adorning his face.
“Well good morning, little bro.”
I grumbled “by five minutes.” Under my breath. I took a spot next to him, leaning against the bus and lighting a cigarette, taking a big hit before finally exhaling.
He looked over to me with more than confusion than previously. 
“Something on your mind? Or should I say Someone on your mind?” A small sympathetic smile following the question.
I took a final drag and put out my cig, turning my full attention towards him.
“Sam and Danny are just doing their normal shit. I love them, but goddamn, they're getting on my nerves.”
“Are you sure that’s all that’s bothering you?” 
I focused on the cigarette butt on the ground, kicking it aimlessly.
“We both know that's not all that’s bothering me.”
He nudged my shoulder and gave the smile as before. “Well let it all out. Tell me about her.”
“You’ve already met her, dumbas-”
He cut me off saying “Well I know about her, but tell me how you feel about her. Dumbass.”
I gave a small laugh and looked back up at my twin.
“ She’s just- Nothing i've ever experienced. She’s got such a diverse taste in everything. She listens to everything we do, all the Jazz, folk, and so on, but then there's everything else. If she knew every word to every song I wouldn't be surprised.” 
I looked back up to josh and the smile on his face had grown. He nodded his head as if to say “Go on”
“And the sheer talent in this girl. You saw her yesterday, so you know. She can play anything man I swear. We spent about three hours playing nonstop and she did it like it was nothing. Did you know she can play like 7 instruments? Its fucking crazy. Plus the way she works with that bow is something else, maybe it's because she has cello experience. She probably has jimmy page impressed.”
 I trailed off for a moment, just thinking about her. My cheeks grew warm and flushed red. 
“She’s also so compassionate, you can tell she really cares. Despite her nonchalant demeanor she secretly goes out of her way to make sure everyones okay. She never told me that, but I can just tell.” 
“You really like her don't you?” Josh asked.
“ I really fucking like her, Josh.” 
After our chat Josh suggested that I spend all the time I can with her, make my mark, so here I am at her door, praying she’s there. With my supplies in hand, I freed my hand to knock on their door. Eventually the door swung open to Y/N with a somber face, but it brightened a bit when she realized it was me. Wearing comfier clothes then she had previously worn.
“Well hey there, Rockstar. Didn't think I’d see you till later.”
“Well I’m here now, and I brought something that'll hopefully cheer you up.”
She raised her eyebrows and noticed what I had in my arms.
“Let me inside and I'll show you.” I playfully winked.
She laughed and walked up the stairs, letting me in. I walked in, shutting the door behind me, and found her sitting on the couch, knees tucked under her arms.
“Well are you just going to stand there staring, or are you going to show me what you brought?”
She asked, cocking an eyebrow.
I sat down across from her at the table, dumping all the stuff on it. A way too big sketchbook, a huge pencil bag, and gummy bears for good measure.
She stood up and her meek smile grew.
“How’d you know that I could draw?” 
“I just somehow knew a lady of many talents, such as yourself, was probably talented with a pencil as well.”
 She grabbed the huge bag and searched through until she was satisfied. Opened it up to the next blank page and opened the gummy bears for good measure.
She looked up to me with a confused look. 
“What are you still doing over here? Grab the guitar and provide some good tunes while you model for me.” 
I laughed and grabbed the guitar that was in its case next to me. I moved to the couch and unpacked it while asking, “Should I stay still if I’m you’re model?”
Without looking up from the sketch pad, she said, “Nah I should be fine. Just make sure to play something good.”
She looked up at me giving a brighter smile, and refocusing on the task at hand. 
We sat quietly for about 45 minutes, her looking up at me from time to time. Sometimes I’d make a silly face, and make her laugh. Soon after though she would return to her work, not even looking up to grab more candy. When she really focused on her work she’d scrunch up on corner of her mouth. Sometimes she’d bite her lip, back up the paper, then would go to erase something. She never failed to mindlessly hum along to songs though, only proving my point from this morning. 
She finally backed the paper up one final time before clicking her tongue, her eyes lighting up.
“I think I got your essence perfectly.”
She flipped it around to show me, nervousness flashing in her eyes for a moment.
I was completely blown away. She had completely nailed it. It only made my heart swell more.
She flipped it back around to look at it again “I think I kind of messed up your face a little in the big one. Sorry about that.”
“No no! It looks absolutely perfect and I’m not at all surprised. You did good, seriously. Y/N it looks fantastic.” I gushed, my cheeks growing pink.
Her cheeks grew pink and refocused on the drawing in front of her. She grabbed the pencil and eraser and continued to poke at her piece, never content with her own work.
After a little while I moved the guitar off my lap and moved towards her to nab the items out of her hands. I swiftly grabbed them and hid them behind my back, a pert smile on my lips..
“Hey! I was using those you know.” She said, holding her hand out as to ask for them back.
I quickly shook my head and said “You think I’m just going to give these to you? It's already perfect, there's nothing more to fix.”
She turned her head down with a sad look adorning her face, but I caught the mischievous grin poking through. “Fine then.”
“You're really not great at faking it, darling. I see that little smile on your face.”
She lightly chuckled and suddenly jumped up out of her seat to grab the items from behind me, but just as swiftly as she lept, I took a big step backwards.
“Gotta try harder than that, Little Bird.” I moved my hand above my head, and wiggled the pencils in the air enticingly. 
She looked up at the items and then back at me, a smug look on her face.
“You may be a big rockstar and all..” She paused and easily reached up, grabbing them out of my hands. “But I'm still taller than you.” She went to sit behind me on the couch in my previous spot, but not without ruffling my hair in a teasing manner. 
“You did your best, buddy.”
I whipped around and dramatically put my hands on my hips. “I totally went easy on you.”
“Sure, Rockstar.” She said, grabbing the guitar from beside her, strumming a few chords.
I grabbed all the essentials off the table, sketchbook, pencil bag, and of course the gummies. Then made my way to the couch, plopping down on her left side, dumping everything to my own. 
She stopped for a moment to try and hand me back the pencil and eraser, but I pushed her hand away and chuckled. 
“Don't you want these back, to you know, draw?” She asked.
“I prefer ink, but thank you, Little Bird.” I smiled.
We did the same as before, she modeled and provided tunes while I did my best to capture her. I knew we’d have different styles right away. You can tell she's a perfectionist in her work, not accepting flaws. I have messy lines, them almost seem alive with how fast I create them. I draw what I see, but add my own to it, depth can be something you make. So for the next hour or so I did my best to scratch out her beauty, mostly focusing on her face, which became apparent when I got a good look at it. I had been so careful with her face that the rest didn't seem to matter.
Id catch her glances every now and then, peaking at me over the guitar in curiosity. Every time I did I’d make a silly face, and every time she quietly laughed to herself with a content smile that follow. Every chance I could id try to catch her eyes just to see that. 
Halfway through her quiet rendition of “Dink's Song” I had finally finished her portrait. Which honestly didn’t compare to hers, but still, I was proud. I flipped it around to face her, and suddenly her singing stopped, her focus completely on the piece 
“Jake” She paused and grabbed it out of my hands, studying it more. 
“This is fucking fantastic.” She breathed out. Her eyes rapidly wandered the piece, trying to take it all in.
A small grin broke out on my face, and quietly fiddled with my hands, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts. 
She looked back up at me with wide, questioning eyes “How does no one know that you're this good?” She asked.
I chuckled and said “ Never seemed important to share. Its only a small hobby.”
“Only a small hobby.” She mocked. “As I said, this is fucking fantastic.”
“Well thank you, Little Bird.” A small blush forming on my cheeks.
“No, thank you, man.” She paused and moved the guitar to her side then grabbed my hand.
“No ones ever made me something like this. It’s absolutely beautiful.”
“Anything for you, Little Bird.” I said, and I meant every word.
She never let go of my hand, just sat back into her seat staring off in thought, I didn't mind the silence though. Until she asked
“Hey, Jake?”
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“I'm sorry I dragged you into that pit, I saw the way the media got a hold of it. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.”
I squeezed her hand and caressed the back of it with my thumb. My heart was beating so hard, and I was incredibly nervous. She didn’t seem to mind at all though.
“Oh Little Bird, No darling this happens literally all the time. It’s nothing to stress over.”
“You sure?” She asked.
“Completely.” I paused for a moment “But I’m sorry it caused… you know. Boy trouble.”
She groaned and threw her head back “Oh god you head that?”
“Well when you yell that you’re not fucking Jimmy Page for everyone to hear its hard not to.” A playful smile on my lips. 
She groaned again and said “Oh god I’m sorry.”
“It's fine man, I get it all the time.. Well not the fucking part, but the Jimmy Page part.”
“She whipped her head to face me and quickly responded “No, not okay. You and Jimmy Page have completely different styles, and idiots like him who don't even listen to Greta have no say. I could go on about the technicalities of it all, but id probably bore you.” She paused and stared 
off for a moment for returning. “Plus I don't even think he listened to, nor liked zeppelin.”
“Well that's just blasphemous.” 
She laughed “You've got that right!”
“Wait shit do you have the time.”
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on, the screen flashed 4:30. I passed it over to her and as quickly as she read it, she popped up off the couch frantically.
“Shit! I have to get ready and go to sound check at 6!”
“Well go get ready then! Want me to wait?” I asked.
“Sure, but I can't promise that it will be very interesting.”
“I don't mind, after I can walk you to the venue if you'd like.”
She smiled and said “ And they say chivalry is dead.”
He was kind enough to wait around and watch me do my makeup for the next 30 minutes. I of course put a little eyeliner on him, he didn't ask but he didn't seem appalled at the idea. After all of that I quickly put on my stage clothes, which consisted of Dark blue high waisted bell bottoms, a simple blue velvet bralette, a black see through shirt with white embroidered flowers (fully unbuttoned of course, and purple paisley heels for some color. When I came out of the back and he saw what I was wearing he was not very suave about complimenting it. It was honestly pretty cute.
As promised he walked me to the venue, he even added my guitar to his already heavy load. Once we got there he sadly had to go because he had his own show to get ready for. He didn't leave without a hug and a wish for good luck before going to wherever he needed to be. 
One successful soundcheck later and we were all ready for the stage. 
Nerves jittered through the whole band, this was the biggest crowd we've ever played, and it's all thanks to the Greta boys. All of the people in the crowd were here to see them. 
5 minutes till we had to go on stage and Eli had taken a small glass jar with white contents inside out of his pocket, luckily we were alone in our dressing room. He asked Asa to hold up his bass for us as a makeshift table. He emptied enough for all of us to snort three lines.
 We all let him go first since it was his, with drug equity and all. Matt went next, not that he needed it, he was already so chaotic, but it's fun to all be high together. Eli took it from Asa and let him do his, then it was my turn. We used to do this a lot before shows, but recently with a break for recording its lessened. Still our tolerances were higher than the first time we all did it together. 
I bent down to snort the first line, the familiar smell of petrol hit my nose, and shortly after I felt the drug hit the back of the throat. It burned for a brief moment, but then I got that drip, my nose, tongue and throat went numb, which made it all the more easier for the next two lines.
I instantly felt that buzz, the high we’d all been chasing. We all went from nervous to ready to play in front of a million people. Matt jumped up and in tow we all did. Buzzing from our high.
 Id grabbed my guitar and slung it on my back, Eli did the same, then we all made our way to the main stage. We whooped and hollered, ready to take on our biggest show. In the wings I spotted the Greta boys and quickly made my way over to them.
“You look absolutely stunning, Darling!” Josh yelled at me.
I slung my arm over him for a quick hug and replied “Don't I know it, had to show off the goods somehow. I'm a free woman! Well not yet… But when I get a mic on my hands I will be dumping my bitch ass boyfriend.”
“Hell yeah! Fuck that guy!” Sam chimed in.
“Fuck that guy!” I pulled away from the hug and told josh “Dude your skin has what I can only describe as good vibes, man. Like a warm feeling. I have to apologize, I just did a couple lines of coke and I am feeling the buzz. Like, Jake, you look ethereal in this light right now. Absolutely stunning.”
He just laughed and said “Well i'm glad i can be described as ethereal.”
“I could honestly go on about it, but I think I have to go. I hope you all enjoy, and wish me luck!” 
Behind me I could hear someone say “One minute!” So I quickly darted back over to my band. 
We did our lucky chant, huddled, first all crouched low to the ground. The chant really isn’t all that intricate, we just go start chanting “Fuck” in a whisper, then gradually getting louder until we are screaming and jumping around, bumping into each other.
 As so we were screaming and knocking into each other, until we all chilled and got plugged up and ready to go.
We heard our bands name announced and made our way on stage. Cheers erupted from the crowd, which was huge might I add. With the coke I was ready to do anything, and this was going to be a breeze. 
Before we went on I asked Matt if I could introduced the first song and he very graciously agreed.
We took to our spots, and when the crowd quieted Matt did the introduction.
“Hello, California! We are so glad to be here, and fucking jam with you guys! But we have a guitarist who wants to introduce our first song.”
More cheers erupted from the crowd, but that didn't last long. I stepped up to the mic “Hello everyone! I really want to dedicate this to my boyfriend, Sam.”
My band all gave me the weirdest looks, but the crowd awed in response.
“I see those fucking looks you’re giving me guys. This goes out to my son of a bitch EX boyfriend who doesn't deserve this much woman! Fuck that guy! This ones called Innocent Sun.”
 For a third time the crowd erupted in cheers, this time just as excited as the first
I backed away, and our drummer Asa got the message, playing the count in. 
Despite the name of the song it was one of our angrier ones, which is why its at the top of the set. 
Eli and I came in with a heavier riff, and with the coke, physical touch was enhanced, so my guitar strings felt so weird it was a bit distracting. I didn’t mess it up but my head was out of it.
Matt was dancing wildly along to the music, whipping the microphone around like Roger Daltrey. While he sang he’d come up to all of us and try to interact. Like he and I would play back to back, and I’d sing with him from time to time. Typically he would run around and jump off the drum risers. 
By the end of the song the adrenaline of being on stage coerced with the drugs, creating something else. We all were doing new shit in every song. I was sticking new solos anywhere I could.  Matt attempted a backflip off one of the bigger amps, which he miraculously made. Eli at one point just slapped the shit out of his bass, which didn't sound too bad. Poor Asa couldn’t do too much from behind the drums, but his drum fills were phenomenal.
As a black sabbath type band we were getting strangely rowdy, and lucky for me I had a wireless set up. So during a solo in one of the heavier songs I did a guitar spin and everyone completely lost it. Lucky for me I had taken off my loose shirt earlier in the set. 
After I had winked at the Greta boys in the wings and they lost their shit, all cheering me on. I felt like I was on cloud nine.
My heart was pounding, my ears were ringing, and I felt like I could take on the world. I was creating new licks, killing solos, and giving off some pretty damn good stage presence. But I was starting to come off of my high, and all of those pent up feelings were starting to come out. Lucky for me our last song is when we covered “Dazed and Confused”, it didn't run as long as Zeppelin played it live but its longer than anything else we played. 
When we got to the guitar solo in the song I grabbed the bow behind my pedal board and stuck my pick between my lips, quickly switching on a bunch of delay effects. 
 I gave it one test stroke on the lowest string, creating a bunch of haunting notes. When I got my confidence I rapidly smacked the strings with the bow and played chords rapidly. I slowed down, and went into the upper register, rapidly playing the highest string like a violin, trying to sound delicate. My mind wandered again, everything flooding my head. Me finally leaving Sam, everything he put me through, all the abuse and turmoil finally over. Which produced a dark sound with my guitar, throwing caution into the wind, and smack the shit out of it, occasionally strumming. It was a loud crescendo into chaos, but a beautiful one at that. 
Sweat soaked my skin and my heart was practically beating out of my chest. I kept looking over to Jake throughout the solo, searching for something but I didn't know what. I then saw the way he looked at me when I played, then I remembered the way he looked at me in general. The longing looks, his attention to detail to everything I did, the way he listened and cared. When I was looking at him I finally realized what I had been so painfully blind to. That a man only looked at someone that was for one reason, and the way I stared back only gave him more incentive to. Thing was is that I enjoyed it. I wanted his attention all the time, so bad it hurt. And I realized that since the moment I met him I had been falling for him. I just gave him the brightest smile and he reciprocated with exactly that.  
I walked to the front of the stage and went into another realm of playing. I created a brighter tone as my hand danced up and down the neck. I gave one final stroke with the bow and walked closer to the amp to create feedback, creating a loud screech, transitioning into the end of the song. I threw my bow into the crowd and took the pick from my mouth went back into the main riff of Dazed and Confused with the rest of the band.
 Asa took a mini drum solo at the end and absolutely nailed it. To finally finish it all off we all went crazy with our instruments, Matt just screamed into the mic, Eli just smacked his strings over and over, Asa lost it with the drums, and I went into a final wild solo. We all looked at each other and mentally counted down, ending the song together. The crowd erupted with cheers and we made our way off the stage, all of feeling exhausted and covered head to toe in sweat, but proud of our performance. 
The moment I got off stage I ran to Jake, and he quickly engulfed me in his arms, only staying there for a moment before he pulled away. He kept me at arms length minimum when he rained compliments onto me.
“Y/N that was absolutely fantastic! Oh my god that spin made us all lose our minds! You have to teach me. I didn’t know you could do all that, and that solo on Dazed and Confused? Phenomenal, I say something in you change.”
“Thank you so much! Speaking of that, Jake. I've got to talk to you.”
He didn’t seem to think too much about that last comment, he seemed rushed.
“Of course, love. Later alright? We go on right after you and Josh will actually kill me if I’m late.” 
“Yeah I totally understand. Go hurry, I can't wait to see you guys go on.”
He gave me a tight hug before speed walking to one of the dressing rooms.
Nerves grew within me when I realized I had two big conversations to have.
Speaking of which, I guess I should do damage control, coked out me is a bit impulsive.
Finding a quiet spot was weirdly hard, I mean we were in a literal desert. But I turned on my phone, not checking my notifications. I just went straight to my contacts and dialed Sams number.
He took longer to pick up then normal. Weird.
“ What’d you do this time?”
“Well hello to you too.”
“Well you only call me when you know you screwed up, like with Jimmy Page.”
I let out a long sigh, dread building in me. “Did you watch my show?”
He obviously has not.
“ I caught the end of it, You really only looked back stage, was jimmy page there.”
That anger was building up again, he didn't even mention the actual show.
“ Listen Sam about that-”
He cut me off  “Oh so you are fucking him?”
“Sam just shut the fuck up!” 
The line went quiet, and surprisingly stayed quiet.
“Sam I can't do this anymore.” My voice slightly shaking with every word.
“Y/N no, I-” His tone was different than any he’d used over this week. His words were panicked, I actually don't ever think I've heard him like this.
“No Sam, I don't want this anymore. You treat me like garbage, you don't trust me, and you don’t respect me. So this is done.”
He got louder, his tone even more panicked before. I think he might have been crying. 
“You don't have to do this! I'll stop, I-I’ll stop everything! I will do anything you want me to… Just please stay.”
“You know that's not what will happen.” I said slowly, I was practically hanging my head in shame.
“Y/N please.” 
“ Please move out before I get home, you have a week or so. Im sorry, Sam.” and with that I hang up. 
 I was practically whispered at that point. I wasn't disappointed in myself, but it was shitty of me to do it over the phone. The way I handled it all was shitty.
What pulled me out of mood was josh voice talking over the PA and Jake guitar ringing through the air. I booked it as fast as I could to the venue so I could see their whole show. I pushed respectively pushed through some random workers and crew, but I made to the wings just in time.
The moment got their parked myself as close I could, wanting to see everything. I caught Jake’s eyes when I got there and he almost seemed relieved. He gave me a warm smile, then refocused on the song “The Cold Wind.”
The show was absolutely phenomenal. They all killed it, Josh with his wailing, Sams bright bass lines, Jake perfect guitar work, and of course, Danny who held it all together perfectly. 
I danced and sang along with what I knew, Which was admittedly sparse. I didn't stop until I heard “Black Flag Exposition” which put me in a trance, I just couldn't focus on anything else. 
I know I heard it just yesterday but this is something else. His emotion bled through his music, he created magic that night. Which bled right into “Watching Over,”and he pulled the over the shoulder solo. It was uh… quite the spectacle.
 I danced and watched as long as I could, but before I could see the end of When the curtain falls I was dragged away by a roadie.
 I was given my guitar and attached to the bluetooth system. They worked fast, getting me through a small soundcheck as quickly as possible. After they just placed me right back where I was before to await my que. 
The moment I got there I heard Josh give a small speech to the crowd, and it was the sweetest thing I’d ever heard.
“I love you all! We are here to celebrate Life, love, and music. Where there is love, we must celebrate it, All of us! And Where there is no love we must provide it. That's what we are to do tonight. Now we have one last song, and one more person to spread the love with. Give it up for Miss Y/N Y/LN!”
With my guitar in hand I made my way to my spot on stage between Josh and Jake, the mic stand already set up. 
“We took a lot of time to think of the perfect song you guys, and we decided on the one song that can make anyone fall in love. Enjoy.”
Jake and I started the solo to “Annie's Song”  together, even though we didn’t have acoustics we still sounded beautiful. 
Josh came in, but instead of his normal higher pitched voice, he used his lower register which still blew me away even though we practiced for hours yesterday. With Sam on the Keys it all was enough to make me cry. 
When we got to the chorus Jake and I Stepped up to the mic to harmonize with Josh, but the crowd decided to join in. It was absolutely transcendent
. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Jake, and the smile off of my face. Hearing the crowd sing along with us, singing with my friends, and finally feeling free, I couldn't help but let a tears flow down my cheeks.
We stepped back to let Josh sing again, and Jake seemed to notice the tears and gave me the sweetest smile he could. All the love in the room was truly moving me. For the last chorus josh asked the crowd to sing along again and as loud as they could. 
As Jake and I sang we stole glances from each other, the smiles not breaking from either of our faces. Something in me finally settled, I really was truly free. 
Josh sang the final note, and we finished off the song by giving a final strum to a G chord together. As quickly as it began it had ended and suddenly walking off stage, finding myself without a guitar and being wrapped into another from jake. 
I instantly could smell his cologne on him, stronger than anything else. My skin burned where he touched me, I was buzzing with adrenaline, and I wanted nothing more than to just stay there.
Without pulling away he whispered “That really was something, huh?”
“It really was, Jake.” I sniffled.
He gently pulled away, but didn't move me from his arms. Instead of saying anything he brought his hand to my cheek and gently wiped away my tears. I looked up to him with eyes full of emotion. A lopsided smile adorned his face, and I swore his eyes were full of stars.
His hand was warm on my face, and continued to gently stroke my cheek. 
“You're beautiful, you know that?” I blurted out, still with a soft tone. Our eyes never left each others. 
His smile grew at the comment and he seemed to drift closer to me, heat radiating off him. 
“ The same could easily be said for you, little Bird.” 
I reached up and brushed his hair out of his face, my fingers moving from the tucked hair behind his ear to the back of his neck, delicately entangling them in his hair. 
I glanced down to his mouth, his lips partially open, pink and plush, astonishingly beautiful. I met his eyes again, searching, trying to find an incentive to move forward. He looked at me with the same expression, something of desperation and a softness read through him.
I moved painfully slow, pulling him closer to me, the same scent from before coming back to me. I put my other hand on his bare chest, inching closer to him. He kept his hand on my face, but moved his other to my lower back. My whole body was buzzing, wanting to move closer.
My eyes fell to his face for a moment, he drifted closer to me, our noses bumped one another.
I held my breath in anticipation, waiting for the moment to come. 
I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes and pushed forward,  my lips meeting his, my warmth pushing against his. I was slowly engulfed into the warmth of his body, fleeting touches, the both of us finally emotionally letting go. When he kissed back I felt my blood rushing through my body, my heart rate rapidly increasing,  I could feel his beat just as hard against my hand. He pulled me closer to him, and I ran my hand from his chest to his neck, desperately trying to feel as if we were one. 
Both of us were heavily breathing through our noses, not wanting to break away from the rhythm we had created. Our hearts beat in tandem, our hands creating a pace, and our lips moving together in tandem. Creating a New Tune, something in our spirits becoming one for a small, fleeting moment. 
We both pulled away, leaning our foreheads against each other, breath heavy, and our hands unmoving.
“I've been wanting to do that all week” He weakly laughed out.
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