#I lowkey forgot abt the getting drunk beforehand part
i-hate-boyfs · 4 years
not about boyfs, but i've seen you address chloe being a sexual assaulter on this blog before and let me say that her immediately having sex with jake afterward leaves a bad taste in my mouth. like, personally i don't interpret her and jake fucking That Way but the fact that there's a bit of evidence pointing to it, and it's valid to interpret it that way, really makes me dislike chloe as a person and as a character.
prefacing this as im abt to post is that i thought while typing up my response and so i lowkey went completely around and out of the box.
ohhhh yeah i think it’s canon that they did bang at the party (im p sure christine says something to either jake or jeremy? i read the two river script we have once or twice but lmk if i have it entirely wrong) but y e a h that’s just..... Yike on a Bike. 
like chloe’s drunk and all but that excuse isn’t applicable once you sexually assault someone, HOWEVER we must acknowledge that it was unknowingly; the squip Would Have made Jeremy say yes if chloe had asked and the squip did hold him down and make him quit protesting, we have to remember the squip when we talk abt dywh which ill admit ive forgotten to do on this blog. but chloe had no idea he wasn’t into it... but she was trying to steal brooke’s boyfriend.
so back to the scene chloe thinks she’s stealing brooke’s boyfriend and she’s jealous of brooke. she tries to fuck jeremy and jeremy ends up seemingly being into it for a bit and then running when jake breaks the window. jake and chloe then fuck.
are Chloe’s actions excusable? n o not one bit. but ive forgotten to remember the squips part in what happened and chloe’s side is the side that the fanfom focuses on, so i am a victim of that. which kinda makes me think.... if this fandom cared at all about its female characters and exploring them i think it would heavily villainise Chloe???
 im not saying You’re villianising chloe, anon, nor that of all the characters she did the second most bad stuff (second only to the squip) and so if anyone should be villianised is Her but the entire narrative is about what cHLoe did, not the evil supercomputer, and i followed the metaphorical ‘leader’ in my talking abt what chloe did.... and now that I’ve typed this all out im kinda on her side??? did Not expect this answer to go this direction.
allow me to explain a little more on ‘‘would the fandom villainise chloe.” why did i not say we already do (i mean lowkey clearly we do but). i said Would because in fics, it’s either pinkberry (RaReLy with a chloe redemption arc beforehand) or it’s her in the background of the squip squad, and a smattering of fics where she’s the main character and a couple more where she actually gets a redemption arc. not many ppl actually care much to do more than to give her 3 lines in a squip squad fic w/ boyfs. if the fandom actually cared abt writing abt the female characters? 
i think, hands down, chloe would be the evil evil monster, maybe even a la christine in meant to be yours. 
but the fact that ive now spent like half an hour typing this out about how hey wait a minute why have i never mentioned the squip because i and the rest of the fandom have forgotten about his hand in the whole thing is Not Okay and it’s a symptom of a larger problem, in my opinion, where female characters have the narrative tweaked slightly (jenna and nobody ever mentioning how lonely she is and she being degraded to ‘the gossip queen’ comes to mind) and then shoved in the background of a fic about boyfs.
should chloe have to apologise and regret what she did when she finds out? absolutely. is jeremy’s trauma any less valid? no to the hell. he has every right to be angry at her, too. but the fact that even i, tumblr user i-hate-boyfs, forgot about a bit part of the story in dywh just goes to show how much this fandom loves its girl characters. 
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