#I mean I'm assuming we're now going to watch Egghead wrap up nicely and then cut to whatever the fuck happened with Buggy's mutiny
moongothic · 5 months
You know I do feel like I talk and speculate about Crocodile's goals and the Cross Guild plotline a lot more than I should
But then again, last we heard of that plotline was in chapter 1082, which released in fucking May of 2023. Nearly HALF of the 21 chapters that have released since have been exclusively dedicated to a flashback that has not moved the plot forward one bit either, meaning we're not even CLOSE to getting to a break in the story where we can cut back to Cross Guild either to see what's happening
So perhaps my derangment is a bit more justified than I gave myself credit for. IT'S BEEN OVER NINE MONTHS SO FAR AND IT'S GONNA BE A FEW MORE STILL
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